Dershowitz on Stone arrest … those ignorant journalists … from the mouths of leftists … Gov. Cuomo and anytime abortions … minimum wage job cuts … the parallel between the Covington kids’ encounter and Kavanaugh hearing … illegal wants pledge changed … blacks introduced to Blexit … liberal group attacks GOP senators … and non-citizen voters in Texas

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

DERSHOWITZ ON STONE ARREST – You can count on Attorney Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard Democrat who voted for Hillary, to give an honest opinion and again laid it out following the ridiculous pre-dawn arrest of Roger Stone:

“It’s a typical Mueller indictment – very, very heavy on stories, stories involving collusion and Wikileaks, but the indictment itself all relates to obstruction of justice, tampering of witnesses. In other words, crimes that occurred as a result of the investigation. This is typical of Mueller. He has found almost no crimes that occurred before he was appointed special counsel.   He was appointed special counsel to uncover crimes that already occurred. He has virtually failed in that respect in every regard.”

With all of the dislike for Tom Brady and the Patriots, don’t be surprised if someone wants this cap banned. (Courtesy

THOSE IGNORANT JOURNALISTS, who proclaimed that those Make America Great Again caps worn by the Covington, Kentucky Catholic school boys as symbols of hate that should be banned, fail to recognize that the caps are protected by the First Amendment, which also protects their freedom of speech, or of the press – the amendment they are always quick to defend.

That same amendment protects our religious freedom, being exercised by those boys, who were in Washington to participate in the Right to Life March.

FROM THE MOUTHS OF LEFTISTS – During a shameful appeal for the black vote, Sen. Bernie Sanders tells an MLK audience, “I must tell you, it gives me no pleasure to tell you that we now have a president of the United States who is a racist.”

“We have to reject … the powerful voices who are trying to sow hate and division among us,” said Sen. Kamala Harris while announcing her candidacy for president in 2020, after calling the 136-year-old, 2 million-strong Catholic Knights of Columbus organization an extremist group. And she says she can unify the country.

Speaking to an audience of Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) referred to President Trump in KKK terms as the “Grand Wizard of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”

Jen Psaki, who landed a job with CNN after her pathetic performance as spokesman for the Clinton-Kerry state department, gleefully offered “no one’s going to cry if Roger Stone goes to jail.”

When Whoopi Goldberg brought up the rush to judgement regarding the Covington, Kentucky teenagers and their encounter with a Native American on ABC’s The View, Joy Behar was eager to suggest it was “because we’re desperate to get Trump out of office.”

Kirsten Powers was one of the many talking heads who leaped to accuse the Covington teenagers of provoking the Native American as she tweeted @KirstenPowers: “Amazing how many people automatically take the word of high school boys over a Vietnam vet and elder.”

Probably the most pathetic words came from NBC’s Soledad O’Brien @soledadobrien: “Goals 2019. Still singing my song and pounding my drum, regardless of who’s doing what in front of me. Steadfast in the face of intimidation – and still going calmly about my way. Thank you Nathan Phillips, Omaha elder and Vietnam Vet, for the inspiration.”

By now you know that Phillips never served in Vietnam and went AWOL three times while serving with the Marines in the U.S. At 63 years of age is not an elder. And that on the evening of the Lincoln Memorial encounter, 20 Native American protestors, lead by Phillips, tried to enter the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception during evening mass.

NEW YORK VYING FOR “SIN STATE” TITLEWhen New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law the “Reproductive Health Act,” he not only cleared the way for abortions anytime with the phony claim “to protect a patient’s life or health,” he removes criminal penalties for abortion. Under the act, late-term abortions become legal and can be performed by non-doctors.

NEW YORK’S $15 MINIMUM WAGE law that took place on December 31, 2018, requires businesses employing 11 or more people to boost wages from $13 to $15 per hour. A restauranteur, appearing on the Fox Business Network this week told host Stuart Varney that the hike in the minimum wage in New York resulted in a necessity to cut 1,100 jobs in his restaurants over the past year.

A survey of 574 restaurants by the New York Hospitality Alliance revealed that 75 percent of full-service establishments plan to cut employee hours and 47 percent will eliminate jobs entirely.

DID YOU NOTICE how conservatives became so energized over the treatment of the Covington, Kentucky teenagers? Guy Benson drew a parallel between the Kavanaugh fight and the Covington encounter writing in Townhall, as did David French in National Review.

Primarily women, wives and mothers, witnessed how the left tries to destroy lives and reputations, regardless of evidence, for nakedly political and tribalistic reasons.

“That could be me,” or “that could be my husband,“ from the Kavanaugh hearings has become “that could be my son” as people reacted to the attack on the Covington teenagers, French explained,

“For all too many people, the truth doesn’t really matter,” wrote French, “You’re a symbol, not a person. When angry people cook that social justice omelet, they break eggs not with regret but with angry glee.”

AN ILLEGAL WANTS TO CHANGE PLEDGE of Allegiance. Cesar Vargas, a native of Mexico, who became the first undocumented lawyer in – where else? – New York, in 2015, wants our Pledge of Allegiance changed because it “has a history of racism.” Here’s his outrageously proposed rewrite:

“I pledge allegiance and love to our indigenous and immigrant heritage, rooted in the United States of America, to our civil rights for which we strive, one voice, one nation, for equality and justice for all.”

WANT TO SEE HOW MUCH ILLEGALS are costing you in your state.  Check out the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) website by CLICKING HERE and scroll down to the outline of the map of the United States.  Move your mouse to your state for the bad news.

HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT BLEXIT? No, Blexit, not Brexit. Blexit is a movement started by the black conservative activist Candace Owens in an effort to “free” black people from the hold of the Democrat Party. The Globe Theater in downtown Los Angeles was packed with enthusiastic participants on January 22, 2019, according to Benny Johnson of the Daily Caller

DID YOU SEE THE TV COMMERCIALS critical of six Republican senators during the shutdown? If you live in one of their states you probably did. You should be aware that they were paid for by Majority Forward, a Democrat nonprofit group aligned with Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York. Targeted were Senators Martha McSally (Arizona), Joni Ernst (Iowa), Susan Collins (Maine), David Perdue (Georgia), Cory Gardner (Colorado) and Thom Tillis (North Carolina).


NON-CITIZEN VOTING IN TEXAS UNCOVERED – A list of 58,000 people suspected to have voted despite being non-citizens is being forwarded to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for potential legal action, according to Jeremy Wallace of the Houston Chronicle. It is a felony to vote in Texas when you know you are not eligible.

                      May God bless the United States of America.