Misguided questioning of president’s character … Dem presidents behaved worse than Trump … New Mexico suckered-in by renewables … Rep. Lieu deletes tweet … and the government of Finland collapses

Here are my observation and opinions on my selected news of the day.

WE KNEW THE CHARACTER of Donald Trump, the man we were electing to the presidency of the United States. He wasn’t a choir boy. Most of all, he wasn’t a politician.

Yes, President Trump has his foibles, and his tweets are sometimes too edgy, but he keeps his promises, and he has accomplished more in his first two years than anyone would have imagined.

So, why does Wall Street Journal editor at large Gerald Baker find it necessary to suggest the need to restore good character to the office in his piece, “Will the Issue of Character Be Trump’s Undoing?

In what reads like his advice to Democrats, Baker writes, “The best way to unseat him may be to focus on restoring simple decency to the Oval Office. Could character be the Democrat trump card in 2020?

At least Baker admits that Democrats may be nervous about making character an issue, “given the abundant ethical frailties on their own side.”

So, why make it an issue, Mr. Baker?

Victor Davis Hanson (likesuccess.com)

COINCIDENTALLY, Victor Davis Hanson, with excerpts from his new book, “The Case for Trump,” wrote an opinion piece, “Democratic presidents behaved a lot worse than Trump in the White House,” published by the New York Post.

“On matters of character,” he writes, “did Trump’s tawdry trysts with women, often a decade before his presidency, mean that he lacked character and thus stained the conservative cause, in a way that the often promiscuous Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson and Clinton had not rendered their own liberal accomplishments null and void.?

When it comes to crudeness of language, Hanson puts Harry Truman right out there with Trump. Truman swore, and shocked aides and the public with his vulgarity and crass attacks on political enemies, according to Hanson. “In the pre-Twitter age, Truman could never keep his mouth shut,” he remarked. “Had Truman had access to Twitter, he could have self-destructed in a flurry of ad-hominem electronic outbursts.”

In response to critic Paul Hume, Hanson notes that Truman told him, “Someday I hope to meet you. When that happens, you’ll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes and perhaps a supporter below.”

It seems as though Truman’s crassness with the image of being plain speaking and his “The Buck Stops Here” slogan were more accepted than similar actions by Trump.

IN A FOLLOW-UP to my March 10, 2019 “Special Report: The Hysteria Over Climate Change,” I found a comment by columnist Mona Charen in my morning paper supportive of my view of nuclear power over renewables.

Mona Charen (nvdaily.com)

After commenting on the “childish” Green New Deal endorsed by Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Ed Markey and other Democrats, Charen says it “(makes) themselves look like dummies (reinforcing) the impression that they are totally unserious about combating climate change.”

Noting that the Union of Concerned Scientists issued a statement that the “sobering realities” of climate change “dictate that we keep an open mind about all of the tools in the emissions reduction toolbox – even ones that are not our personal favorites.”

“In other words,” Charen comments, “they don’t like nuclear, but they concede that it is necessary. Nuclear power, though it gives left-wingers the shakes, is safe and reliable.”

In her conclusion, Charen admonishes climate change advocates to get serious and “acknowledge the simple reality that you cannot stomp your foot and demand that the entire U.S. economy be transformed in 10 years.”

NEW MEXICO GOING WITH RENEWABESWith no apparent consideration for nuclear power, the state of New Mexico is considering legislation that will make their electricity generation carbon-free over the next 25 years utilizing solar and wind power.

The president and first lady comforting Alabamans. (Sally Pitts, WSFA)

LEAVE IT TO THE SNARKY TED LIEU – The California Democrat representative, who is known for going on Twitter to with outrageous comments, was forced to back track after tweeting: “We are in the third week of the national emergency! Can you feel the emergency? Is this why Donald Trump is going to Alabama, because we need to build a wall along Alabama’s southern border? Oh, wait, I just looked at the map …”

Lieu later amended his hasty conclusion after taking flak from Twitter users and learning that the president was, in fact, visiting Alabama to meet with Americans who lost loved ones and property in Sunday’s tornadoes.

“I have concluded … that my last tweet was inappropriate. I apologize and am going to delete my tweet.”

In the past, Lieu has used Twitter to accuse Vice President Pence of “cloaking (his) hate” in Christianity … to call for a criminal investigation of former UN ambassador Nikki Haley … and to call Judge Bret Kavanaugh “an angry drunk.”

HEY BERNIE – Did you hear about the government of Finland – your socialist Nirvana – collapsing due to the rising cost of universal health care and the prime minister’s failure to enact reforms to the system? The same Finland that gave up on its universal basic income experiment last year.

The leftist media is ignoring it, but the Washington Free Beacon and the Wall Street journal are reporting that Prime Minister Juha Sipila and the rest of the cabinet resigned after the governing coalition failed to pass reforms in parliament to the country’s regional government and health services.

Similar problems are bedeviling Sweden and Denmark, two other countries frequently held up as models to follow on health care, according to the Beacon’s Jeffrey Cimmino.

Increased costs to provide for the rise in pension and healthcare benefits results in increased taxation for the working-age population.

Of course, Sanders, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar and the other universal single-payer health care supporters will probably slough off the failure due to the country’s ill-conceived implementation.

                             May God bless the United States of America.