Petulant Pelosi … run, Joe, run … power’s gone to Nadler’s head … Schiff as ‘Captain Queeg’ … those FISA warrants and surveillance … CNN’s Don Lemon stuck on stupid … Trump at 50 percent approval … and AOC has Dem line

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

IMAGINE THIS – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who once told us we had to wait to see what was in the ObamaCare legislation, now has the gall to say, “No thank-you Mr. Attorney General, I don’t need your interpretation … it’s condescending … show us the report … we have to see the facts.” And she calls him “arrogant.”

GEE I HOPE BIDEN DECIDES TO RUN – What a pathetic gasbag!  As I recently wrote, “I will no longer refer to Joe Biden as ‘that’s just Ole Joe’ when he makes a ridiculous remark – a gaffe.

With his eulogy for the late John McCain, a long, over-the-top characterization of the senator still a vivid memory of Biden’s tendency to be overly dramatic, on Tuesday he used the occasion of the Biden Courage Awards to make himself look even more foolish.

Condemning what he referred to as “a white man’s culture,” he lamented the fact that Anita Hill was forced to face a panel of a “bunch of white guys” about her 1991 sexual harassment allegations against Clarence Thomas. Of course, there was no apology or thought of the fact that Thomas, too, had to face those same “white guys.”

Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee at the time, Biden said, “to this day, I regret I couldn’t come up with a way to give her the kind of hearing she deserved.” Recalling his own questioning at the time, I find it disingenuous of him to have us believe that he felt that way at the time of the hearing in 1991.

If Biden is really serious about his feelings for Anita Hill, he could make it up to her by selecting her to be his running mate.

What’s next, Joe? Are you going to apologize for the 39 white guys who signed the Constitution of the United States?

POWER HAS GONE TO HIS HEAD – Democrat Rep. Jerrold Nadler, now the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, in a press conference after the release of the Mueller Report summary Sunday, insisted that he receive the full report, and has since demanded that it be delivered to him by Tuesday, April 2, 2019. Why Tuesday, and not Monday? He’s still at home in New York on Monday.

Attorney General Bill Barr had assured lawmakers that he would be as transparent as the law provides and that he hoped to release the report in weeks, not months.

Humphrey Bogart as ‘Captain Queeg’ (

DID YOU SEE CAPTAIN QUEEG? – I beg your pardon, did you see Adam Schiff do his best to duplicate Humphrey Bogart’s performance as the Caine Mutiny’s Captain Queeg Thursday morning? Missing were the steel balls Bogart rolled around in his hands during interrogation. An agitated Schiff was asked to step down from his chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee.

I’M NOT CERTAIN that the Mueller Report will go into the abuse of the FISA system and the illegal surveillance of Americans authorized by the Obama administration. That could be part of Michael Horowitz’s pending IG Report of DOJ and FBI activities.

He will undoubtedly be aided by FISA Court Judge Rosemary Collyer’s April 26, 2017 99-page memo in which she cited a rushed effort that resulted in multiple violations and abuse by the FBI.

Former disgraced FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe, and former Attorney General Sally Yates were all required to sign-off on FISA warrants and were aware at the time that the unsubstantiated Steele dossier was used to bolster the warrant.

We know that as a result of President Obama’s Executive Order 12333, issued mere days before his presidency ended, more individuals (many now members of the Deep State) were given access to share intelligence about innocent people. Some 260 unmaskings by former UN Ambassador Samantha Power, reportedly done on a daily basis, comes to mind.

The executive order bears an innocuous title, Procedures for the Availability or Dissemination of Raw Signals Intelligence Information by the National Security Agency, was initially signed by two Obama appointees who have been linked to the effort to bring down the Trump presidency – DNI James Clapper on December 15, 2016, about six weeks after the Trump victory.; and Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed on January 3, 2017, three weeks before Donald Trump’s inauguration.

CNN’S LEMON A BOOKER FAN? When CNN anchor Don Lemon broke for a commercial during a televised town hall with Democrat Sen. Cory Booker, a candidate for president, a live mike caught him congratulating Booker, saying “nice job, nice job,” according to Naomi Lim of the Washington Examiner.

SHARYL ATTKISSON has documented a list of definitive media mistakes on the Trump administration too large in volume to include here. You should check it out by CLICKING HERE.

THE DAILY PRESIDENTIAL TRACKING POLL for Thursday by Rasmussen, the only daily nationally recognized public opinion tracking firm, shows that 50 percent of likely U.S, voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.

OCASIO-CORTEZ – It didn’t take her long to pick up the decades-old Democrat manta that Republicans don’t care about clean air and water. It was her automatic response to charges that her Green New Deal is being championed by Democrat elites.

Morgan Ortagus (

“The Green New Deal is a profoundly embarrassing and politically damaging proposal for Democrats,” believes the editorial board of the Washington Examiner, “which is probably why not a single one of them voted for it yesterday.”

MORGAN ORTAGUS, who has been a contributor on Fox News Channel, is expected to become the new State Department spokesperson.

                         May God bless the United States of America.