Obama administration continues pattern of lies

In my Oct. 1, 2014 post, It can all be traced back to President Obama, I called your attention to the ethically-challenged culture of the Obama White House, suggesting that his staffers and appointees merely follow his pattern of deceit.

It continues.

Yesterday we learned that Tony Blinken, the newly confirmed deputy secretary of state, openly lied during his confirmation hearing last month.… read more

Tape reveals Michigan’s Dingell saw ObamaCare as a means to “control the people”

The president’s promise that we could keep our doctor and our health insurance, and that premiums would be lower proved to be lies.  He illegally approved changes and granted waivers to the legislation.  And we learned that a billion dollars had been spent on the website, where personal security is still in question.

Rep. John Dingell (patdollard.com)

In a 2010 interview, Michigan’s Rep. John Dingell, cited ObamaCare as a means for controlling the people. (patdollard.com)

As if we didn’t have enough early evidence that ObamaCare was destined to be a failure. The revelations of recent weeks are even more damnable.

Most recently, a 2010 tape surfaced of Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) speaking of  ObamaCare on WJR’s Paul W. Smith Show in Detroit, during which he tells Smith that it takes a lot of hard work  and preparation to create a system that will “control the people.”  A big government socialist statement if I ever heard one.

Last month, Jonathan Gruber, one of the architects of the health insurance plan, referred to taxpayers as being stupid and praised the lack of transparency in the current administration.  And it’s all on tape. Continue reading

Alternative energy costing us billions

Typically, the average individual pays little attention when the EPA announces it’s  preparing to release new energy regulations as it did last month.  Figures on ppb (parts per billion), job equivalents, compliance costs, and the effect on gdp (gross domestic product) are lost on most of us.

I have a hunch, however, that the two accompanying headlines appearing in the past two days just might get their attention. When the cost of alternate energy production hits homeowners, they’ll begin to question the bill of goods promoted by big government.

WSJ HeadAR Head0019“Thirty years and billions of dollars later, the wind industry is still saying it needs taxpayer support,” according to the Wall Street Journal, as economic viability is still years off.  Wind energy lobbyists are seeking a renewal of the production tax credit, where taxpayers have, probably unbeknownst to them, contributed $7.3 billion over the past seven years.  I’m sure the wind power generator manufacturers and wind producers appreciate how gullible we are. Continue reading

Secret Service victim of leadership vacuum

While news of White House “fence jumpers” has disappeared from the media, I thought perhaps it was about time I conveyed my thoughts on the Secret Service.

I believe two factors I have addressed numerous times in this blog – poor leadership and big government – are the causes of the degradation of one of the most highly thought of organizations, the Secret Service.

In my Oct. 1, post, It can all be traced back to President Obama, I said, “You may be shocked by the current revelations of security screw ups by the Secret Service, but you shouldn’t be surprised, because it can easily be traced back to the culture in the White House.”

Dan Emmett. (Fopxnews.com)

Former Secret Service Agent Dan Emmett points to a lack of leadership as a cause in the degradation of the once respected agency. (foxnews.com)

Prior to the fence jumping incidents, former Secret Service Agent Dan Emmett, writing in the Washington Post, recalled a well-led agency with many of its top and mid-level supervisors coming from the armed forces.  “They managed and led by the ethos of military leadership, which dictates accomplishing the mission while taking care of those entrusted to them.  They expected much from their subordinates but know that they must set the example to follow,” he wrote.

“The Secret Service today is awash in managers, not leaders.  Many supervisors have little tangible or leadership experience, yet they are designated as managers on the basis of their titles or  long lists of schools attended,” Emmett explained. Continue reading

The failure of big government, Part 2

In my last series of posts, I told you about eight days (Nov. 3 – 11) of events that were clear evidence of the failure of President Obama’s big government scheme.

imagesI posted the first four pieces on those events, beginning on Nov. 3, with the election eve Fast & Furious document dump. The repudiation of Obama’s policies in the Nov. 4, mid-terms, and the Gallup poll in which voters said they wanted Republicans, by a 17-point margin, to lead the nation.

On Nov. 5, an arrogant president was in denial over the meaning of the election and touted a flourishing economy. Then, on Nov. 10 and 11, tapes of how big government Democrats deceived Americans with ObamaCare, its radical health insurance plan, referring to the “stupidity” of voters.

In this post are the remaining news events of the eight-day period to further point to the failure of Obama’s transformation of America. Continue reading

Big government health insurance a failure

Perhaps the biggest example of the failure of big government is ObamaCare.

From the beginning, ObamaCare was doomed. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was given carte blanche in this law that no one read. Her failed website ate a billion dollars of taxpayer funding.

Changes to the flawed health insurance scam were illegally made as subsidy complications have put some enrollees at risk of IRS penalties.… read more

Big government gun-running

On Nov. 3, 2014, the day before the mid-term elections, the Department of Justice did a document dump of some 64,000 pages, pertaining to Fast & Furious, to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

Obviously, the DOJ calculated the contents wouldn’t get pre-election coverage. Friday night document dumps have become common place for the “transparent”  Obama administration

Early reports indicate that Attorney General Eric Holder, who is in contempt of Congress, was clearly in the communications loop on the ill-advised gun running scheme; something he denied under questioning.… read more

The demise of big goverment

If ever there was a series of events to prove the fallacy of big government, you need only examine a handful of stories that have surfaced over the past eight days. Briefly, I will take you through these events with the next posts.

                                                              Voters’ Rejection

The election results of Nov. 4, represent a major repudiation of Obama’s big government policies.  … read more