AOC meets her match … a perspective on illegal immigration … the left and Epstein … the foolish wage proposal …one can hope … the ‘Portlandization’ of a city … and laugh-of-the-day

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

AOC WAS SPEECHLESS – The resident House bartender has been trying to stir things up on what she saw at a border detention facility, but she met her match while questioning former acting ICE Director Tom Homan.


While wrongly trying to pin him down as the author of Homeland Security’s family separation policy, she paused and was seemingly rattled when Homan explained it was the same policy with every U.S. citizen. “If I get arrested for DUI and I have a young child in the car, I’m gonna be separated,” he said.   When I was a police officer in New York and I arrested a father for domestic violence, I separated that father from his family.”

“Mr. Homan, with all due respect,” she interrupted, ”Legal asylees are not charged with any crime.” To which Homan responded, “When you’re in this country illegally, it’s a violation 8, United States Code 1325.”

“Seeking asylum is legal,” she insisted. “If you want to seek asylum, you go through a port of entry,” Homan fired back.

“Okay,” she concluded.

FROM A READER –All Americans, not only in the states most heavily affected, but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens of legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers.

“We are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must do more to stop it.”

So said President Bill Clinton in his 1995 State of the Union Address, sent to me by a reader with the question, ‘When did the Democrats lose their way?’ The answer is simple. When Donald Trump campaigned that he would secure the border. Democrats have no intention of allowing him to keep his promise, even though they recognize that there is a real crisis on the border.

Video clips of this address and similar speeches by President Obama have recently surfaced on the Fox News Channel as a reminder of the mess inherited by the Trump administration.

THE LEFT VS THE RIGHT on sex offender Jeffry Epstein. The left insisted that Labor Secretary Alex Acosta had to resign or be fired over a 12-year-old decision he made as a federal prosecutor in the Epstein case.

Acosta did the right thing by stepping aside, saying “It would be selfish of me to stay as labor secretary and continue talking about a case that is 12 years old, rather than about the amazing economy that we have right now.

But now we are learning of people on the left, who were associated with Epstein, including Bill Clinton. Reportedly, Clinton flew in Epstein’s jet anywhere from four to 26 times.

After being released from a Florida jail, branded a sex offender, left-leaning celebrities Katie Couric, George Stephanopoulos, Chelsea Handler and Prince Andrew dined with him along with Charlie Rose and Woody Allen, who have also been accused of sexual misconduct, at his Manhattan mansion, according to The New York Times.

Soon after, he was photographed with Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk at a “billionaire’s dinner, and even Stephen Hawking attended one of his gatherings. Although he didn’t graduate from Harvard, and doesn’t have a college degree, he has contributed millions to Harvard and professors of science at other colleges, including Lawrence Krauss a retired professor at Arizona State University who was accused of sexual misconduct.

“I’m not a sexual predator; I’m an ‘offender,’ Epstein told The New York Post in 2011. “It’s the difference between a murderer and a person who steals a bagel.” Sounds a bit like it depends on what the meaning of is is.

DEMOCRATS AND THE MINIMUM WAGE – That $15 minimum hourly wage proposed by Democrats and supported by their presidential candidates would result in the loss of roughly 1.3 million jobs nationwide, according to a median estimate by the Congressional Budget Office. Some 3.7 million would lose jobs in the CBO’s upper estimate.

The nonpartisan agency also predicted a $9 billion drop in “real income” in 2025 – largely of a drop in businesses’ income, as well as price increases for goods and services across the economy.

ONE CAN HOPE – CBS announced that Norah O’Donnell will be the new anchor of CBS Evening News tonight, the seat formerly held by Walter Cronkite, once considered to be the most trusted man in America.

During an interview with the Wall Street Journal, O’Donnell cited the importance of sorting fact from fiction as “incredibly important.” With the CBS goal of positioning her evening newscast as “the most trusted voice,” she remarked “that’s not a heavy lift for us at CBS … that’s who we are already.”

That’s questionable.

Relieved of sharing the anchor role on CBS This Morning with Gayle King, O’Donnell now has an opportunity to reverse the downward trend of CBS Evening News, where she will also be the show’s managing editor.

Will she toe the line of the network?  Will she be able to return CBS to the glory days of Cronkite? Not likely, but one can hope. I’m sure the Brent Bozell’s Media Research Center will be monitoring her every night.

PORTLAND VICTIM of left-wing group protest. (

MUST READING – You probably heard how a young journalist Andy Ngo was beaten by a left-wing group in Portland, Oregon earlier this month. In fact, you may have heard other stories emanating from Portland; mostly not Chamber of Commerce material.

While doing some research, I came across a feature, “Portland: It Can Happen to a Place Near You.” It’s subtitled “When the crazies took over the city I loved, I knew it was time to get out.” I read it and was impressed how the author, Nancy Rommelmann, detailed how Portland had changed since moving there in 2004, and why she decided to move out. CLICK HERE if you are interested in reading her story of ‘Portlandization.’

THE LAUGH-OF-THE-DAY comes from comedian Joe DeVito appearing on the Greg Gutfeld Show: “Eric Swalwell dropped out of the presidential race to spend more time being ignored by his family.”

                  May God continue to bless the United States of America.