Can Harris Beat Trump? Stay Tuned


The flurry of appearances by Vice President Harris this week, putting the spotlight on her, not President Biden, are intended to grease the skids for her so to speak leading up to the DNC convention, where she will become the official candidate.

While these appearances have been orchestrated to give her more exposure beyond the previous short news clips showing her as an unserious candidate making silly remarks followed by laughter, they have given Republicans an opening to reveal the real Kamala.… read more

Democrat Scheme to Stop Trump Backfires ‘Bigly’


“What a revoltin development this is.” – William Bendix (aka Chester A. Riley)

WILLIAM BENDIX as Chester A. Riley in the Life of Riley.

It’s almost like an episode from the 1940s radio program and the 1950s television series, Life of Riley.  Chester used to concoct a scheme to get a raise in pay or a supervisory position at the Cunningham Aircraft Plant, only to fail due to a miscalculation, and as the program ended, we would hear the quivery voice of Chester burst out with “what a revoltin development this is.”… read more

Concern with Unity and Trump’s Thursday Night Speech


Ironically, I recently shared with a friend the memory of New York Yankee Lou Gehrig’s July 4, 1939 speech. Standing before a microphone in Yankee Stadium, having been diagnosed with an ALS disease, Gehrig refuted what he had been reading about “the bad break I got … yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth,” as he spoke of the kindness of fans over his 17 years in baseball.… read more

Turning Down the Temperature of the Rhetoric is One Thing, But Politics is Politics


After publishing yesterday’s edition on the subject of President Biden’s heated rhetoric with a downright dirty personal attack on former President Trump in Detroit, I was encouraged to hear similar commentary in the media.


I noted that even the left-leaning New York Times reported the reversal in Biden’s messaging since he began his election campaign. … read more

Biden’s Personal Attack on Trump in Detroit Cannot be Discounted Out of Hand


Ironically, prior to the assassination attempt on former President Trump, I had drafted an edition of my blog about President Biden’s sudden shift of personal attacks on Trump.


While Trump has been talking about how he was going to make America great again, Biden went to Detroit and other Michigan locations and attacked Trump the man, Trump the convicted felon, Trump the rapist, and Trump the man of multiple bankruptcies. … read more

Our Media Still Doesn’t Understand Trump, But NATO Diplomats Certainly Do Now


Seemingly, a day doesn’t go by without someone in the media, or someone being interviewed, voices concern that if former President Trump wins, he will do this or that, even though he didn’t do so in his first four years; like retribution against Hillary Clinton.

Most likely, they’re simply trying to stir up a controversy to make news – fake news – however, in doing so, they are spreading disinformation. … read more

A Name Out of the Past Brings Focus to Biden Cover-Up


With the drop of a name, long forgotten, heard while watching Gutfeld!, the popular late-night show on Fox News Channel, my memory of the corruptness of the Obama administration was stirred.


During her guest appearance on Gutfeld, Morgan Ortagus, a staff assistant to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, 2019-2021, casually dropped the name of Ben Rhodes, while commenting on the media’s cover-up of President Biden’s age and mental acuity.… read more

Who Will Trump Select as His Running Mate?


Funny how a couple weeks can make a difference in who former President Trump selects to be his running mate. 

His pick was considered to be a watershed to appeal to swing state voters by the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal on June 25, 2024, despite reporting that “running mates don’t always matter in campaigns, but this year they could.”… read more