Rice calls for ‘strategic patience’

“… while the dangers we face may be more numerous and varied, they are not of the existential nature we confronted during World War II or during the cold war.” – Susan Rice. National Security Advisor

The much heralded speech by National Security Advisor Susan Rice at the Brookings Institution on Feb. 6, was more of the same Obama administration jibberish, as she called for “strategic patience” and warned against overreach. What?  Strategic patience?  That’s what she means by “America leads by a position of strength?”

Strategy CoverThe 29-page National Security Strategy document included just a page and a half on combating the threat of terrorism.  While it refers to Al Qaeda and ISIL, there was no reference to Islam.

Even when commenting on the burning of the Jordanian pilot, the president referred to the radical Islamic action (my words) as “whatever ideology they’re operating under.”   Regarding ISIS, Obama said, “it appears (they’re) only interested in death and destruction.”

Really, Mr. President, and what is your strategy to stop them?

It was interesting to note that “climate change,” which the president and others in the administration have declared our primary threat, was ranked sixth among the strategy’s top risks.

“We must give diplomacy a chance to finish the job,” Rice said in defense of the administration’s effort to halt Iran’s nuclear ambition.  Meanwhile, Iran continues its development of a ballistic missile, a weapon not needed to reach Israel, but capable of reaching the U.S.

Stating that the strategy was a blueprint for what President Obama intends to get done in the next two years, Rice said “two years is plenty of time.  We are committed to seizing the future that lies beyond the crisis of the day.”

Isn’t that comforting?  I’m afraid it is going to take another 9/11 to shake this president.