Regarding the debates … enough already … stop the whining

I’m not a fan of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, but give him credit for cutting the number of debates from 20 in 2012 to nine, and as he pointed out, CNBC did a passable job in a previous debate and assured him this debate would focus on the economy.


He has a right to be disappointed, as he was, but it doesn’t mean the candidates have to jump in with their ridiculous requests that will not go unnoticed by voters. I say, stop the whining.

The president poked fun at the GOP candidates today saying, “If they can’t handle a bunch of CNBC moderators … I don’t think the Chinese and the Russians are going to be too worried …” Of course, we know they did handle the moderators, and we know he regularly “handles” moderators at CNBC and those at all of the other leftist networks.

Yes, CNBC showed its bias and the Republicans benefited from it. Savor it.

It began with the silly questioning of each candidate’s weakness and gravitated to John Harwood’s question to Donald Trump about his bid being a comic book version of a presidential campaign. An insult, regardless how you feel about Trump.

Sen. Ted Cruz’s pointed comment about the foolish questions asked of several candidates made him look good.

Gov. Chris Christie’s response -“Fantasy football! We have ISIS and al Qaeda attacking us and we’re talking about fantasy football?” – was perfect in the face of CNBC’s amateurish presence.

With their inane questioning, the moderators were trying to show the emperor (each candidate) has no clothes, but it was the candidates who revealed it was the moderators who were naked.

Clearly, the GOP candidates (at least most of them) won the evening, but leave it to a few of them to turn the victory into a “whine fest” about how future debates should be conducted.

Trump with his complaint about debates that are too long, Ben Carson sending his campaign manager to discuss future debates with his counterparts of the other candidates, are but two complaints I will mention here. Carly Fiorina was a breath of fresh air essentially saying, just tell me when and where to be.

Next week’s debate will be conducted by the Fox Business Network, known for its fair and balanced reporting. Yes, FBN’s moderators are conservative and most likely vote Republican, but I suggest you will not see the bias you witnessed last month.