White House scandals not going away

While an estimated 111 million people viewed the president’s interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly prior to the Super Bowl, it’s unfortunate if they didn’t see the extra exclusive minutes afforded O’Reilly for use later on his evening show.  They missed seeing the president at his worst.

ObamaOReilly Interview (NYDaily News photo)

O’Reilly interviews Obama (NYDailyNews photo)

O’Reilly asked the president if he thought his coverage of him and his administration was unfair. ”Absolutely,” the president answered, “we just went through an interview in which you asked about health care not working … the IRS, were we wholly corrupt (and) Benghazi.”   O’Reilly politely responded saying, “but these are unanswered questions.”  I found it hard to believe the president wasn’t prepared.  After all, he wasn’t dealing with his water carriers at the other networks or the New York Times.

No accountability for ObamaCare missteps

KathleenSebelius (FoxBusiness.com photo)

Kathleen Sebelius (FoxBusiness.com photo)

During the 10-minute interview, millions saw the president dance around direct questions. Asked if the introduction of ObamaCare was the worst mistake of his presidency and why HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius had not been held accountable, went unanswered as he attempted to point to improvements.

When questioned on Benghazi, he would have us believe he has answered all the questions on this subject and offered that “we have had multiple hearings on it.”  There are still a number of unanswered questions directly dealing with the president, and at those hearings our Congressmen are faced with heavily redacted documents and less than forthcoming testimony.

Blaming the anti-Muslim video

Facts now point to CIA involvement in the drafting of the talking points used by Susan Rice on her five network appearances on the Sunday following the attack, during which time she blamed the attack on protests by individuals disturbed by an anti-Muslim video.

ObamaClinton(CBSNews.com photo)

Honoring Benghazi victims at Andrews AFB (CBSNews.com photo)

“We’ve seen rage and violence at American embassies over an awful Internet video that we had nothing to do with,” said Hillary Clinton at the Sept. 14, 2012 Andrews Air Force Base ceremonies honoring the return of the four Americans killed in Benghazi.  And the president in an apologetic tone during his Sept. 25, 2012 speech before the UN said, “I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video.”

SusanRice(Examiner.com photo)

Susan Rice (Examiner.com photo)

Even as recent as Dec. 22, 2013, in a 60 Minutes interview, Rice said “I don’t have time to think about a false controversy,” when asked about her video claim.  She didn’t exactly give Hillary an endorsement as someone prepared for the presidency when she gave a feeble excuse for her decision not to appear on the Sunday news shows saying, “she had just gone through an incredibly painful and stressful week … and as our chief diplomat, had to reach out to the families … (and) greet the bodies upon arrival.”

A political decision

My cynicism tells me the Obama campaign team wanted the fact this was a terror attack silenced as the 2012 election was just weeks away.  The day after the Benghazi attack, the president received a roaring applause when he said, “Al Qaeda is on the path to defeat and Bin Ladin is dead,” before a friendly Las Vegas crowd.

“Your detractors believe that you did not tell the world it was a terror attack because your campaign didn’t want it out … that’s what they believe,” O’Reilly said to the president. “And they believe it because folks like you are telling them that,” the president responded in full denial.

Douglas Schulman (ACLJ photo)

Douglas Shulman (ACLJ photo)

The IRS scandal was another subject O’Reilly surfaced in his interview, asking about the 157 visits to the White House by the former IRS chief, Douglas Shulman.  Passing it off as routine business, the president said he didn’t recall seeing Schulman.

Again, the president referred to “multiple hearings” saying “these kind of things keep on surfacing in part because you and your TV station will promote them.”  Need we remind him that Lois Lerner refused to testify and requested documents weren’t provided?

Lois Lerner (UPI photo)

Lois Lerner (UPI photo)

When asked if there was corruption involved, the president said, “no … there were some bone-headed decisions … not even a smidgeon of corruption.”  How does the president know this?  The investigation is still ongoing with no targeted groups having been questioned.  Could it be that Barbara Bosserman has assured him that her internal investigation will go nowhere?  She’s the Eric Holder appointee, who has been a major personal contributor to Obama’s campaigns.

Remembering the 2010 Tea Party success

Just as I believe the stonewalling on Benghazi was politically motivated to aid in his reelection, I believe the IRS targeted Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations to silence their advocacy efforts for repeal of ObamaCare, smaller government, and no new taxes.  Recently, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) asked for continued pressure by the IRS.

In July 2013, the president and his minions began pushing the “phony scandals” line, and blamed Republicans for trying to distract America from its economic problems.  As if that were possible.

Democrats are doing their best to sweep under the rug its faulty health care insurance plan, the Benghazi attack, the IRS targeting and Fast & Furious, but kramerontheright will continue to remind voters as the mid-term elections approach.

Dead Americans

The Benghazi Victims (CBSNews,com photo)

                                              We will not forget.