Lying Joe Scarborough … climate change … left coasters never surprise … the 9th Circuit Court … Moms for America … and Loesch nails AOC

 Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

HEY JOE: WERE YOU LYING THEN OR LYING NOW? – Joe Scarborough, who hosts MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” along with his wife, Mika Brzezinski, both brutal antagonists of the president since his election, surprisingly declared this week that he never heard President Trump utter a racist word in the 12 years that they were friends, according to Jessica Chasmar of The Washington Times.

“We saw him for 12 years behind closed doors,” said Scarborough. “Never, ever, once – I’ll say it under oath, I’ll put it into an affidavit – never once heard him say anything close to being racially insensitive,” he told former Trump aid Cliff Sims, who was on the show to promote his tell-all book.

Well, Joe, he may not have uttered a racist word in your presence, but in June 2016, you were concerned about Trump’s attack on U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, a Hispanic who was presiding over a case involving Trump University. You referred to it as a “clear act of racism.”

The Washington Post headlined a piece, “Joe Scarborough just went off on Donald Trump’s ‘racism,’” written by Callum Borchers on June 6, 2016.

Later that month, Elizabeth Zwirz of Fox wrote a piece, “MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough slams Trump and supporters as ‘openly racist.’” In it she said, “Scarborough leveled that people ‘cannot say, oh, I’m just supporting him because he’s giving them hell in Washington,’ No, he’s been openly racist, just like we said back in December 2015, openly racist.”

So, Joe … were you lying then or are you lying now?

CLIMATE CHANGE – While much of the northern tier of the country is suffering from extremely cold weather, meteorologists digging into the records are finding that those records are short-lived when you consider the cycles experienced over the Earth’s 4.6-billion-year history.

What they have found was a stark reminder that a colder world is a much greater threat than a warmer one. Every year, more people die from the cold than from the heat, according to Tom Harris and Dr. Tim Ball in PJMedia.

LEFT COASTERS NEVER SURPRISE – Have you heard that California’s Democrat Rep. Jackie Speier nominated Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the accuser of Judge Kavanaugh’s alleged sexual misconduct, to receive this year’s Profiles in Courage Award.

The award was created by the family of President Kennedy in 1989 to recognize and celebrate the quality of political courage that he admired most. The award recognizes a public official at the federal, state or local level whose actions demonstrate the qualities of politically courageous leadership in the spirit of Profiles in Courage, JFK’s book, in which he recounted stories of eight U.S. senators who risked their careers by embracing unpopular positions for the greater good.

I hope you will excuse my cynicism over the objective of this award that would, in 2009, honor Sen. Edward M Kennedy, who failed a test of courage in the waters of the Chappaquiddick Bridge. And, in 2017, the recognition of Barack Obama, “who upheld the highest standards of dignity, decency and integrity, serving not just as political leader, but a moral leader … “

That is not to say that the list of past recipients doesn’t include the names of a number of deserving Americans, it does, but to add the name of Blasey Ford to that list would be ludicrous and a disgrace.

(Originator unknown. I apologize.)

SPEAKING OF THE LEFT COAST – Of course, you’re familiar with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, the liberal-leaning court that oversees the West Coast, Alaska and Hawaii. You may not be aware that “West Coast” includes more than California. It also includes Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Nevada and Arizona.

President Trump, who, along with his policies has, been the target of the 9th, has named individuals for district court consideration, and three others to judgeships in the Central District of California.

California’s two Democrat Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris unsuccessfully sought consideration of a consensus list of possible nominees that wouldn’t dramatically shift the court’s ideological balance.

MOMS FOR AMERICA may not be familiar to you, but they should be, if not because the leftist opposition media is ignoring them. On Tuesday, the group hosted an event in Washington DC to give its version of the State of the Union.

“The conservative, every day, common sense moms of this nation are not being heard,” said Kimberly Fletcher, founder and president of Moms for America, “we have come here tonight to give them a voice.” She displayed 45,000 signed Declaration of Mothers cards, a call for action from Moms for America, she said is growing daily.

The organization of the Moms again dispels the myth of a “war on women” in the Republican Party. Recently, the Angels, a group of women who have suffered by the loss of a loved one, killed by illegal aliens, were invited to the White House.

Unlike Ann Coulter, who has a habit of criticizing the president, these women from America’s heartland don’t get the attention they deserve in the anti-Trump opposition media.

The Moms recorded a 40-minute video featuring several of its supporters. It isn’t a flashy production, but the words of those featured come from the heart. You can see it by CLICKING HERE.

SOCIALIST OCASIO-CORTEZ in an obvious attack on Howard Schultz, wrote @AOC: “Why don’t people ever tell billionaires who want to run for president that they need to ‘work their way up’ or that ‘maybe they should start with city council first?’”

To which, Dana Loesch responded @DLoesh: “Schultz grew up in the projects, was first in his family to go to college, and turned a tiny coffee shop into a multi-billion-dollar company. How much more should he ‘work his way up?’”

             May God bless the United States of America.