Black billionaire high on economy … three views of Pelosi … how climate change is taught … Chaffetz on DOJ IG report … AOC’s antics … more black pandering … and liberal Minnesotan struggles over Pledge of Allegiance

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.


AMERICA’S FIRST BLACK BILLIONAIRE, Robert Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television (BET), praised President Trump for the roaring economy while criticizing Democrats for moving too far left, according to Tyler O’Neil in PJ Media.

A self-described centrist, who voted for Hillary Clinton, gives the president “a lot of credit for moving the economy in a positive direction that’s benefitting a large number of Americans.

“Overall, if you look at the U.S. economy … you’ve got to give the president an A+ for that,” he said.

THREE VIEWS OF PELOSI – Nancy Pelosi is usually not very clear in public,” noted Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan, capturing what I, too, have observed during her press conferences. “You listen and walk away uncomprehending. When she takes questions from the press (which we viewers cannot hear), she is almost never not confusing,” writes Noonan as she cites her favorite Pelosi quote:

I don’t support it, but It’s not, you know – in other words, there is an emergency. There is a burning building. We have to put out the fire. I’m not having to have a conversation about the color of the buckets that the water is in.”

In the second view of the speaker, Noonan writes, “In private, Mrs. Pelosi could be clearer. To her caucus’s progressives at the closed-door meeting Wednesday morning, she said: ‘Some of you are here to make a beautiful pate’, but we’re making sausage. You got a complaint? You come and talk to me about it. But do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that that is just OK. One attacks on moderates: Think twice. Actually, don’t think twice. Think once.’”

Which brings me to the third view, verbalized by her daughter, Alexandra: “She’ll cut your head off and you won’t even know your bleeding.”

A SIDE NOTE: Did you notice the restraint exhibited by President Trump after Pelosi’s insult that he wanted to “Make America White Again?” “She’s not a racist,” he said. He had to smile, however, when the resident House bartender said Pelosi was “disrespectful.”

IT’S TIME TO CHALLENGE the steady diet of bias, false information and alarmism on climate change that students are fed in and outside of their classrooms, says Paul Driessen in Townhall, who reports on an effort by Dr. David Wojick, a science and public policy analyst who is doing just that.

In March, I wrote about the schools that were permitting students to participate in “skip school Friday,” to petition government to respond to the impending results of fossil fuel emissions.

Teachers not only excuse their truancy, they encourage it; giving course credit for these actions as they promote the thought that their activism on climate change is more important than reading, mathematics, history and other course work.

Following my July 10, 2019 special on phony scare tactics climate change by the left, one of my devoted readers alerted me to Driessen’s Townhall piece.

“From kindergarten onward, our young people are repeatedly told that they, our wildlife and our planet face unprecedented cataclysms from manmade climate change, resulting from fossil fuel use,” writes Driessen, who says they are hoodwinked into believing it’s settled science., and little or no classroom discussion is allowed.

Wojick’s Climate Change Debate Education Project is an ambitious and important undertaking. If you are in a position to effect change in your local school, I hope you will challenge the groupthink and borderline hysteria that may exist there and recommend Wojick’s effort be explored.

BEARER OF BAD NEWS? – In an opinion piece written for Fox News, former Congressman Jason Chaffetz, he seemingly cautions readers that we may not be satisfied with the long-awaited report by DOJ IG Michael Horowitz.

Citing his experience in past investigations, Chaffetz says “getting to the bottom of agency malfeasance is difficult, even for the inspector general, because agencies are obviously not always forthcoming about producing evidence that might embarrass them.”

“Nonetheless, the big battle that now looms is the classification battle – what gets classified before the FISA report is released and to what degree?” Chaffetz states.

While Attorney General William Barr has stated that he wants to get to the bottom of the questionable goings-on in the DOJ under previous administrations, he will have a thin line to tread between acknowledging “wrongs” and leaving his agencies with some sort of integrity.

Americans want accountability and must expect full transparency from Barr.

AOC’S ANTICS – Mature liberals and moderates in the Democrat Party better be careful while supporting her wild actions. We’ve already seen how the Democrat presidential candidate have jumped on board with the Green New Deal, and some are following her lead on her false claims of cruelty on the border.

They foolishly see this an opportunity to latch onto the “news” coverage she gets from the obliging leftist media. Thirty-one of her colleagues in the House will be up for reelection in districts won by Trump, so they’re walking a fine line that could come back and bite them.

ALL ABOARD! – In my July 11, 2019 posting I noted how several of the Democrat presidential candidates were pandering to blacks. Not to be outdone, Pete Buttigieg, with Al Sharpton at his side, launched his Douglass Plan, named after former slave Frederick Douglass. He calls it a comprehensive plan to boost the fortunes, health and voting rights of black Americans.

“It’s very clear that a consequence of systemic racism, black Americans have been excluded from the growth and the opportunity that our nation has provided,” claims Buttigieg.

MEANWHILE – Fellow black panderer Beto O’Rourke said this to a meager campaign audience: “I know this from my home state, Texas, places that formed the Confederacy, that this country was founded on white supremacy. And every single institution and structure that we have in this country still reflects the legacy of slavery and segregation and Jim Crow and suppression, even in our democracy.”

A SIDE NOTE: I wonder if those pandering Democrats heard billionaire Robert Johnson’s comments (see above) on Trump’s economy.


BLEEDING HEART LIBERAL Anne Mavity, member of the St. Louis Park, Minnesota city council that is weighing the “difficult” question of whether the council should recite the Pledge of Allegiance at its meetings, was shocked by the crowd that turned out to demand the reversal of the decision to drop the pledge.

While claiming to be “a proud American,” Mavity said, “I’m appalled that our little suburban community’s meeting protocols have sparked this polarizing conversation.” Mavity was among those who said the decision to no longer recite the pledge was an issue of diversity and that they wanted to make sure everyone felt welcome.

ANOTHER SIDE NOTE: Could Mavity be seizing this opportunity to oppose President Trump, who strongly supports the pledge and respect for and the national anthem? If she is typical of a suburban woman, whom we are told oppose the president, I say the other party is always looking for those who look down upon patriotism, and freedom.

RED SKELTON’S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – I know many of you will recall the humor of comedian Red Skelton and his special performance of the Pledge of Allegiance. It should be required viewing in schools today. CLICK HERE to see it.

                 May God continue to bless the United States of America.