A Skilled Speechwriter Has Been Taken-In by the Left


I once admired the wordsmithing talent of Peggy Noonan, who was a speechwriter for President Reagan, often reminding my readers of her words in the former president’s “these are the boys of Pointe du Hoc” speech during the 40th anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1984.

“For sheer oratorical elegance,” historian Douglas Brinkley wrote, it would become “one of the most inspirational presidential speeches delivered.”read more

Along the Presidential Campaign Trail


Who is Tim Walz?

If you stay up on the news, no doubt you’ve heard enough about this radical progressive, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, selected to be Vice President Harris’ running mate, but I thought I would pass along a few comments you may not have heard.

First, be aware that Walz truly may not have been Harris’ choice. … read more

DEI Programs at the Heart of Bureaucratic Foul-Ups


With all of the foolish concern over former President Trump’s remark that he would be dictator on Day One only to secure the border and begin drilling again, Americans seem to have forgotten the consequential order of the Biden-Harris administration’s Day One, an all-of-government approach to advance diversity, equity and inclusion across the federal government.… read more

LBJ the Black Community’s Savior; Not So Fast


“What about Lyndon Johnson?”

Those were the words of ABC’s Rachel Scott as she interrupted former President Trump, who was stating that he “was the best president for blacks since Abraham Lincoln, during the National Association of Black Journalists’ convention on July 31, 2024.

TRUMP RESPONDS to ABC’s Rachel Scott at black journalists’ convention.
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Will the Real Kamala Harris Please Stand Up


Watching Vice President Harris flip flop her way in the early stage of her latest campaign for president, I was reminded of a popular 1950s and 1960s Sunday night primetime game show of the 1950s and 60s called “What’s My Line?”

It was Republican vice-presidential candidate J. D. Vance’s reference to Harris as a “Chameleon” that reminded me of the show.… read more

Outright Lying, Flip Flops and Character


In my last blog edition, I touched on the subject of lies in politics, in which I included President Biden’s big lie about climate change, with his claim that his spending bill, the largest expenditure ever made by the federal government to slow global warming, provides $555 billion for programs that could significantly curb fossil fuel emissions.… read more

The Campaign Trail is Getting a Bit Muddy


After the failed assassination attempt on former President Trump, we just knew President Biden’s plea for “the need to lower the temperature in our politics,” as he called for “a cooling down of heated political rhetoric,” were just words.

Biden repeats Charlottesville lie and denies targeting Trump. (NBC News photo)

Two days later NBC aired a taped of Lester Holt questioning Biden about his choice of words that could have fueled the shooting.… read more

Can Harris Beat Trump? Stay Tuned


The flurry of appearances by Vice President Harris this week, putting the spotlight on her, not President Biden, are intended to grease the skids for her so to speak leading up to the DNC convention, where she will become the official candidate.

While these appearances have been orchestrated to give her more exposure beyond the previous short news clips showing her as an unserious candidate making silly remarks followed by laughter, they have given Republicans an opening to reveal the real Kamala.… read more