Writing off Trump? Not So Fast


With just 81 days left, several political pundits, even some of the “friendly’s,” have gotten their pants (panties) in a wad recently over former President Trump’s campaign, seeing him on a path to losing again.

Even Gerard Baker, the long time Wall Street Journal columnist, who opined Tuesday, “Trump Is Looking Like a Loser Again.” 

Ironically, Trump is being lambasted for speaking to voters. His rallies, attended by as many as 100,000 in New Jersey and 20,000 in the Bronx, have become ho hum, rambling too long. 

Baker claims that about a third of his remarks were either false, obtuse or lunatic. That’s putting it on the line, but Baker reminds of Harris’s rambling about Venn diagrams, and the need to explain that AI stands for artificial intelligence.

“ … he rambles, he goes on too long, at his rallies, exchanges and at his presser, to where you get kinda bored, you lose the thread, you lose interest,” said Megyn Kelly on her show, adding “ Trump in 2016, he was tough to lose interest in.”

In a recap of Trump’s recent weeks by Max Burns’ opinion piece in The Hill, he asks “Is it finally game over for Donald Trump?” as he writes of leftists Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Swan of the New York Times taking pleasure in describing “the worst three weeks” (Harris’s honeymoon period) of Trump’s campaigns, with Harris and her VP selection winning over the media; claiming Trump was well aware that his moment is slipping away.

“Donald Trump has been a little off his game,” writes Joe Cunningham in RedState, “understandably since a lunatic attempted to take his life.”  Seeing an inconsistency in his messaging, with some talk about issues, but a lot of talk about people he has grudges with, like Brian Kemp, Georgia’s Republican governor and podcast host Joe Rogan.

“(Voters) need to feel confident that Trump is taking them seriously and will be focused on the issues they want to see resolved, writes Cunningham, a “friendly.”

“Trump supporters know he will; be, but Trump needs more than his base if he wants to win.  He needs the swing voters, and they remain unconvinced.  He’ll need to be on-point the entire time he’s speaking and not get too districted.”

In past editions, I have advised Trump not to talk about the “rigged” or “stolen” election of 2020, remind voters what you did for them in your term and what you aim to accomplish if you win to restore America from the ruins of the Biden-Harris administration.

It was a mistake to question Harris’s heritage. Cute nicknames for various Democrats are fine, but he needs to stop the insults.

“It’s fewer insults and more insights,” said Kellyanne Conway, a close advisor to Trump cleverly put it in a recent interview with Fox Business anchor Larry Kudlow.

“He’s got the hunger, swagger, underdog, underestimated of 2016 back, Larry, and you overlay that with the four-year presidential record where we did have growth, we have wage growth, we had low unemployment and the whole nine that you and I know.

It’s Not Over Yet

While it wasn’t without criticism from the left, Trump’s two-hour conversation with billionaire Elon Musk on “X” (Twitter) drawing 149 million views, bigger than the national TV audience for the Super Bowl.

The whiners on the left are screaming foul, claiming Musk permitted misinformation to go out on “X”.

The left simply doesn’t want the American public to decide what to believe.

While most of the leftist media paid little attention to the event, Charlie Gasparino of Fox Business wrote @CGasparino: “Yes, lots of GOP consternation over Donald Trump slipping in the polls.  The MSM is still actively working to elect his opponent Kamala Harris.  But thanks to Elon Musk the social media field has been leveled. Because of that Trump has more than a good chance to win.”

“X is one platform that isn’t working overtime to either ignore, misrepresent, or drown out Trump’s campaign message,” wrote the black conservative journalist Jennifer Oliver O’Connell in RedState.

“Much to their chagrin, with this “X” interview, Trump[ has blown a hole through their propaganda wall and reached past to voters that they had no idea existed.”

Back to Gerard Baker

After ripping Trump over more than half his column, Baker asked, “Why did he win in 2016?  Because he was new and up against the most tediously familiar and disliked politician in America.  Even then, he only squeaked past Hillary Clinton.”

While he sees Trump as the same man in 2024, he seems to view Harris as “a seasoned hard-liner with extreme views” with a “blank slate,” a more formidable opponent.

Remember, Trump is a fighter.  He’s far from finished, and you better hope so.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.