President Obama pits black on black feud over EPA’s Clean Power Plan

With the Paris conference on climate change behind them, the Obama administration has enlisted the help of Martin Luther King III to help them sell the black community on the importance of the president’s Clean Power Plan.

cartoon-climate-disruption Ramirez

(Cartoon courtesy Ramirez/IBD)

In doing so, the president and King are taking on the National Black Chamber of Commerce, a group that took a position against the Clean Air Plan just six months ago.

While Harry C. Alford, CEO of the chamber, has stated that the Clean Air Plan will lead to lost jobs, lower incomes and higher poverty rates for the 128 million blacks and Hispanics, King says the opposite is true.

“Under my plan of cap and trade, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” – Barack Obama, January 2008

The plan will lead to some $500 billion in higher annual electricity costs by 2030, when the it will be fully implemented.  “With blacks and Hispanics spending a larger share of their incomes on energy than whites, the burden of higher costs will fall hardest on minorities,” according to Alford, who estimates a 23 percent increase in black poverty.

I find it interesting that blacks of financial means, like King, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, are willing to give the president a pass on his failure on the jobs front as black unemployment has hit new highs.

Unable to refute Alford’s estimates on economic impact, King chose to use the climate change propaganda that by limiting carbon dioxide emissions, the Plan will slow extreme weather patterns that have already “inflicted widespread economic damage and human misery, including death.”  He cites how Hurricane Katrina devastated the largely African-American community there.

As I have written earlier, the EPA is forcing the states to do the dirty work by requiring them to submit plans that meet the agency’s drive to shut down reliable plants; the result of which will be higher electric bills and a worsening economic picture for minorities.

To support the president’s plan to shut down coal plants, King states that 39 percent of the six million Americans who live within 30 miles of a power plant are people of color.

President Obama, who has a record of lying to voters on every issue he chooses to support, often referred to his “all of the above” energy plan.  All except coal.

“If someone wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can, it’s just that it will bankrupt them.” – Barack Obama, January 2008

Hopefully, a Republican president elected this fall will put the brakes on Obama’s rogue EPA, and recognize that climate change is cyclical and efforts to cut carbon dioxide emissions will, as the agency has conceded, will have a minimal effect on earth’s temperature.

Meanwhile, the president’s decision to pit one black group against another will continue to be a joy to watch.

Faithful readers of this blog are aware of my position on climate change and the EPA’s Clean Power Plan.  To refresh your mind, simply click on the subject under “Topics” on the right.