Our inept, disgraceful president

The purpose of this commentary is not to review the polls pointing to the fact that Americans believe our country is headed in the wrong direction and that the president gets poor grades for his handling of key issues.  And it isn’t necessary to remind you that his honesty and trustworthiness have been questioned or that he was recently ranked the worst president since World War II.

The Comedian in the White House

I’m asking you to look back over most of the men who have held the high office.  Like me, I think you would find it difficult to visualize them doing what we see the man-child currently in office doing.

We’ve seen him making jokes on The View, the Daily Show or one of the late-night talk shows, and when we are in the middle of a crisis, he flies off to play golf with a campaign fund bundler or attend a fundraiser or two.


In a speech designed for the “takers,” President Obama delivers a kind of comedian’s monologue, filled with lines to generate applause and laughter lines from UT students in Austin.

But it’s more than that.  During his recent non-photo-op at the Paramount Theater in Austin, TX before adoring students, our president exhibited a shameful arrogance while delivering his speech more  like a comedian’s monologue.  Click here if you would like to see a brief example.  You can see the entire speech here.

Just as in his recent Minneapolis appearance, his speech focused on topics in his so-called opportunity agenda – equal pay, workplace flexibility, overtime pay and other issues of interest to the “takers.”  All designed to generate applause and/or laughter from the low-information crowd.

Word is that President Obama intends to stay in Washington DC at the conclusion of his term in office.  Perhaps MSNBC will give him his own comedy show.