As if You Needed a Reminder of the Future Under Biden


NOTE: This blog went into as holding pattern for 24 hours when I chose to comment on the Biden-Harris response to the verdict on former President Trump.

It’s difficult for me to imagine another four years under Biden-Harris, but more so what kind of person would vote for the Democrats in November, when each day provides us with additional reminders of the incompetence in the administration.… read more

The Biden-Harris Campaign Made a Big Mistake Today


Within minutes of the verdict that former President Trump had been found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records, Michael Taylor, Communications Director for Biden-Harris 2024, issued a statement on behalf of the campaign.

Even though he represents President Biden, who is running for reelection in opposition to Donald Trump, and entitled make a statement that favors his candidate, as a former communications director, I found his choice of words uncalled for; after all he was referring to a former president of the United States, where was the respect for the presidency?… read more

Remembering Eighth Air Force on Memorial Day


Thanks to a shout-out from my wife, I saw a news clip about the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force and its Memorial Day remembrance of the 26,000 members of the Eighth who didn’t return after World War II.

It featured Maj. John “Lucky” Luckadoo, who made it back after numerous missions as a 100th BG pilot of a B-17 over Germany.… read more

No Surprise, TIME Magazine Interview with Trump Gets Mixed Reviews from Me and the Media


NOTE: In an effort to provide you with a reasonable review of the interview I have devoted more space than usual in this edition.  I hope you will find it worth reading.

On May 12, 2024, I referred to TIME magazine’s cover story, “If He Wins,” a look into former President Trump’s second term agenda should he be elected, but only as a lead into my recall of the bombshell cover story, “Against Trump,” featured by National Review in 2016.… read more

Along the Campaign Trail … Biden Not Looking Good … N.Y. Times’ Pathetic Coverage of the Trial … Comey Still Out to Get Trump … Trump to Rally in the Bronx … and What Young People are Thinking on Issues

Biden Not Looking Good

… and I’m not referring to his appearance, looking old and confused. It was his commencement speech at Moorehouse College on Sunday, designed to help win over blacks, who seem to be drifting toward former President Trump, that was a downer.

What should have been an upbeat message for the graduates was described by some as an attempt to pander for the black vote, while social media outlets saw it as more race-baiting, and demeaning to black students

Most of all it seemed as though he had forgotten that he has been president for the past three years as he spoke of “the trail of broken promises still leaves black communities behind.”… read more

A ‘Nugget’ from a North Carolina Writer … Biden 2.0: Be Afraid … A Never Trumper Comments on Biden … Now There are Never Biden Voters … and Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?


I pride myself in the research I do and the clarity and concise wordsmithing I strive for in providing you with a blog you find worth reading, but as I have noted before, sometimes I find real nuggets in letters to the editor columns I want to share with you.… read more

The Left Paints a Picture of a Deep State Made Up of Everyday Americans, Patriots


NOTE: This commentary is longer than usual, but I think you will find it very informative if you read it in its entirety. You need to know all about it.

Regular readers may recall my occasional foray into the topic of the Deep State.  Since it became a hot topic during the Obama era and got even hotter when Donald Trump announced his intention to run for president in 2015, I have written on the subject numerous times.… read more

A Proclamation on Armed Forces Day 2024*

May18, 2024

    At the home of Kramerontheright

    Our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, and Reserve Forces comprise the greatest fighting force the world has ever known.  Throughout the annals of history, they have stood on the frontlines of freedom — risking everything to keep the light of liberty burning bright at home and around the globe.… read more

    Recognizing Similarities Between Nixon’s 1968 Acceptance Speech and a Trump Rally Speech


    While driving recently, I heard a recording of Richard Nixon’s nomination acceptance speech of August 8, 1968, listening to a conservative talk show.  I was struck by the content, realizing it could have been given today.

    I thought I would borrow some of his words and insert in italics the similarities with issues of today, 56 years later. … read more