Trump should forget the media

Two individuals writing letters to the editor of my daily newspaper complained about media coverage of the presidential election, but as someone who has been a longtime observer of the media, I must say that while they presented valid complaints, it’s all for naught. And someone needs to explain that to Donald Trump.

thFGGZXH84 (reaganiterepublicanresistanceNumerous studies by the Media Research Center on how the media have voted over the last half dozen decades reveal members of the media siding with Democrats outnumber those siding with Republicans four to one.

“The media believe they know what is best for America and its people. They do not,” wrote one person, “The American public knows what is best for us. I’m so tired of the media thinking that the American people are basically stupid and not informed unless they listen or watch biased opinions and unfair reporting.”

In 1969, after President Nixon gave a major speech on his Vietnam policy, representatives of the three networks of the time – ABC, CBS and NBC – gave their biased analysis of the speech offering negative comments across the board to an estimated national audience of 70 million people.

The negative media reaction touched off a fight between Vice President Spiro Agnew and the media. It was the beginning of a trend by Republican candidates for office that Trump continues today.

You may recall Agnew calling the news media “nattering nabobs of negativism” and an “elite corps of impudent snobs.” He believed that the media thought the American people couldn’t understand what was said in a speech and needed to analyze it for them. It continues today with a broader network of channels.

I, too, have written a number of posts on the biased media, but have no illusion that the “liberal press” will change.

Trump needs to concentrate on the substance of what he’s going to do to make America great again.

My advice to Trump would be to simply suggest to his audiences to listen closely to his plans for the economy and foreign affairs, and the failures of the Obama-Clinton years, because you won’t read or hear about them in the dishonest media.

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