The failure of big government, Part 2

In my last series of posts, I told you about eight days (Nov. 3 – 11) of events that were clear evidence of the failure of President Obama’s big government scheme.

imagesI posted the first four pieces on those events, beginning on Nov. 3, with the election eve Fast & Furious document dump. The repudiation of Obama’s policies in the Nov. 4, mid-terms, and the Gallup poll in which voters said they wanted Republicans, by a 17-point margin, to lead the nation.

On Nov. 5, an arrogant president was in denial over the meaning of the election and touted a flourishing economy. Then, on Nov. 10 and 11, tapes of how big government Democrats deceived Americans with ObamaCare, its radical health insurance plan, referring to the “stupidity” of voters.

In this post are the remaining news events of the eight-day period to further point to the failure of Obama’s transformation of America.

Special Interests Failed Democrats

Steyer (

Billionaire Tom Steyer was a big loser in the mid-terms as his PAC contributed some $65 million in a losing cause. (

Two special interest groups lost big on Nov. 4.  Unions were dealt a major blow as they failed to help Democrats hold the Senate, while Republicans increased its hold on the House.  They were also unsuccessful in ousting Republican governors in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Florida.

Billionaire Tom Steyer’s PAC, NextGen Climate Action Committee, spent $65 million in support of environmental candidates.  The bulk of the funds were in losing causes where four Democrat senators and three gubernatorial candidates went down in defeat.

IRS and Benghazi Scandals

Emerging from the GOP win in November was the good news that the party would continue to pursue the Obama administration’s corrupt use of the IRS to attack political targets and the Benghazi cover-up.   Two members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, who have been relentless in the effort to tie the White House to the IRS scandal, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan and Utah Rep. James Chaffetz, are expected to vie for the chairmanship.

South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, who is heading up the special committee on Benghazi, announced his committee will begin its hearings next month and expects to bring in cooperative witnesses to get to the bottom of this scandal.


Rumors abound that President Obama will, by executive order, provide amnesty to some five million illegals before the end of the year as he continues his big government agenda to go it alone despite warnings from the GOP.  It’s what you would expect from a president who faithfully follows Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up,” states Rule #8, “Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance.”

Here’s to the 114th Congress

GOP Stampede