American auto industry “not” back

When the Treasury Department off-loaded its remaining stock in General Motors late last year, the president used the occasion to take a bow stating, “When I took office, the American auto industry – the heartbeat of American manufacturing – was on the verge of collapse.  Two of the Big Three – GM and Chrysler – were on the brink of failure … as president, I refused to let that happen.”


GM CEO Mary Barra and Vice President Joe Biden (GM photo)

“We bet on American ingenuity, we bet on you and we won,” Vice President Joe Biden said during last month’s Detroit auto show.

Of course there was no mention that taxpayers lost $10.5 billion on the GM bailout and, thanks to a deal with the Energy and Treasury Departments, Fiat of Italy was able to acquire majority control of Chrysler. Continue reading

We have become a “whatever” society


Minnesota Town Hall (hqdefault.jpg)

Did you see the news clip of the town hall held in Minnesota last week?  As three Democrats, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Rep. Tim Walz and Rep. Collin Peterson were responding to constituent questions during an Agriculture Symposium, someone had the courage to ask a pointed non-Ag question.

“I thought the Affordable Care Act would save $2,500 per family,” a local resident asked, “what happened?”

Before Peterson could grab the microphone to pass it to Klobuchar, those in attendance broke out in uproarious laughter as Peterson said, “I voted ‘no’ so I’ll let these guys handle that.”

Walz tried to recover with feeble excuses for the troubles being encountered with ObamaCare, but made the mistake of commenting on health insurance in this country before ObamaCare saying, “Don’t pretend there was some type of safe harbor before this where everything was just peachy keen.”  How uniformed.

Pelosi (

Nancy Pelosi (

In a letter to the editor I wrote to The Boerne (TX) Star in 2010, I cited a 2009 Gallup poll in which 87 percent expressed satisfaction with their health care and 81 percent were satisfied with the cost. There was no need for a comprehensive health insurance bill.

But, back to the uproarious laughter of the town hall crowd, because that’s the reason for this posting.  When are we going to stop treating everything happening to this country as a laughing matter?  Where’s the outrage? Continue reading

Increase in minimum wage a bad idea

GeorgeWill( photo)

George Will ( photo)

    “Liberals say, if you want people to smoke less, raise the price of tobacco.  If you want people to drive less, raise the price of gasoline.  Raise the price of something, people will buy less of it.  Then, they come to the subject of entry level wages and they will say it will have no affect whatever.  Clearly, it will have an effect.  Not only will people hire fewer, but there will be a huge incentive for places like California Pizza Kitchen and Chili’s to go to automated ordering, cutting down minimum wage workers.”   -George Will

                                        A new twist on Obama’s redistribution of wealth

The president got what he wanted when he increased the tax rate on the top income earners to 39.6 percent.  It was part of his redistribution of wealth agenda.

Now as the numbers of those below the poverty line grows, the president is talking about income inequality and the necessity to increase the federally mandated minimum wage again, from $7.25 to $10.10.  His economy is in the tank and in true liberal form, he continues to apply the wrong measures. Another indication of his lack of business acumen.

Nancy Pelosi and all the others on the left stand before the microphones in support of the hike, saying it would create jobs.  But then the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office releases its findings that the $10.10 option when fully implemented “would reduce total employment by about 500,000 workers,” a number that could increase to one million. Continue reading

Change we can believe in?

     “The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all.  And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m president of the United States.”

                                                                                –  Sen. Barack Obama,  March 31, 2008

“Swift Boat Kerry” goes overboard

John Kerry(

John Kerry (The photo)

“Climate change can now be considered another weapon of mass destruction, perhaps the world’s most fearsome weapon of destruction,” Secretary of State John Kerry said in a speech Feb. 16, in Indonesia.  That’s correct.  It’s no joke. Go ahead, read it again.

There’s more.  “When I think about the array of global climate – of global threats – think about this:  terrorism, epidemics, poverty, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction – all challenges that know no borders – the reality is that climate change ranks right up there with every single one of them,” he added.

Sounding more like Al Gore, Kerry said, “The science of climate change is leaping out at us like a scene from a 3D movie.  It’s warning us; it’s compelling us to act.” Continue reading

What price integrity?

In my long career in Air Force and aerospace industry public affairs I am proud to say that I was always loyal to the individuals in positions of authority. Fortunately, they never placed me a position that would have forced me to abandon my integrity to save my job.

Having started my career in the military, I became impressed with the workings of the chain of command and observed the upward mobility of some officers to general ranks while others faltered. Continue reading

Obama’s disregard for the law continues

It’s the law of the land. It’s here to stay.  Get over it.

How many times have we heard or read statements like this by someone in the Obama administration or one of those anchors on MSNBC defending ObamaCare?

Even the president has said so in his own words, yet he continues to rewrite ObamaCare provisions without the approval of Congress.  Yesterday he made a political decision to delay the law’s employer mandate until 2016; his 27th modification to the act.  The law is whatever he says it is. Continue reading

Boehner decision on immigration correct

While immigration reform barely appears on Americans’ list of priority issues, most people agree it needs to be addressed.

I was extremely disappointed last year when Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), representing the GOP’s new blood, appeared to be taken in by the likes of Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and John McCain (R-AZ) as a member of the so-called Gang of 8 as they cobbled together another comprehensive bill.

When I heard that immigration reform was on the agenda at the recent House Republican retreat my concern began to heighten again, even though I like the idea of taking on immigration reform in steps.  The timing, so close to the mid-term elections, however, was ill-conceived. Continue reading

Bundlers receive ambassadorships

For a number of years, it has been common for presidents of both parties to select major campaign donors for ambassadorships, but recent nominees have raised eyebrows.

Late last year Caroline Kennedy was named by the president to be ambassador to Japan.  Along with her uncle, the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, she supported Barack Obama in his campaign against Hillary Clinton in 2008. Continue reading

Where’s the outrage?

THERE THEY WERE, the nation’s five top intelligence officials, Clapper (DNI), Brennan (CIA), Flynn (DIA), Comey (FBI), and Olsen (NCC), sitting before the House Intelligence Committee hearing yesterday.  Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL) asks, “Can anybody at the table tell us when somebody will be held responsible for the murders in Benghazi?” … read more