More fake news from the Arizona Republic … it’s Trump in 2020 … the Biden myth … majority believe Mueller in witch hunt … and Fox drifts left

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

IT’S ALSO FAKE NEWS when the media fails to report it. Such was the case with the left-leaning Arizona Republic, which failed to cover last week’s lawsuit testimony by the late John McCain’s aide David Kramer (no relation), who leaked copies of the unsubstantiated Russian dossier to a number of anti-Trump media contacts.

(Courtesy azcentral)

My latest coverage of the shady dealings of the McCain team appeared in my March 16, 2019 blog post, “McCain’s vengeance coming home to roost,” which included coverage of that testimony.   There has been no Arizona Republic acknowledgement of that testimony in its March 16-18, 2019 editions.

The Arizona Republic, which appears to be the self-appointed protector of the McCain legacy, published a 64-page commemorative edition, which included stories of the five-day memorial service.

When Gov. Doug Ducey selected Martha McSally to fill the seat of the late senator, the Republic felt it necessary to report that he did so with the weak approval of Cindy McCain, reporting that she did so respectfully but not enthusiastically.

Regular readers will recall my criticism of the Republic and its columnists for their continued attacks on McSally, which appears to be part of its agenda to block her reelection in 2020.

Kramer’s testimony didn’t go unnoticed by President Trump, who tweeted: “Spreading the fake totally discredited Dossier is unfortunately a very dark stain against John McCain.”

‘TRUMP WILL BE HARD TO BEAT”– I was amazed how those words unhesitatingly rolled off my tongue when a guest in my golfing foursome asked me how it looked for 2020. I do believe that.

Yesterday, while researching material for this post, I noticed the headline, “Pollster Zogby: Trump ‘will be hard to beat’ in 2020,” in the Washington Examiner.

HAVE YOU NOTICED how many times the media has reported that Joe Biden’s decision on whether to run for president depends on the approval of his family members? Give me a break. Biden has been running for office since 1970, for nearly five decades, and he expects us to believe that?

BUT DOES IT MATTER? – Currently, 50 percent of Americans consider Mueller’s investigation to be a witch hunt, while 47 percent disagree. Independents believe President Trump has been the victim of a witch hunt, by 54 percent to 42 percent, according to a recent USA Today/Suffolk University poll.

A CONSERVATIVE FRIEND e-mailed me his concern over the fact that the Fox News Channel had signed former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile to be a network contributor, referring to it as a drift to the left. I agree.

Fox already has a sufficient number of left-leaning personalities, including show hosts Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace, Juan Williams and Arthel Neville and contributors Jessica Tarlov, Marie Harf, Adrienne Elrod, Doug Shoen and Leslie Marshall.  Tammy Bruce, a Democrat and lesbian, at least provides solid thinking as a Fox contributor.

I cannot name a conservative on CNN or MSNBC.

             May God bless the United States of America.