Kramer’s musings …

                                             Beware the advice of the opposition

“I think the Republicans are wasting their time using that (ObamaCare) as their electoral issue, and they will find that out.”  –  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

If the Democrats really believed that, do you think they would be telling us?  It reminds me of how they tell us if we agree to amnesty, Hispanics will vote Republican.

                                                … and speaking of Nancy Pelosi

Did you hear how she corrected a reporter who asked her a question about ObamaCare?  “It’s called the Affordable Care Act,” she said, and then repeated, “It’s the Affordable Care Act.”  Then she continued by saying, “That’s a case we have to make.  We’re grown ups.”  And when the reporter reminded her that even the president calls it ObamaCare, she told him, “I tell them the same thing I told you.”

Pelosi (Evan Vucci AP photo)

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi reminds reporter that it is the Affordable Care Act, not ObamaCare. (Evan Vucci AP photo)

As if that wasn’t clear enough in her mind, she went on as if she were a kindergarten teacher to say, “Affordable. Affordable.  There’s a reason.  Affordable.  Affordable.  Affordable.   Affordable.  Affordable.”  All this to make her point that Republicans refuse to use the official name because they know it is more affordable.  Nearly everyone knows that for the majority of people, the Affordable Care Act is not more affordable.  Premiums are up and deductibles are up.  Republicans should continue to use “ObamaCare” to hang this miserable program on its namesake. Continue reading

Inderstanding the IRS scandal, Part 4

KRAMER’S NOTE:  This is the last in my series on the IRS scandal, providing you with the milestone events in capsulized form, emphasizing the importance of completing the investigation.  The first three in this series can be found in the right column of this page.

The Clear Case Against Lois Lerner

“Tea Party matter very dangerous.  This could be the vehicle to go to court on the issue of whether Citizens United overturning the ban on corporate spending applies to tax exempt rules.”   – Lois Lerner e-mail of February 1, 2011

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Lois Lerner takes Fifth Amendment. ( photo)

When Lois Lerner made her second appearance before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on March 5, 2014, it was Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa’s intention to ask her about this statement. It goes back to her Oct. 19, 2010 declaration that the Supreme Court dealt a huge blow in its decision on Citizens United and “everyone is up in arms because the Federal Election Commission can’t do anything about it.”

Issa opened the testimony session asking Lerner to identify who wanted the problem caused by Citizens United fixed, and “why would you say Tea Party cases are dangerous?”  But Lerner, as she did on May 22, 2013, took the Fifth Amendment, refusing to answer that and subsequent questions concerning IRS actions against conservative organizations.  Since her first appearance, Issa had obtained a number of 2011 e-mails showing a heightened effort to stymie Tea Party organizations. Continue reading

The kiss of death for job training’s future

For decades the federal government has been involved in job training and, like nearly every other government-run activity, there’s waste and inefficiency at a time when our economy cries for results.


Sen. Tom Coburn (foxnews photo)

For some time now, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) has been shining the spotlight on this bureaucratic mess, talking about the web of 47 separate programs across nine different agencies, each of which overlapped with another program in providing similar services to similar populations.

In his January 2014 State-of-the-Union address, some five years into his presidency, President Obama announced that he was tasking Vice President Joe Biden to do a complete review of federal job training programs.  It’s the kiss of death.  Don’t expect any results even though the president has said he will use his executive prerogative to reduce duplication and demand effectiveness.

I’ve got to hand it to Coburn.  He immediately sent a letter to Biden, offering his support.  He reminded the vice president of the $18 billion annually spent on the 47 programs.  America Forward calculates the cost of all workforce development programs is closer to $60 billion. Continue reading

Democrats are insulting women

“All issues are women’s issues.  We are half of this great nation,” said Carly Fiorina to enthusiastic applause and a standing ovation at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference.


Carly Fiorina ( photo)

“I accept and respect that not all women agree with me, “ she said, “what I’m not prepared to accept is that we are waging war on women, just because we know that abortion at five months is inhumane to both mother and child.”

For Democrats to say Republicans are waging a war on women just because they want to restrict access to abortion and birth control is an insult to women, Fiorina added.

This piece isn’t about Fiorina, but it’s interesting to make note of her impressive career, especially the fact that she became the first female officer of AT&T’s male-dominated Network Systems Division at 35 years of age.

While I imagine she is no longer concerned about gender disadvantages in her own future, she is surely aware that those disadvantages still persist for other women, and often speaks of the role of women from the conservative viewpoint.  In her view, “it is liberals who believe they know what is good for you.”

Democrats focus on abortion and birth control to distract from the real issues facing women where they have utterly failed – jobs, pay, the economy and, yes, health insurance. Continue reading

Understanding the IRS Scandal, Part 3

KRAMER’S NOTE:  In Part 1, I explained how President Obama’s public chastising of the Supreme Court justices over their decision on Citizens United during his 2010 State-of-the-Union address triggered the IRS scandal.  In Part 2, I took you through the IG’s report on the IRS and the testimony that followed.  If you missed those parts you can scroll down or see “Recent Posts” in the right column.… read more

Understanding the IRS Scandal, Part 2

KRAMER’S NOTE:  This is Part 2 of my effort to provide you with the background leading to the scandal in the IRS.  If you missed Part 1, you can read it by scrolling down or by checking “Recent Posts” in the right hand column.

                                                       Democrats Intimidate the IRS

President Obama scolded the Supreme Court justices for their decision on Citizens United and asked Congress to “right this wrong,” but to Republicans the Court already righted a wrong.  It didn’t take long, however, for the Democrats to begin pressing the IRS to clamp down on Tea Party organizations and other conservative groups.

Democrat Senators Baucus, Schumer and Franken and others wrote to the IRS, threatening legislative action if they failed to “prevent abuse of the tax code by political groups.”

The groups began to complain to their Congressmen that their requests for tax exempt status were being delayed and they were being put through hoops with unwarranted paperwork.

Unexpectedly, on March 7, 2012, the liberal New York Times published an editorial, “The I.R.S. Does it Job,” reporting that “Tea Party supporters claim they are being politically harassed with extensive I.R.S. questionnaires.”  Does anyone believe the president didn’t see this editorial?

But it wasn’t until May 10, 2013, as the result of an IRS IG report, that the IRS’ Lois Lerner planted a question during her telephone conference to provide cover for her organization blaming a few over-zealous rogue employees in the Cincinnati office for the approval delays.

Carney( photo)

Jay Carney (nat. photo)

Three days later, presidential spokeskid Jay Carney disavowed any prior knowledge of the IG report even though the White House counsel was informed on April 22, 2013  We are to believe no one told the president about the report.

This is the same president who, on May 5, 2013, during a speech at the Ohio State University, had the audacity to tell students to reject the voice that “warn that tyranny (is) always lurking just around the corner.”

Shulman (wash. photo)

Douglas Shulman ( photo)

During testimony before the House on May 21, 2013 IRS Director Douglas Shulman revealed that he had visited the White House more than 150 times; meetings we are led to believe only concerned planning for the agency’s work on ObamaCare enforcement.  I’d like to know why the president’s deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter attended some of those meetings. Continue reading

Understanding the IRS Scandal, Part 1

KRAMER’S NOTE: Many of you may not be familiar with the actions that led to what I believe to be corrupt actions by the IRS.  On one hand, the fair and balanced media are geared for brief news clips and worry about “getting into the weeds” with detail.  And the predominantly liberal news publications simply don’t want you to know the detail.  In fact, most reporters don’t even know the detail.  So, this is Part 1 of a capsulized timeline to help you understand the importance of investigating this scandal.

The Beginning: President Obama Slams Supreme Court Decision

“Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests – including foreign corporations – to spend without limit in our elections.  Well, I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, and worse, by foreign entities.  They should be decided by the American people, and that’s why I’m urging Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to right this wrong.”

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The Supreme Court justices are rudely scolded by President Obama during the 2010 State-of-the-Union Address (AP photo)

Those were the words of President Obama as he rudely chastised the robed members of the Supreme Court sitting directly in front of him at his 2010 State-of-the-Union address.  And to make matters worse, Democrat members of Congress rose to cheer and applaud directly behind them, including Senators Dick Durbin and Charles Schumer, who intentionally clapped close to their heads.  And Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner stood to their immediate right smiling as he clapped.

In the decision, known as Citizens United, the justices overturned previous decisions that prohibited, “corporations and unions from using their general treasury funds to make independent expenditures for speech defined as an ‘electioneering communication’ or for speech expressly advocating the election or defeat of a candidate.”

It should be understood that corporations are still not permitted to contribute directly to federal candidates.  The ruling merely allows them to spend money on electioneering from its own accounts without forming political action committees. Continue reading

Obama’s approval rating hits new low

It’s no surprise that the majority of Americans see the president and his administration failing to improve the economy. ObamaCare and mounting regulations on business continue to paint a dismal picture for the country.

In a just released Fox News poll among 1002 registered voters conducted by a bipartisan research organization between March 2-4, fewer than four voters in ten – 38 percent – approve of President Obama’s performance. … read more

ObamaCare lie tied to Clinton era

By now most have heard the “2013 Lie of the Year” as selected by PolitiFacts:  “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.”  President Obama said it some 20 times beginning in 2008, knowing it was a lie.

Now it has been revealed in the release of the first batch of the “Clinton Papers” that advisors to President Clinton were concerned about including a similar line about HillaryCare in the 1994 State-of-the-Union address.

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President Clinton and Todd Stern ( photo)

Todd Stern, a former top aide to President Clinton, warned of making such a statement asking, “can we get away with it?” and adding, “I am very worried about getting skewered for over-promising here on something we know we won’t deliver.”

Here’s the excerpt by Stern from the “Clinton Papers”:

“We have a line on p. 10 that says ‘You’ll pick the health plan and the doctor of your choice.’  This sounds great and I know that it’s just what people want to hear.  But can we get away with it?  Isn’t the whole thrust of our health plan to steer people toward cheaper, HMO-style providers?  It’s one thing to say we’ll preserve your option to pick the doctor of your choice (recognizing that this will cost more), it’s quite another to appear to promise the nation that everyone will get to pick the doctor of his or her choice.  And that’s exactly what this line does.  I am worried about getting skewered for over-promising here on something we know full well we won’t deliver.

President Clinton went on to say, “You’ll pick the health plan and the doctor of your choice” in his address. Continue reading

Ted Cruz gets mixed reviews from writers

Who is Ted Cruz and what is he trying to do?

Here in the Texas Hill Country, I watched Ted Cruz take on and defeat establishment Republican Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in the 2012 run-off election for the U. S. Senate 57-43 in a strong voter turnout.  He went on to a 57-40 win over Democrat Paul Sadler in the general election.

Cruz wins (

Cruz Victory Celebration (

Dewhurst outspent Cruz 3 to1 and blasted him relentlessly in negative commercials, but Cruz had the grassroots support of Tea Party organizations.

“Millions of Texans, millions of Americans are rising up to reclaim our country, to defend liberty and to restore the Constitution,” he said in his victory speech.

I am particularly impressed with his ability to stand on a stage, away from the lectern and speak without the aid of a teleprompter. Continue reading