CNN continues to sink lower … those Florida high school students … Florida EMT responder upset … president meets with governors … and Pelosi speaks again

Here are my observations on items in the news.

STOOPING LOW IS IN CNN’S DNA – By now, most of you are aware of the fact that the once-vaunted CNN network has abandoned all journalistic standards with its effort to bring down the Trump presidency. And, its sinking viewer ratings bear out that the public has lost trust in its reporting, because its reporters and anchors have turned into commentators.

Brian Stelter has no qualms about hosting a program called “Reliable Sources.” On Sunday, after excoriating the president for living in a “fantasy land,” and stating that “journalists have to at least try to help him see the reality,” he introduces … wait for it … Dan Rather. Of course, Stelter failed to remind his audience how Rather destroyed any credibility he and CBS ever had with his fake news story about former President George W. Bush.

After bashing the president, Shelter introduced Parkland high school student David Hogg, who has become a radical anti-gun activist, and an aspiring journalist. Hogg again set his sight on NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch for criticism, who he incorrectly referred to as the NRA “CEO.”

“She owns these congressmen,” Hogg said, “she can get them to do things. It’s just that she doesn’t care about these children’s lives.”

“This steps over the line … to state Dana Loesch does not care about children’s lives is just plain awful.” Selena Zito, real journalist

During last week’s CNN townhall, Hogg said to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), “If you can’t get elected without taking money from child murderers, why are you running?” The American Thinker, recognizing that it didn’t sound like a normal question from a 17-year old, is one publication that has questioned whether he came up with this question on his own “with such emotionally vivid lingual sophistication and political acumen.”

Colton Holb, a junior ROTC student at the school related how CNN invited him to participate in the townhall, but as the evening drew closer, the network had tried to script him, and chose not to participate. Did CNN script Hogg?

CNN ISN’T ALONE – The same thing has happened at MSNBC, where most of its reporters have lost their objectivity. While the hosts of “Morning Joe” daily trash the president, they are not journalists.

Fox News Channel’s Shepherd Smith, considered to be a journalist, has been allowed by the network to cross the line into opinion. It’s sad.

ANOTHER FLORIDA SHOOTING FAILURE REVEALED – I have reported on the failures at all levels to avert the killings in the Florida school shooting, but just learned about another.

An EMT first responder, who was afraid to give his name for fear of retribution, shared a jaw-dropping account with a local TV reporter. “Everything I was trained on mass casualty event says they did the wrong thing,” he said, “You don’t wait for the scene to be cleared. You go in immediately armed. Retrieve the victims. You can’t leave the victims laying there. We were asking to go in.”

The EMT man, who was willing to risk his life, believed that they could have saved more lives.

PRESIDENT TRUMP continued to listen to local and state officials today with a White House gathering of the state governors to discuss ideas for making schools more secure. The question – Should educators be armed? – was weighed heavily as most of the governors chose to misread his position on arming teachers.

“Mr. President, please don’t say, as you did this week, that arming teachers is the solution to school violence. We don’t expect our police officers to teach; we shouldn’t be placing the awesome responsibility of deadly force to our educators.” – The Sun

That quote was taken from The Sun that published a memo to the president on February 23, 2018, “Make America safe again – please.” Trump supporters will recall that he often speaks of making America safe again as a prelude to his making America great again pledge.

While the Chronicle memo reminds the president that three of the ten deadliest shootings in American history have occurred on his watch, “We don’t necessarily blame you for this. But you are in a unique position to end it.”

Unfortunately, the Chronicle naively believes that the president is “the one person who can break the log jam in Washington … (who) could win over both political parties,” foolishly adding that it would “bring about the political victory you crave.”

NO CANDIDATE FOR MENSA – Thankfully, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) continues to be the spokesperson for the Democrat Party. After referring to the bonuses and pay increases companies are providing employees as “crumbs,” and the tax cuts as “unpatriotic,” she is now recommending her version of border security – “mowing the grass so people can’t be smuggled through the grass.”