A dozen RINO senators are losers … Biden says he’s the most progressive … women uneasy with O’Rourke … Brennan wrong again … CNN the big ratings loser … and Bill Maher with advice for Dem pack

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

THE DELIBERATIVE DOZEN – This past week, 12 RINOS from the U.S. Senate, the organization they like to refer to as the world’s greatest deliberative body, voted against President Trump’s declaration of emergency; for what, a sudden concern about separation of powers. Geeesh.

Our dozen RINO senators don’t match up to the Dirty Dozen (dvdreleasedates.com)

I was reminded of the World War II movie, “The Dirty Dozen,” the story of 12 soldiers slated for life imprisonment or to be put to death, who are given an opportunity to have their sentences pardoned if they agree to be a part of a virtual suicide mission into German territory.

While the “Deliberate Dozen” weren’t facing death or life imprisonment, they couldn’t even summon the courage, or simple loyalty, to support the decision of the president, who was elected to protect our borders.

You need to know and remember the names of those weak-kneed senators, who say they are concerned about border security as caravan after caravan reach our border, and thousands are released to communities across the nation.

Of course, there’s the usual cast of fence-sitters, Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski; Kentucky’s Rand Paul; and Maine’s Susan Collins. They were joined by Utah’s Mitt Romney and Mike Lee; Tennessee’s Lamar Alexander; Florida’s Marco Rubio; Missouri’s Roy Blunt; Kansas’ Jerry Moran; Ohio’s Ron Portman; Mississippi’s Roger Wicker; and Pennsylvania’s Pat Toomey.

Yeah, yeah, I know, the RINOs tell us it wasn’t about the emergency on the border; they support the president on that. It was about the separation of powers issue. Well, they picked a lousy time to pick a fight on that.

Where were they when Trump’s predecessors declared states of emergency for that humanitarian crisis in Yemen, or halting of doing business with Burundi, or the restrictions placed on the bad actors of Nicaragua?

Meanwhile, the Border Patrol continues to plea for help with the surge in illegal crossings as Democrats and some of the media say there is no emergency.

The left-leaning New York Times, however, has reported our border is at a “breaking point, spiraling out of control,” and NPR recently noted that migrants are arriving in family units at a ten-year high.

As the president prepared to officially veto Congress’ attempt to stop him, Attorney General Bob Barr said, “your declaration of an emergency on the southern border was clearly authorized under the law and consistent with past precedent … solidly grounded in law.”

Reminding the group gathered for the signing, Barr spoke of emergencies we declared over political and humanitarian conditions in countries like Burundi, Sierra Leone and Belarus. “The crisis we’re dealing with today is right on our doorstep, and it presents a real clear and present danger to the American people,“ Barr stated.

The sad part of all this is that it didn’t have to come to this. While President Trump was keeping his promises, former Speaker Paul Ryan failed to follow through on his promise to deliver wall funding. The rest is history. The Democrats reclaimed the House. Obstruction followed. Then the shutdown. And here we are awaiting a court decision while the president presses forward.

BIDEN SUPPORTERS ARE CONCERNED that O’Rourke has moderate credentials and could take votes away from the moderate Biden. I don’t see it. All that O’Rourke espouses is radical left in nature – health care for all, climate change doomsday, higher taxes, and an assortment of pie-in-the-sky ideas. Perhaps Biden’s followers see him supporting those same issues.

Speaking in Delaware recently, Biden said, “I have the most progressive record of anybody running for the … (catching himself) anybody who would run.”

SPEAKING OF O’ROURKE – With the headline, “Beto O’Rourke’s Candidacy Is Already Making Women Uneasy,” Kimberly Truong, writing in New York magazine’s The Cut, cites the uneasiness in the manner in which O’Rourke’s announcement video didn’t include his wife. “Amy sits beside him on a couch, doing not much more than simply gazing at him in a show of support,” she writes.

Audrey Gelman writes @audreygelman: “I am so sick of wives being forced to silently gaze!!! Why even include her??? When I run for president my husband will be in the background feeding our cats.”

The there’s this from Bryce Covert, who writes @brycecovert: “Honest question: why did he make his wife sit silently next to him for the entirety of this video?”

FORMER CIA DIRECTOR turned MSNBC Trump basher and misinformation spreader, John Brennan, still searching for relevance, was proven wrong again. Appearing on MSNBC with Lawrence O’Donnell, he predicted that Special Counsel Robert Mueller would release his report on March 8. How long is that network going to keep Brennan on the payroll?

OVER AT THE OTHER LOSER, CNN, the ratings of the three cable news networks, are reviewed by @RoadMN, who writes: “It really is astonishing how bad CNN ratings are. It’s not just the fact that Fox News is stomping the crap out of CNN in prime time where, for example, Tucker Carlson’s audience (3.14 million viewers) is three times larger than Anderson Cooper’s (1.03 million). Carlson also tops MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow show 3.14 million to 1.88 million.

“The highest rated hour on CNN (Chris Cuomo’s show) has an audience of 1.11 million, which is not only dwarfed by Sean Hannity’s audience (3.3 million), but is also smaller than Fox & Friends, a morning show with 1.47 million viewers.’

CNN hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman get barely a half million viewers.

LIBERAL BILL MAHER was critical of Democrat presidential candidates choosing not to appear on Fox News Channel after DNC Chair Tom Perez refused to include Fox in its debate line-up. “You wanna be in the big leagues, but you refuse to ever play an away game? Republicans never shy away from coming on this show. The audience is against them and they don’t care … it’s an opportunity to expose people to your side of the story.”

                             May God bless the United States of America.