Uncounted votes surface in Ohio … Ocasio-Cortez on losing end … red wave-blue wave … double-standard for Feinstein … Grenell stops German plans in Iran … and Georgia on my mind

Here are my observations and opinions on selected news of the day.

THEY’RE STILL COUNTING VOTES in a couple of states, making some races even tighter. It’s reminiscent of the 2008 victory of Al Franken in Minnesota, when an election official found uncounted ballots in her car.

Officials in Franklin County, Ohio found 588 previously uncounted votes in a Columbus suburb, giving the Democrat candidate, Danny O’Connor a net gain of 190 votes. Reportedly, votes from one location had not been processed in the tabulation system. O’Conner still trails Troy Balderson.

“Does anyone remember votes ever being found that helped a Republican candidate?” asked Rush Limbaugh today.

THE NEW DARLING of the Democrat party, admitted socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has a lot to learn … about history, the Constitution, capitalism and the failure of socialism, and politics.

While the Democrat party put her on stage in every primary, every single candidate she endorsed not only lost, but were defeated soundly.

RED WAVE-BLUE WAVE – “Tuesday’s elections show that the GOP has a fighting chance to keep the House,” says Karl Rove in “The ‘Blue Wave’ May Be Receding,” in today’s Wall Street Journal, and I agree.

On the other side, the Journal’s editorial board opines in a “‘Red Wave’ Illusion,” that “Republicans on present trend are poised in November to lose their majority in the House of Representatives and a slew of governorships.”

Further, they predict that the GOP’s Senate majority isn’t safe either, stating that Republicans need to defeat Democrat incumbents to hold the Senate.

WHILE I DISAGREE with the Journal editorial board’s skeptical outlook regarding the GOP’s ability to hold onto the House and Senate, the board did make an excellent point:

“Our sense is that Republican voters haven’t recognized how much jeopardy the party is in. Many are content to listen only to their safe media spaces that repeat illusions about a ‘red wave’ and invoke 2016 when the media said Mr. Trump couldn’t win.”

I ENCOURAGE VOTERS who appreciate what President Trump has accomplished … promises kept, if you will … to forget 2016 and vote for Republican candidates wherever you are located. Do not be complacent.

THE KEY QUESTION SURFACING in the story about Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein having a Chinese spy as her office staffer-driver for 20 years is the double standard practice of the FBI. Why did the FBI notify the senator of their discovery of the spy, but failed to inform President Trump of their investigation of George Papadopoulos and Carter Page and their Russia connections?

Personally, I was equally disturbed by the senator’s naïve statement that her staffer had “no access to sensitive information.” As a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, she seems to believe that a spy needs a security clearance to gather sensitive material.

He could have learned much by listening to her cell phone conversations as he drove her to meetings; and did she ever leave her laptop in his care while she dashed into a restaurant for a luncheon meeting? Just curious.

“Feinstein has insinuated that Trump is compromised by a foreign power (Russia). But it’s clear that Feinstein has an alarming blind spot when it comes to China and national security,” writes Paul Sperry in his New York Post piece, “Dianne Feinstein was an easy mark for China’s spy.”

RICHARD GRENELL, whose confirmation to be our ambassador to Germany was on hold for months by Democrat obstructionists, is quietly convincing German companies to discontinue business with Iran.

Most recently, he successfully lobbied against a $400 million payment from the German central bank to the Islamic Republic and convincing Daimler to cancel expansion plans in the country.

He has met with several CEOs of major German companies with planned business in Iran to inform them they have to decide whether to do business with Iran or the U.S., but not both.

GEORGIA ON MY MIND – According to the Georgia Secretary of State’s website, Habersham County’s Mud Creek precinct had 276 registered voters for its May primary. But some 670 ballots were cast, indicating a 243 percent turnout.

But on Tuesday, after a federal lawsuit, the number or registered voters was changed to 3,704, reflecting a more likely turnout of about 18 percent.

Expect more problems in Georgia, one of four states that uses voting machines statewide that produce no paper record for voters to verify, making them difficult to audit, experts say.

        May God bless the United States of America.