It’s Time to Pull the Plug on Outlandish Radical Democrat Climate Change Spending


“The rapidly rising federal debt will cause substantially more damage to the U.S. economy in coming years than climate change,” stated the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office on Monday.

It’s a provocative statement that should make Democrats reconsider their climate-centered agenda, and be a wake-up call to the Harris-Walz campaign. While Vice President Harris is likely to build on that of the Biden administration, she has refrained from any detailed policy discussion.

Recall that she cosponsored the Green New Deal in 2019 and has fully supported Biden’s falsely-named Inflation Reduction Act, with its multi-trillion dollars of subsidies for uneconomic projects.

With Tim Walz’s selection as a running mate, Harris picked a climate zealot, who last year signed a law in Minnesota mandating that 100 percent of the state’s electricity come from carbon-free sources by 2040.

He’s so cock sure electricity will be there.  With one coal fired plant already shut down and second one to be closed by 2026, Walz is moving to close down its largest power station by the end of this decade.

Seemingly, Minnesotans haven’t heard of “what if?”  When subzero temperatures whip across the upper Midwest and the Great Lakes, the people of Minnesota, Illinois and Michigan, all with mandates, will be asking each other for power that doesn’t exist.

Although it got little media coverage, last month the Biden administration launched a new climate initiative called, “Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution Across America,” containing $4.3 billion in grant money.

The grants will fund projects supporting the deployment of technologies and programs to reduce greenhouse gases and other harmful pollutions.

Laughingly, the initiative was compared to Mao’s 1958 “Great Leap Forward,” his five-year plan to catapult China’s economy from backwardness into modernity, but was disastrous to the Chinese. So bad, it was repealed by early 1960.  Some 20 million people were estimated to have died of starvation between 1959 and 1962.

“The good news,” writes Frances Menton, “the latest Biden program is a lousy $4.3 billion. Big, yes, but still not much more than a rounding error in the federal budget.

“I expect we will escape the fate of China in the 1950s,” Menton muses, “but we can’t be sure until the climate crazies are defeated.”

Yet, I understand that “climate,” or “clean energy” are mentioned no less than 141 times, including a seven-page chapter devoted to climate solutions, in the Democrat Party platform, with the help of Evergreen Actions, an activist group.

Sales of electric vehicles are sluggish because people simply don’t want them, and charging station construction is behind schedule due to regulation red tape. Then there’s the reports of increased costs in energy bills across the nation.

While a number of those wind farms slated for waters off the east coast have been delayed or cancelled, a recent turbine failure off the coast of Massachusetts resulted in chunks of one of the 350-foot-long blades crashing into the ocean and washing ashore.

Biden’s 2030 goal for increasing the capacity of wind generation will be missed, like his other green energy goals.

We are at a point where even the experts are beginning to acknowledge that the transition of “net zero” is a fantasy that will not occur.  In addition to taxpayer concern over high costs, investors are realizing financial payoff on projects simply isn’t there.  Reportedly, J.P. Morgan Chase and State Street have pulled funds from some climate programs.

Voting Republican is the Answer

Aside from the taxpayer angst that has been rising over chasing the climate change fantasy, the CBO’s revelation on the debt should be enough to convince voters to return to energy independence, promised by former President Trump.

“To say climate change is the biggest threat to humanity is absolutely insane,” said Wiliam Perry Pendley, who served as acting director of the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management in the Trump administration.

Trump, a business man, understands that energy independence, or “drill baby, drill,” and “liquid gold under our feet,” as he casts it, is the catalyst for turning our economy around.  Politicians and bureaucrats fail to see the value of fossil fuels in our lives.

Of course, a Republican sweep in November’s election will remove roadblock in rolling back the Biden-Harris climate plan.  And, too, with the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Chevron deference, bureaucrats in energy and environmental protection will not be permitted to write regulations without legislative approval.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.