Trump resistance movement fading … the photo the media didn’t want you to see … lovebirds who hate … prediction that Trump will win in 2020 … and Trump’s impressive promises-kept website

Here are my observations and opinions on selected news stories of the day.

BELIEVE IT – “Appears some of more extreme members of resistance (in media and politics) are struggling to cope with failure of gloom/doom predictions. Openly hoping for bad things to happen to country to feel vindicated. Unhealthy,” tweeted Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist. “Unhealthy, also anti-American,” added Katie Pavlich of TownHall.

There’s more … Nancy Pelosi pooh poohs the low unemployment rate and the highest consumer confidence rate in 18 years, while continuing her promise to repeal the tax bill and raise taxes if the Democrats regain control of the House. Keep it up, Nancy.

And this weekend … Bill Maher and Robert DeNiro, two Hollywood types suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, continued to spew hate for the president.

“I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point, and by the way, I’m hoping for it,” said Maher to a rowdy audience, “I think one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy. So, please, bring on the recession. Sorry if it hurts people, but it’s either root for a recession or you lose your democracy.” Really, Bill?

Pumping his fists in the air at the Tony Awards, DeNiro said, “I’m only going to say one thing – f**k Trump. It’s no longer down with Trump, it’s f**k Trump,” to a standing ovation. Aren’t you just proud of these “entertainers?”

G-7 members Macron, Merkel and Trudeau are clearly smiling during this conversation with the president. (Courtesy @SaintRLh)

HATE BY THE MEDIA – By now you have probably seen the widely published photo, showing members of the G-7 glaring at President Trump during a break in the meeting in Quebec. The leftist Washington Post said the “photo perfectly illustrates Trump’s biggest lie – that he had stood up to the foreigners who have long fleeced our country.” Fake news.

Accompanying this piece is a photo taken just seconds later. Of course, most of you will not have seen this because the media didn’t want you to  see the G-7 members smiling with Trump.

Democrats and some Republicans seem to oppose the president’s America First motto as he seeks a level trading field with fair trade. It’s as if the feelings of our closest allies, who have been taking us to the cleaners, are more important than the ballooning trade deficit.

And you just know that the resistance crowd, the Never-Trumpers, are quietly hoping that President Trump fails in his effort to bring about the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

TRUMP-HATING LOVEBIRDS is the title of an American Thinker piece by Monica Showalter. In it she refers to “The Beltway’s Get Trump Movement” of lovebirds with the common mission of destroying the president.


The latest is the unusual hook-up of James Wolfe, the 58-year-old former staffer of the Senate Intelligence Committee, who leaked classified information to Ali Watkins, the 26-year-old reporter who has worked at the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed and Politico before being hired by the New York Times.

They exchanged tens of thousands of electronic communications and frequently met in person at restaurants and her apartment.

Perhaps the best known pair of lovebirds is Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, FBI agents who supported Hillary Clinton and e-mailed, tweeted and texted anti-Trump material on taxpayer time and equipment. Thousands of pages of material have yet to be released by the DOJ.

A third couple, Bruce and Nelly Ohr, who used their positions with the Department of Justice and Fusion GPS to develop the smears with the Steele dossier.

Lastly, there was the disgraced former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and his wife Jill, both with Hillary biases. Mrs. McCabe accepted some $700,000 from Virginia Governor and Clinton friend Terry McAuliffe during her run for senate. Her husband was supposed to keep her campaign at arm’s length but failed to do so.

MSNBC’s “lovebirds” on “Morning Joe.” (

AN ASIDE: While I found Showalter’s article tying together four Beltway couples with a mission of bringing down the Trump presidency creative, I would have added another couple – the MSNBC co-hosts of “Morning Joe,” Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, who banter anti-Trump material every day and frequently include their guests in berating the president. While the show is produced in New York, it is Washington Beltway centric.

DESPITE THE RESISTANCE FROM THE LEFT, Kevin McCullough of TownHall has authored, “5 Reasons Trump Will Win 40 States in 2020.”

“Delusional progressives are powerless to stop it. Ineffective never-Trump laughingstock are dwindling into oblivion,” writes McCullough, “After every curve ball has been thrown at him from every conceivable direction, Donald Trump will win 40 states, and do so in a most extraordinary way.”

His record on jobs, greater support from blacks, his strong base support, stronger might with less war and a safer world, and foreign policy dominance make up McCullough’s five reasons. Detail can be read at

PROMISESKEPT.COM is an impressive site if you are interested in what President Trump has accomplished in his first 500 plus days in office, or if you need to need factual information to settle an argument with a Never-Trumper.

The site is the handiwork of Trump’s digital guru, Brad Parscale, who has been named the president’s 2020 campaign manager.

Once you bring up the site, you will find 14 topics – economy and jobs, foreign policy, regulations, immigration, national security and defense, land and agriculture, law and justice, energy and environment, government accountability, health care, infrastructure and technology, social programs, education and veterans.

A click on any one of these will provide a comprehensive list of accomplishments in that area, including the most recent actions.

If you are interested in seeing a timeline of the president’s actions, click on “timeline” at the top of the home page.

(Courtesy Cartoonist Bob Gorell)

                  May God bless the United States of America