John James under consideration for UN … Michigan falls in line with Dems … Mueller investigation due … the media left on the 25th amendment … pity the ignorant … voter ID approval … no respect for community organizer … laugh of the day … and another glorious insult

Here are my observations and opinions of my selected news of the day.

John James

MICHIGAN’S LOSS COULD BE U.S. GAIN again. Michigan voters passed up an opportunity to replace its ineffective Democrat Sen. Debbie Stabenow with John James, a West Point grad and Iraq War helicopter veteran pilot, in the midterms, but he is now being considered for the post of UN ambassador. Nikki Haley resigned as ambassador in December, and Heather Nauert has taken her name out of consideration for the position.

SPEAKING OF MICHIGAN, where Donald Trump made a 1 a.m. Grand Rapids appearance on Election Day 2016 on his way to victory, the state has joined 15 other Democrat-led states to challenge the president’s emergency declaration.

Referring to Trump Derangement Syndrome, the American Thinker suggests “Don’t be surprised if the citizens of (those states) scream and tell their leaders to focus on creating jobs rather than politically motivated lawsuits.”

ANOTHER PREDICTION – We’ve been told that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation was coming to a close off and on now for months. Yesterday, the DC Caller, reporting on a CNN report, indicated that the investigation “could wrap as soon as next week.” You may recall that I believed the confirmation of William Barr as the new attorney general would trigger Mueller to close the investigation. I hope I am correct.

THE LEFTIST WASHINGTON POST again provides us with more evidence of their anti-Trump agenda. “Removing a president from office using systems including the Constitution is, by definition, not a coup,” said Philip Bump of the Post, “(no more than) removing him from office through impeachment…”

Surprisingly, CNN’s Paul Sracic reminded us that to remove the president using the 25th Amendment you would need the support of a loyal vice president, eight cabinet members appointed by Trump, and about two out of every five Republicans in the House and Senate.”

“The biggest surprise to come out of the 60 Minutes interview (with MCabe) was that both the deputy attorney general and acting director of the FBI were seemingly unaware that what they were discussing was utter fantasy,” Sracic added.

NOT TO BE DETERRED, the Washington Post’s Erik Wemple wrote, “Pondering the use of a duly approved amendment to the Constitution to accomplish a critical objective sounds downright patriotic.”

ON THE OTHER SIDE – “Anyone who believes that (the 25th amendment) was a remotely plausible or appropriate means to depose Donald Trump should have his own ability to discharge his duties examined,” commented Rich Lowry of the National Review.

THANKS to The Flip Side blog for its round up of comments on the use of the 25th Amendment.

PITY THE IGNORANT – You probably remember when actress Alyssa Milano tweeted that “the red MAGA hat is the new white hood.” At the time, Nardine Saad, writing in the Los Angeles Times foolishly referred to Milano as “the savvy social-media star.”

Milano was merely parroting comments by Matthew A. Sears, an associate professor of classics and ancient history at Canada’s University of New Brunswick, who frequents the pages of the Washington Post.

Sears has said that “those who wear MAGA hats are morally accountable for Trump’s actions,” and tweeted about the similarity to NAZI symbols and KKK hoods.

“Every time I watch a documentary about the civil rights movement and all the hateful violence they faced, I wonder what the white people who were doing those horrible things were thinking,” writes Chauncey DeVega in Salon, not missing an opportunity to attack Trumpers.

I wonder too, Chauncy. I wonder if you, while watching those civil rights documentaries, you learned that those who wore the white hoods and robes of the KKK were Democrats.

Salon steps in it again by publishing aunty Chauncey DeVega,” writes Darleen Click at Victory Girls blog, “Giving him space for 2600 words of racism and casual lying to Chauncey at least allows those of us who ask, ‘What, Salon is still around?’ a chance to point and laugh.”

A REMINDER TO PARENTS who have sons and daughters in our colleges and universities, professors spewing anti-Trump and anti-capitalism are as common in the U.S. as it is in Canada. They are the bastions of socialist liberal thought, where they should be teaching our kids how to think, not what to think.

HOW OFTEN HAVE YOU HEARD from Democrats that voter ID requirements discriminate against minorities and the poor, who supposedly are least likely to have a government-issued photo ID?

Voter ID requirements do not affect voter turnout, according to Angela Morabito, reporting on a working paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research in The Federalist.

States requiring photo ID offer them at no cost to the voter, and other states allow voters to cast a ballot by verifying their identity in another way, like a signature that matches the one on their registration.

Public support for voter ID requirements is high with Rasmussen reporting that 67 percent of likely voters supporting a requirement to show ID at the polls.

BUT UNFORTUNATELY, that number is down from 82 percent in 2010 due the left’s misinformation campaign that ID’s disenfranchise minorities and the poor. We legally voting citizens of America must stand together on the verification of voters by supporting voter IDs.

Rodney Dangerfield: “I don’t get no respect.” (

FORMER COMMUNITY ORGANIZER GETS NO RESPECT – In a setback to plans to build the sprawling Obama Presidential Center on 19.3 acres of the 500-acre Jackson Park on Chicago’s South Side lakefront, U. S. Judge John Robert Blakey allowed a lawsuit to proceed. Ironically, Blakey was appointed by Obama in 2014.

Much of the controversy surrounds the use of public park land for the center, arguing that the presidential center is not the same as a presidential library; it will not contain the former president’s papers.

Environmentalists want the center built on the South Side, but prefer it be placed on a vacant property located in a more desolate, lower-income neighborhood near Washington Park. Heaven forbid.

The lawsuit is likely to delay construction for months.

LAUGH OF THE DAY – A difficulty arises when cloning sheep – staying awake during inventory.

ANOTHER GLORIOUS INSULT – “He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.” – Winston Churchill

          May God bless the United States of America.