A twofer for Northam … an assault on the First Amendment … Dems simply hate Trump … remembering Daniel Pearl … illegal voters in Pennsylvania … UT law grad upset with alma mater … words of wisdom from Bloomberg … the culture of death … and the culture of life

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

THE CASE AGAINST GOV. NORTHAM – Some on the right want Virginia’s Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam hung out to dry for an alleged racist photo in his yearbook 35 years ago. You might say it is in retribution for what the Dems put Judge Kavanaugh through for words in his yearbook 36 years ago.

Democrats, feeling the heat, are calling for Northam to step down for his insensitivity for blacks.

Should you need a reminder, it was Northam, who ran a smear campaign against Republican Ed Gillespie in their race for governor in 2017, referring to Gillespie as a white nationalist. Then Democrat Gov. Terry McAuliffe accused Gillespie of having run the “most racist” campaign in Virginia history.

“Suggesting Gillespie’s campaign was more racist than the secessionist movement supporting slavery, the segregationists, and the opposition to interracial marriage,” wrote Tyler O’Neil in PJMedia.

“Racism is a very specific thing. It means the belief in the superiority of one race over another. And it is taboo in the United States as well it should be. But we need to be careful flinging this term around because what happened to this, tragically, is this great triumph of the civil rights movement making racism indefensible and intolerable has been weaponized. And the term now, the adjective racist, is hurled around with abandon. We shouldn’t be throwing the word ‘racist’ around with abandon.” – Brit Hume, Fox Political Analyst

LOST IN ALL OF THE RACIST BLATHER is a far more serious issue with Northam. Just days before the yearbook photo surfaced, Northam appeared on national television networks to describe late term abortions in a calm disturbing manner.

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” – Gov. Ralph Northam

To that statement, Charles Fain Lehman appropriately tweeted @CharlesFLehman: “Ralph Northam will now be kept comfortable while a discussion ensues.”

OVER AT CNN, Erin Burnett, host of Outfront on the network, wasn’t so out-front as she cut off Republican guest Stephen Moore when he brought up the abortion issue during the discussion of Northam’s alleged yearbook photo. Flanked on split screen with two blacks, CNN contributors Keith Boykin and April Ryan, Ryan insisted “no, no, no, no, no, … we’re going too far … let’s focus on the issue, please (Northam’s racism).”

WORTH REPEATING“Modern journalism is all about deciding which facts the public shouldn’t know because they might reflect badly on Democrats.” Jim Treacher @jtLOL

AN ASSAULT ON FIRST AMENDMENT – A restaurant owner in the Silicon Valley city of San Mateo, California has announced “if you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA cap, you aren’t getting served.”

Why?   J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, a chef partner in the restaurant I won’t name, sees someone wearing the cap, “same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or another symbol of intolerance and hate.”

I always find it interesting that people on left, who claim to be symbols of tolerance, are usually the most intolerant.

DEMOCRATS OPPOSE EVERYTHING TRUMP – Certainly you know that Democrats have long opposed the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Now, a recently released Zogby Analytics Poll found that 52 percent of Democrats oppose the president’s move to withdraw troops from Syria, while just 31 percent agree with the move.

Zogby sees it as an indicator of the degree of opposition the party has in accepting anything Trump does. “Over the past fifteen years, our polling of voters in the U.S. has shown that most Democrats vehemently opposed the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (by 74 percent in 2011),” said the pollster, “In a stunning reversal of past polling, a majority of Democrats now disagree with the president on removing troops from Afghanistan.”

Clearly, the Democrat Party has become the party of “hate.”

Daniel Pearl (jpost.com)

REGRETFULLY, I failed to recognize the 17th anniversary of the brutal killing of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, a real journalist, who died at the hands of an Al Qaeda monster on February 1, 2002. His death should not be forgotten.

NON-CITIZENS VOTED IN PENNSYLVANIA, TOO – Pennsylvania’s Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf stonewalled the request of state Republican lawmakers Daryl Metcalfe and Garth Everett to look into illegal voting in the midterms. After a 10-month delay, however, the Department of State notified Metcalf that a “possible” 11,198 voter registrations exist for people who were identified by the state as non-citizens. This follows the recent announcement of some 58,000 illegal voters in Texas.

WHY IS THIS UT GRAD SURPRISED? – The University of Texas and the city of Austin is a haven for the left, yet Mark Pulliam, has expressed concern for the leftward drift of the Texas Law Review, on whose editorial board he served during 1970-80.

He e-mailed current law review editors complaining about a planned constitutional law symposium entitled, “Reclaiming – and Restoring – Constitutional Norms,” which he says “appears to be little more than an anti-Trump political rally.

In addition to the usual suspects of progressive activism, including UC Berkeley Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet, he objected to panel members Ilya Somin and Jonathan Adler, both signatories to the “Originalists Against Trump” statement before the 2016 election.

Moreover, he was troubled by the selection of Sally Yates as the opening keynote speaker, pointing out that her “claim to fame” was her refusal to defend President Trump’s travel ban order during her 10 days as acting attorney general and member of the Obama holdover Deep State.

BILLIONAIRE CANDIDATES? Howard Schultz and Michael Bloomberg haven’t officially declared their candidacy for president, but they haven’t been too kind to the lefties who have declared.

One of my favorite comments came from Bloomberg: “I’m a little tired of listening to things that are pie-in-the-sky, that we are never going to pass, are never going to afford.”

KILLING A BABY AT BIRTH – “For many Americans, the prospect of this is nothing short of horrific. Any person who has ever witnessed a birth cannot help but understand that the child they held in their arms, was every bit the same child mere minutes before, while still inside the mother,” wrote David Marcus in The Federalist. ”To pretend otherwise strains credulity.”

In his piece, “The Progressive, Pro-Choice Culture of Death Must Be Stopped,” Marcus says, “This devaluation of human life should shock us, and yet, how can it? What discernible difference is there between this advocacy for what is, in every sense of the word, murder, and the practices protected by the New York legislation?”   A protection that received a disgusting wild applause when signed in Albany.

Will your state be next?

BILL KILGORE, pseudonym of a writer serving in the military service, in The Federalist mourns the status of the pro-life movement. While pointing to the 882,000 abortions that took place in 2017 as an improvement over the 913,000 in 2015, he says, “we are not moving toward a culture of life without abortion for convenience.”

                                           May God bless the United States of America