McCain’s vengence coming home to roost … another Arizona Republic ‘hit’ on McSally … Rao confirmed to D.C. Circuit … CNN critical of Beto’s white maleness … and the House vote on the release of the Mueller report

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

SUDDENLY IT’S NEWS that the late John McCain and his aide David Kramer (no relation) were behind the leaking of the phony Russian dossier to BuzzFeed and a number of other major media contacts in Washington DC.

But not really. I wrote about it in my posting, “The Meddling of McCain,” on March 8, 2018 and again on December 21, 2018. I contend that McCain, a bitter old man, simply could not set aside his hatred of President Trump.

DC Caller and the New Yorker wrote of the leak during that period.

McCain aide David Kramer. (gettyimages)

The latest “news” of the leak came from testimony by Kramer this week that he leaked the Democrat-financed dossier to BuzzFeed, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Carl Bernstein at CNN, NPR, Mother Jones, the Guardian, McClatchy News Service, and a number of others.

“While Kramer didn’t mention McCain when testifying about spreading the dossier to the press, as an aide to the Senator, he wouldn’t have leaked the information without the knowledge and approval of McCain,” commented Jeff Dunetz in The Lid.

In testimony it was revealed that Kramer “spread unsubstantiated anti-Trump material all over Washington during the presidential transition,” doing the bidding of the anti-Trump, anti-conservative senator. “During the transition,” Dunetz said, “McCain stood to the side, lobbing insults and accusations toward the Oval Office in an act of petty tantrum.”

You may recall that I decided to lay off McCain after he was diagnosed with brain cancer, however, in my September 3, 2018 farewell piece, I had to question, “what kind of person disinvites the president of the United States from participating in his funeral; what happened to the respect for the office.”

Consider the fact that McCain saw fit to return to Hanoi, where he was tortured for more than five years, yet he couldn’t bring himself to set aside his hatred of Trump to respect the office of the president of the United States.

JUST KNEW IT WAS COMING – Left-leaning Arizona Republic columnist Laurie Roberts took her shot at Sen. Martha McSally for voting in support of President Trump’s emergency declaration. The headline, “Did McSally just sink her chances for 2020?” shouldn’t surprise anyone. In three previous postings, I have told you about the Republic’s (and Roberts’) agenda of seeing her defeated in 2020.

The Republic, like most of the media, has had this “hate thing” going against President Trump, and that makes it convenient to continue its vendetta against McSally. The paper has already as much as endorsed Democrat Mike Kelly, who wants to unseat her.

“Thursday’s vote was McSally’s opportunity to put a sliver of daylight between herself and Donald Trump,” writes Roberts, “a degree of separation that might have convinced those all-important moderate and independent voters to give her a second look in 2020.

“So she’s standing with her man, no matter the cost to herself – unwilling to moderate in an effort to pick up centrist voters who might have handed her the win in 2018,” Roberts adds.

“Arizonans know there is a humanitarian and security crisis at the border,” McSally has stated, “drugs are killing and harming loved ones in our communities everywhere.”

Before closing her column, Roberts followed with information that reflects the left’s refusal to accept the reality of what’s happening on the border, ignoring the pleas of our Border Patrol, to support its ill-conceived stance that there is no emergency at the border.

Then, as one of the appointed “long knives” of Arizona’s left, Roberts writes, “She’s dead and buried with this vote, if she ever really existed at all.”

Arizona’s voting demographics have changed, but I have yet to meet one who would take the advice of a columnist like Roberts, who flits from one issue to another, always citing her arrogant leftist view.

NAOMI RAO has been confirmed by the Senate by a 53-46 vote to succeed Judge Brett Kavanaugh on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. You may recall my postings regarding the stiff opposition she faced with Democrats over opinion papers she wrote for a college newspaper. The court is considered the second most powerful court in the nation.

THE BETO BEAT – The Media Research Center reports that CNN seems to have a problem with Robert O’Rourke because he is a white male, and they’re not happy about it, according to Bill D’Agostino of NewsBusters.

Referring to his white maleness 52 times in one day, CNN rendered him an unacceptable choice for the Democrat Party. The mentions came not only from the host anchors, but analysts, outside journalists, and political guests as well.

Co-host John Berman on CNN’s New Day sees this as a moment when Democrats want to nominate either a woman or a minority, and Beto is neither.

The concern over his white maleness continued throughout the broadcast day until Anderson Cooper 360, when he remarked, “O’Rourke is, if you look at his record, a moderate.” Then, with visible discomfort, he noted, “He’s a white male.”

MAKING THE MUELLER REPORT PUBLIC – While Attorney General Bob Barr said that he would release as much of the Mueller Report as the law would allow, the House voted this week 420-0 in a non-binding resolution (Ho Hum) for its public release, with an exception for classified material. It calls for the full report to be released to Congress. Generally, the names of unindicted individuals are not released.

Most of the pressure is coming from Democrats, who evidently believe the investigation will only name names of people in the Trump administration. Certainly, the report has to reflect badly on Obama administration holdovers of the Deep State. They might just regret wanting full transparency.  What is it they say?  Be careful what you wish for.

AND FINALLY … your laugh-of-the-day. New York City Mayor Bill deBlasio has directed that Mondays will be meatless in city schools “so that children’s health will be as good as it can be, and they can learn as well as they can learn.” And, he says that “cutting back on meat a little will not only improve New Yorker’s health, it will reduce greenhouse gases.”

                                   May God bless the United States of America.