New York values Trump style

This morning, Donald Trump gave us an example of the New York elite attitude when he effectively said the voters gathering in Wyoming this weekend didn’t matter to him saying, “I don’t want to waste millions of dollars going out to Wyoming.”

Donald Trump decided that Wyoming voters didn’t matter to him and will not waste money there. (

“Every presidential candidate for the last 40 years has managed this process and has worked through this process and has followed the process that we have in Wyoming,” state GOP Chairman Matt Micheli said, “We are simply following the rules that are in place and have been in place for a long time. It’s a system that encourages people to be engaged and to be involved – it works.” Yet the whining Trump continues to say the system “is rigged.”

During the past week of campaigning in New York, the liberal media milked Cruz’ Iowa values statement over and over again. It was like manna from heaven for the New York-based networks that look down upon the regular folks in flyover country.

Watch for the media to continue giving Trump air time to rant about rigging elections, while ignoring the fact that the rules have long been in place.

“You know, I think most people know exactly what New York values are. Not a lot of conservatives come out of Manhattan. I’m just saying.” – Sen. Ted Cruz, Republican presidential candidate

“Sen. Cruz had a point, but he blew it by not describing it (his view of New York values) so that even New Yorkers would agree, “writes the Wall Street Journal’s Daniel Henninger in “Trump’s New York Values.” Click here to read his excellent piece.

Cruz paid a heavy price in New York, but no one expected him to beat Trump there anyway. By verbalizing Trump’s unwillingness to woo Wyoming delegates, Cruz could regain lost ground and capture those “unwanted” delegates.

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