More Benghazi revelations in Clinton e-mails

The terrorist shooting in San Bernardino gave the media another opportunity to provide cover for Hillary Clinton and the latest bombshells on Benghazi.

However, thanks to FOX and a couple of conservative papers, the word is on the street and will certainly find its way to the Select Committee on Benghazi and future debates.

Not only did we learn that there were forces preparing to move to Benghazi just hours after the attack began, Clinton apparently missed a meeting on sensitive intelligence items, including the Presidential Daily Brief (PDB), because she slept late on the Saturday following the Benghazi attack.

JeremyBBash-hs  (

Jeremy Bash’s e-mail on forces ready to go to Benghazi failed. (

“After consulting with General Dempsey, General Ham and the Joint Staff, we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak,” wrote then DOD Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash to State Department leadership, including Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff Jacob Sullivan and Wendy Sherman, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.

“Assuming principals agree to deploy these elements, we will ask State to procure the approval from host nation,” wrote Bash. Approval from Libya?  Seriously?

The “forces” were never deployed, and you may recall that then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta later claimed that time, distance and fast moving events on the ground prevented a response.

It’s apparent that it was convenient for the administration to view the attack as a protest over an anti-Islamic video concocted by Clinton and her cohorts at State.


Clinton aide Monica Hanley (

Moving now to the second revelation that came out of the Clinton e-mails.

At 9:17 a.m. on that Saturday, aide Monica Hanley e-mailed Clinton alerting her that the briefer (Dan) would be at the meeting with the PDB to cover “some sensitive items.” At 10:43 a.m., Clinton responds to Hanley, “I just woke up so I missed Dan.  Could he come back after I finish my calls?”

It shows how casually Clinton viewed the Benghazi attack. Why not, she has already placed the blame on “the video,” and Susan Rice was going on the Sunday morning news shows to sell the story, because “She would rather die than do them (the Sunday shows).  She hates them,” according to an aide.

Those “calls” she referred to in her e-mail to Hanley included leaders of Egypt, Israel, France, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Turkey. It can only be assumed that since she slept through the intelligence briefings, she fed the “it was the video” story to them.

Two days later, Clinton continued to refer to the “awful Internet video” in her remarks upon the return of the bodies of our ambassador and three other Americans, victims of the Benghazi attack.

It is incumbent on us to remind voters of Hillary Clinton’s incompetence. (

So, Clinton’s e-mail controversy continues drip, drip, drip.

The FBI is conducting an investigation into Clinton’s e-mails, but we must continue to remind voters that she not be allowed to escape punishment and be elected to the office of the presidency.