While news of White House “fence jumpers” has disappeared from the media, I thought perhaps it was about time I conveyed my thoughts on the Secret Service.
I believe two factors I have addressed numerous times in this blog – poor leadership and big government – are the causes of the degradation of one of the most highly thought of organizations, the Secret Service.
In my Oct. 1, post, It can all be traced back to President Obama, I said, “You may be shocked by the current revelations of security screw ups by the Secret Service, but you shouldn’t be surprised, because it can easily be traced back to the culture in the White House.”
Former Secret Service Agent Dan Emmett points to a lack of leadership as a cause in the degradation of the once respected agency. (foxnews.com)
Prior to the fence jumping incidents, former Secret Service Agent Dan Emmett, writing in the Washington Post, recalled a well-led agency with many of its top and mid-level supervisors coming from the armed forces. “They managed and led by the ethos of military leadership, which dictates accomplishing the mission while taking care of those entrusted to them. They expected much from their subordinates but know that they must set the example to follow,” he wrote.
“The Secret Service today is awash in managers, not leaders. Many supervisors have little tangible or leadership experience, yet they are designated as managers on the basis of their titles or long lists of schools attended,” Emmett explained. Continue reading →