Sharpton slams Trump … race card holders honor Aretha … Deep State sabotage … businesses on a high … no American flag on the Moon … and Trump reining-in federal civilian pay

Here are my observations and opinions on selected news of the day.

TRUMP CAN’T WIN – By now, most of us are used to the president being criticized for nearly everything he does or says. Speaking at the funeral of Aretha Franklin, the pompous Al Sharpton was critical of President Trump’s comment that she “worked for me” on several occasions.

The president took several moments at the start of his cabinet meeting to reflect on her voice being a gift of God and told of her being an inspiration to many generations.

She appeared for him at two of his casinos in 1988 and the early 1990s and at the 1997 grand opening of the Trump International Hotel and Tower

Sharpton took exception to his use of “worked for” saying, “No, she used to perform for you.”

Trump can’t win.

THREE RACE CARD HOLDERS joined the “first black president” Bill Clinton and sat front and center at the funeral of Aretha Franklin Saturday – Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton.

THE DEEP STATE SABOTAGE is way worse than Trump‘s atrocious infidelities, writes Margot Cleveland in The Federalist.

“This storm was never about the president’s past infidelity or Trump arranging for Cohen to use cash to silence a stripper. The left’s effortless pivot from their two-year investment in establishing that Trump colluded with Russia reveals their real dispute with the president: Trump won, and Hillary lost. Replacing Trump with Pence will not be enough. Only when Democrats regain what they believe should be rightfully theirs – control of the government – will amends be made.

“If the Deep State of Obama holdovers succeeds in forcing Trump out of office, the damage to our democratic republic cannot be overstated. Trump’s infidelity, wrong though it is, is far less destructive to our country than the last two years of sabotage set off by Washington insiders.”

This is a “must see” movie for right-thinking Americans.

GO FIGURE – A Zogby poll revealed that 8 out 10 business executives view business being better than two years ago, and 76 percent see business growing in the coming year, yet 38 percent say Democrats support more than Republicans at 34 percent.

HAVE YOU HEARD that the new film depicting the life of Astronaut Neil Armstrong, starring Ryan Gosling, will not include Armstrong’s planting the American flag on the Moon? Hollywood believes that Armstrong’s achievement was a “human” accomplishment, not one of America’s. Another film I will not go to see.

“We (America) choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do other things not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” – President Kennedy, Sept. 12, 1962

I had forgotten that the 20th Century space race was between Russia and Humanland.

PAY FREEZE FOR FEDERAL CIVILIAN WORKERS – In an effort to restrain the growth of federal spending and bring federal pay more in line with private sector salaries, President Trump seeks to freeze the pay of the government’s civilian employees. Employees were set to get a 2.1 percent increase on January 1, 2019.

Federal employees received a 1.4 percent raise this year and increases of 1 percent each from 2014 to 2017.

Government wages exceed those of the private sector among high school grads, those with a bachelor’s degree and those with a master’s degree, according to the CBO.

          May God bless the United States of America.