SPECIAL: The Inescapable Changing Climate

Two events Monday triggered a plan I have held for several months to present more of my thoughts on climate change. Here are my observations and opinions on this subject.

First, an article appearing in The Wall Street Journal’s special edition, “WSJ 130,” highlighting historical events it has covered since its 1889 debut, reminded me of doom and gloom articles I have covered over the years … from the New York Times and the cover of TIME.

“Low-Lying Lands Could Be Submerged By Climatic Disaster,” was the headline over a February 2, 1978 – yes, 1978 – piece recalled by the Journal. “Scientist Warns of Antarctic Temperature Rise Caused by Burning of Oil and Gas,” reads the subhead.

“A climatic disaster, triggered by the continued burning of oil and coal, could result in the submergence of much of Florida, Holland and other low-lying areas,” warned Ohio State University scientist John H. Mercer.

In recent months the Democrats running for president have all signed-on to the resident House bartender’s Green New Deal or their own version of it, predicting global warming doom in 12 years. Elizabeth Warren wants to “invest” $2 trillion in climate change, which she sees as an even bigger challenge than World War II.

Apology Joe Biden was a little late getting on board, but he announced a $1.7 “federal investment” plan to address climate change. You may recall that I once cautioned you to hold on to your wallet when you hear a Democrat suggesting an “investment” in something.

Secondly, President Trump’s Monday presentation in the White House, billed as America’s Environmental Leadership, was a revealing assemblage of his administration’s accomplishments that reflect impressively on his environmental stewardship.


Mary Neumayr, chairwoman of the Council of Environmental Quality, cited the improvements made so far under Trump’s watch, as did Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, who spoke of clean oceans and the additional federal land opened to Americans for recreational use, including fishing and hunting.

The New York Times, didn’t mention an environmental improvement until paragraph nine, when it gave the president back-handed credit for the 10 percent drop in greenhouse gas emissions, while referring to his continued support of coal.

As you might expect, the Times opened its coverage of the presentation with its further criticism of the president, referring to him as a climate change denier, pointing to his withdrawal from the Paris Accord, and his weakening of environmental regulations.

Withdrawal from the Paris Accord was a promise made and kept by Trump. President Obama committed $1 billion to the Accord, and contributed a half billion dollars just three days before leaving office. This is a blatant “in your face” act against Trump.

President Trump also followed through on repealing some 80 costly, business choking regulations of the Obama administration.

The Times also used the president’s Monday speech to claim that the event was organized by his political consultants, who saw his environmental record as weak among millennials and suburban women, and made a point of noting that he was flanked by two of his environmental officials, who are former industry lobbyists, with no mention of Mary Neumayr.

The Times also ignored the report of Coleen Roberts, Jackson County, Oregon commissioner, who reported on the importance of forest management in the prevention of devastating forest fires.

Kramerontheright wonders if those anti-Trump suburban women are aware that he has women working in this and other segments of his administration.

Democrats and the leftist Times would prefer, I think, the likes of activists Leonardo DiCaprio, Greta Thunberg and the faux scientist Bill Nye were advising the administration.

We often hear about the hundreds of scientists who have signed-on to the need to address climate change. Of course, they are the academics turned experts that are granted funds to produce questionable studies, and recommend wind and solar farm subsidies, carbon offset credits, “green” building codes. “Hardly anyone knows just how much money is spent on “climate research” every year, according to Steven Hayward of PowerLine.

I hope you understand that the complicit media scoops up their study results and publishes them to a believing liberal readership, uninformed of the facts. After a natural disaster, they suggest that it was caused by climate change. They follow with a media-sponsored survey on climate change. Surprise! The majority of Americans are convinced.

Surely, as one apocalypse after another passes, year after year with no disastrous result, one would think that these gullible souls would recognize that they have been taken.

In an attempt to lend credence to its negative coverage of Trump’s environmental record, the Times sought out presidential historian and anti-Trumper Douglas Brinkley to offer comment. “It is an utter farce for the president to talk about America’s environmental leadership, when he has been a champion of the polluters,” said Brinkley.

On Monday, the Trump administration’s EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler explained the president believes that the nation’s concern for clean air and water can be satisfied while his policy of growth and development of energy proceeds. Quite different than Obama, whose regulation-happy EPA greatly restricted land use for energy discovery, but also for our recreational use.

I understand the president will soon reveal his plan to rewrite the flawed café standards for automobile emissions. For years, auto manufacturers caved to the government’s emission mandate. I have to believe Trump will work with those automakers to develop common sense rules.

It is very important that you are aware of the Trump administration’s environmental record, if not for your own self-interest, but it will enable you to respond to your liberal friend’s uninformed BS. CLICK HERE to watch America’s Environmental Leadership event.

As noted in the title of this special report, climate change is inescapable. Over the years, records have shown that climate change is cyclical, not manageable, even with all of the billions we are being conned into “investing.”

               May God continue to bless the United States of America.