A Glimpse of Women in the News This Week


I’ve been meaning to comment on Katherine Maher, CEO of NPR, since reading former editor Uri Berliner’s eye-opening piece detailing how NPR operated like a propaganda mill for leftist progressives more than an actual news outlet.

As I pulled my notes on Maher from my stack of stuff, six other stories about women in the news came to the surface.  So, today’s blog will be focused on why.

While I have long been opposed to NPR for its bias, the fact that it received taxpayer funds as National Public Radio, was a contributing factor. 

KATHERINE MAHER (Armando Franco photo)

I’ll begin with Maher, who only took the job at NPR earlier this year after leaving as CEO of Wikipedia, another questionable source of information.

Since I am not that familiar with Maher, here’s what Jeff Charles a contributor to RedState blog had to say:

“Maher, hailing from her own admitted white bread New England upbringing, displays all of the blueprint of white liberal guilt.  She hectors whites as benefitting from racist privilege, and therefore, their opinions are discounted – but HER opinions are to be held as sacrosanct for some reason.”

Maher says she abandoned a “free and open” mission of Wikipedia because those principles recapitulated a “white male Westernized construct.”

I found it interesting that IncognegroNeville wrote, “I always wonder who leftist white people who hate being white think they’re earning brownie points with, because it definitely ain’t black people. At least not this black person.”

Joy Reid

JOY REID (Screengrab)

While I said I had stories of six women, one of them, MSNBC’s Joy “Everyone’s Racist” Reid, gave me the names of three others, all black of course.  

“For me,” she began, “there is something wonderfully poetic about the fact that the first person to criminally prosecute Donald Trump is a black Harvard grad. And a black woman doing the same exact thing in Georgia.  And a black woman forced you to pay a $175 million dollar fine”– Tanya Chutkan, Fani Willis, and Letitia James.  She continued adding that Trump “is being held to account by the very multicultural, multiracial democracy that he’s trying to dismantle.  GO DEI. My DEI’s are bringing it home.”

What a pathetic individual she is.

Katie Couric

Thanks to Bill Maher (no relation to Katherine), for inviting network anchor “has been” Katie Couric to chat on his show.  While most of the conversation was her view of personalities of the “good old boys’ network” CBS, he led her into the current presidential campaign of Donald Trump.

Following Hillary Clinton’s deplorables insult, Couric believes Republicans are socioeconomically inferior anti-intellectuals or elitists  and anti-establishment MAGAs, one viewer noted.

Lisa Murkowski

I am not a fan of Murkowski, the senior Senator from Alaska, who could easily be described as a RINO, when you examine her voting record.

She teamed up with fellow Sen. Dan Sullivan at a press conference, however, to express displeasure with the Biden administration after new cancellations of leases in the North Slope’s Alaska’s National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

She accused Biden of boosting the mineral-rich countries like Russia and Venezuela while driving down American industry.  “He is destabilizing our security as a nation in a way that most didn’t think possible in such a short time period,” Murkowski said.

Kamala Harris

Following an appearance in Arizona by Vice President Harris, a group I hadn’t heard of, Republican Voters Against Trump, examined reviews by three distinct focus groups: former Trump 2016 voters who chose Biden in 2020, black voters disappointed with Biden,  and California Democrats.

The Los Angeles Times summarized their assessments of Harris as “brutal,” quoting a retired military member who voted for Biden in 2020 after voting for Trump in 2016, saying, “She doesn’t look like someone I want running my country.”


Margo Martin

‘Who’s that?’ Perhaps you’re asking.  Martin is former President Trump’s direct communications deputy, who drew the curiosity of reporters covering Trump’s New York court appearances. 

First mistaken for former First Lady Melania Trump, Martin, having long hair with highlights, walked with Trump’s group wearing a black pants suit with gold buttons.

The 27-year-old Martin from Oklahoma sat in the back row of the courtroom with Jason Miller, senior advisor to Trump.  We can expect to see more of her as the campaign progresses.

Susan Sarandon

Sarandon was back in the news, doing what she does best, protesting against the Jews looking like a fool at age 77, wearing a leather jacket with an image of Bart Simpson on a red sleeve.

SUSAN SARANDON (dnyuz.com)

She was spotted at the Columbia University anti-Israel protest with Shellyanne Rodriguez, the ex-professor who previously threatened a New York Post reporter with a machete.

They joined Columbia University students and hundreds of outside professional protestors who simply cannot pass up an opportunity to look stupid, shouting “We are Hamas.”  “Long Live Hamas.”  There are hundreds of “anti” organizations in New York, willing to protest no matter the cause, according to a retired New York Police detective.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.