Noonan got it right … Medicare-for-all threatens hospitals … no hope for the Washington Post … bartender questions Ivanka Trump’s qualifications … those Minnesota patriots … and Samantha Power’s misuse of position

Here are my observations and opinions of my selected news of the day.

I HAVE OCCASIONALLY BEEN CRITICAL of Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan for her political positions, not her use of the English language. She didn’t disappoint in her Saturday column, in which she succinctly summed up the second of two Democrat debates: “It was an odd evening in that it was lively, spirited, at moments even soulful, and yet so detached from reality.”

MEDICARE-FOR-ALL and no hospital to serve you. That could happen if the Democrats had their way with Medicare-for-all. “Some hospitals, especially struggling rural centers, would close virtually overnight,” writes Reed Abelson in the New York Times.

(Courtesy New York Post)

A friend recently inquired about its impact on hospitals. As they say, the devil is in the details. Those Democrats pushing Medicare-for-all or single-payer systems will require that we can no longer have private insurance. That would cut some 40 percent from hospital revenues. Hospitals depend on insurers’ higher payments because government programs pay so little.

“The nation’s hospitals would lose somewhere on the order of $150 billion a year,” according to the Journal of the American Medical Association.

“In addition to the sheer bureaucratic disruption of switching to a new, government-run system of financing, reducing provider payments so sharply in such a short period of time would place a huge financial strain on the system, resulting in hospitals shutting their doors and jettisoning staff,” writes Peter Suderman in Reason.

With a lot to lose, the American Hospital Association, an industry trade group representing some 5,000 hospitals, health care systems and 43,000 individual members, is already starting to lobby against Medicare-for-all proposals.

AND DID YOU NOTICE that all ten of the Democrat candidates in the last debate raised their hands when asked if they would provide health insurance to illegals.

BELIEVE IT – The Washington Post published an op-ed written by the owner (name purposely withheld) of the Red Hen Restaurant, who asked then Trump press secretary Sarah Sanders and her family to leave the restaurant. It appeared just days after Eric Trump was spat upon by a waitress in Chicago.

“Restaurants are now a soundstage for our national spectacle. And the rules have changed,” she wrote. “If you’re an unsavory individual – of whatever persuasion or affiliation – we have no legal or moral obligation to do business with you.

“It’s about values, and accountability to values, in business,” she wrote with the typical tolerance of a progressive. “A hatemonger with murderous intent doesn’t have deserve anyone’s hospitality,” she added.

IS BEING A BARTENDER a qualification for a career in the U. S. House of Representatives? It seems so, for that big mouth know-it-all who won in the 2018 midterms in New York. You know who I’m referencing.

IVANKA TRUMP (DailyCaller)

“That woman” had the audacity to attack Ivanka Trump by tweeting, “It may be shocking to some, but being someone’s daughter actually isn’t a career qualification” adding that “it hurts our diplomatic standing when the President phones it in & the world moves on. The US need our president working the G20. Bringing a qualified diplomat couldn’t hurt either.”

Ivanka Trump, 37, who set aside her executive vice president role with her own fashion business when her father was elected, led the U.S. delegation in a special discussion on women’s economic empowerment. And she has a place at the table during all domestic and foreign policy discussions.

She recently collaborated with Kim Kardashian West in developing a plan for criminal justice reform. Funny, I don’t recall “that woman” questioning Kim’s qualifications in criminal justice.

THE MINNESOTA COMMUNITY of St. Louis Park wasn’t happy when its city council members voted 5-0 in favor of eliminating the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance before its board meeting, so they are rethinking it.

It was the PC idea of council member Anne Mavity, who said she didn’t want to hurt the feeling of non-citizens. OMG!

I’ve got to believe that my father’s Democrats – Hubert H. Humphrey and Walter Mondale – have to be rolling over in their graves as their state has elected the likes of Paul Wellstone, Jesse Ventura, Mark Dayton, Keith Ellison and Ilhan Omar. Now, this disrespect for the Pledge of Allegiance.

SAMANTHA POWER, former ambassador to the United Nations, whose authority was inexplicably used to unmask hundreds of Americans during the 2016 election, we now learn, was exchanging anti-Trump e-mails on her official UN account. The documents were uncovered by the American Center for Law and Justice, according to Madeline Osburn, of The Federalist.

Of Trump’s plan for the UN, Power snarkily replied, “This reflects the lack of understanding of History.”

“Lord help us all,” she e-mailed a colleague when Trump announced his intention to withdraw from the Paris Accord.

The Federalist included in its coverage a brief news clip from You Tube of an election night party at the home of Power with invited guests including former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, Gloria Steinem and a number of female ambassadors from other countries. As the results come in for Donald Trump, one can hear Power say, “its over.” The clip also captured a speechless Ben Rhoades. CLICK HERE TO WATCH.

                               May God bless the United States of America.