Hillary mocks Trump’s view of the plight of blacks

“Dwayne Wade’s cousin shot dead while pushing her baby in stroller on South Side.”– Chicago Tribune, Aug. 27, 2016

There stood Hillary Clinton, speaking before a predominantly white audience in Reno, Nev. this week, scoffing at Donald Trump’s comment that “you walk down the street and get shot, and mocking his description of black communities  in insulting terms – “poverty, horrible education, no housing, no homes, no ownership, high crime levels.”  Two days later the above headline appeared in the Chicago Tribune.

Yet again, Hillary Clinton’s fawning media gave high praise to her speech; one in which she was originally going to tell us how much she believed in small business became a frontal attack on Donald Trump as a racist.  In the process they missed, or chose to ignore, her ironic choice of references that tell us more about her narcissistic character.

“How can he (Trump) serve all Americans?” she asked the audience, “I know that some people still want to give Trump the benefit of the doubt. They hope that he will eventually reinvent himself, that there’s a kinder, gentler, more responsible Donald Trump waiting in the wings somewhere. But here’s the hard truth. There is no other Donald Trump.”

She dipped into the many quotations of Maya Angelu, who Hillary would have you believe she has “admired very much.” You remember Angelu, don’t you? She read that not so memorable poem – A Rock, A River, A Tree – at Bill’s 1993 inauguration. Still don’t remember? Hmmmm.


(Graphic courtesy of printerest.com.)

Hillary chose another “memorable” Angelu quote – “The first time someone shows you who they are believe them.” She followed that saying, “Donald Trump has shown us exactly who he is, and I think we should believe him.”

Recognizing Hillary’s arrogant, self-absorbed attitude, you can imagine she chose that quote never thinking how it might also apply to her. No comment from the media.

Then, in an attempt to paint Trump as a racist, she dug up a decades-old incident accusing Trump of marking apartment rental applications with a “C” for colored.  He certainly didn’t personally do this.

Meanwhile, Hillary’s media puppets ignored her use of the code, for it was a “C” on those classified e-mails that she chose to ignore, 110 times according to FBI Director James Comey.

Weigh the significance. A “C” on an apartment rental document versus a “C” ignored on documents affecting national security.

She ignored Trump’s view of black communities and instead talked of the “success of black leaders, the vibrancy of black-owned businesses and the strength of the black church.” It’s obvious she wants to avoid talking about the real problems in minority communities.

Trump is seeking the votes of minorities, telling them like it is, saying that since Hillary is only interested in their vote, “what the hell to you have to lose voting for me?”

I don’t think Trump would ever use an Angelu quote, but if he did he might choose this one fitting Hillary – “Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”

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