You are a Democrat

You might be a Democrat, wrote Janice Shoemaker in her Progressive Views column.  It reminded me of the story New Mexico’s Governor Susana Martinez told at the Republican convention. The Governor related how she was brought up as a Democrat, but she and her husband were invited to lunch by a couple of Republicans interested in her switching parties.  She had planned to just meet with them as a courtesy, but she said, “when we left that lunch and got in the car I looked over at Chuck and said, ‘I’ll be damned, we’re Republicans.’”

Unfortunately, Shoemaker’s broad brush attempt to paint Democrats in a light that would test Republican positions on issues falls flat.  Not only does she not understand the issues she cites, she ignores other issues of deep concern to conservatives. 

So let’s look at what progressive Democrats really represent.

If you are for blanket amnesty for all undocumented individuals and you truly believe the myth that they are “living in the shadows” you are a Democrat.  Further, if you believe Republicans are not interested in sensible immigration reform you are a Democrat.

Last year taxes on the so-called rich neared a 30-year high. The top rate climbs from 35 to 39.6 per cent this year and generally includes those with incomes over $400,000. That doesn’t include the other new taxes. If you want even higher taxes you are a Democrat.

If you believe that Republicans are not concerned about the education of our children and are opposed to vouchers to allow parents to make the school of choice for their children you are a Democrat.

Republicans have been in the forefront cautioning that future funds for Social Security and Medicare are in danger.  The Obama administration is taking $750 billion from Medicare to fund ObamaCare, a move that will affect seniors.  If you believe the myth that Republicans oppose their solvency you are a Democrat.

Polls show Americans are split evenly on abortion, with those favoring life increasing while those preferring choice have decreased.  While most Republicans oppose abortion they are simpatico with those with other beliefs.

A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, 13 million more since Obama took office.  Social Security disability claims have increased 22 per cent during the same period as the administration has relaxed approval standards; effectively extending the already extended unemployment insurance. If you think we need to do more to increase dependency on government you are a Democrat.

If you feel the IRS was correct in targeting Tea Party and other conservative groups seeking tax exempt status you are a Democrat.

If you think it’s okay for the President to claim executive privilege in the Fast & Furious Mexican gun-running scheme that resulted in the death of a border agent, you are a Democrat.

If you think it’s okay for an administration to ignore five months of requests for more security in Benghazi, and then stonewall the investigation of the deaths of four Americans, you are a Democrat.

If you think it’s okay for the president to bypass the Legislature, you are a Democrat.

If you believe voter ID rules disenfranchise minorities and seniors you are a Democrat.

If you believe government agency regulations should continue unchecked, you are a Democrat.

If you believe same-sex marriage shouldn’t be a state issue, you are a Democrat.

If you continue to believe the government doesn’t want to take your gun and control ammo sales, you are a Democrat.

Finally, if you think Texas has a prayer of going blue, you are not only a Democrat, but wrong.