G7 meetings not so gloomy … Greenland, on second thought … can Biden survive Iowa, New Hampshire? … Gillibrand urged to get out … climate change fraud … Dems appear bearish on climate now … Crazy Bernie’s scheme to spend our money … the Dems and free stuff … and another great truth

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

GLOOMY PROSPECTS were forecast for the G7 meetings in France, but there’s word of a U.S. trade agreement with Japan, renewed prospects of trade discussions with China, and … wait for it … a meeting between President Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani with “no preconditions” becomes a possibility.

ON SECOND THOUGHT – The media had a big laugh recently when the subject of the U.S. purchasing Greenland from Denmark surfaced.  While they were huffing and puffing over such a ridiculous thought, news of former President Truman’s 1970s interest in such a purchase became known.  It was another opportunity for the leftist media to poke fun of President Trump.

Denmark’s prime minister responded calling the suggestion “absurd.”

However, today in a Wall Street Journal op-ed by S. Enders Wimbush, “Make Denmark Another Offer for Greenland,” the author wrote that “buying Greenland shouldn’t be a joke.  It’s strategically important in our ever-shifting geopolitical landscape.”

He points out, however, that he could have told the president that Denmark would have reacted as they did and adds that Greenland’s inhabitants have a strong desire to rule themselves.

“If Russia and China get hold of that vital strategic space, the U.S. will be in the crosshairs,” he writes, “The White House might adjust its pitch (it actually didn’t make one), but it should change its instincts.”

Also today, in a New York Times op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-ARK), “The U.S. should buy Greenland,” also appeared, revealing China’s interest, while discussing the rich, wide array of mineral deposits, including rare-earth materials, located there.

Referring to other territories purchased by the United States, he asks, “Who today believes the acquisition of Alaska was ‘Seward’s folly?’”

I wonder who will have the last laugh.

RUMORS FROM THE LEFT – It is believed that Apology Joe Biden would take the South Carolina primary based on his 82 percent approval rating by SC blacks, however, he’s not going to make it that far as he trails in Iowa and New Hampshire.

KIRSTIN GILLIBRAND is being urged to drop out of the race for the Democrat presidency by a longtime fundraiser and former staffers, saying that she comes across as “obnoxious,” and an “opportunist.”  Yet to crack the one percent mark in a major poll, she even trails Marianne Williamson, who has no political experience.

MICHAEL MANN, isn’t a name readily known by the average individual, but you’ll be happy to learn that he just lost a multi-million-dollar libel suit for perpetrating a fraud to support his global warming theory, according to John Hinderaker in PowerLine

It was Mann who created the famous “hockey stick” graph that purported a sudden and unprecedented 20th century warming trend that led to Al Gore’s Nobel Prize and was used in the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  After eight years, Mann was unable to provide documentation ordered by the court, and his hockey stick is now considered a fraud.

A British Columbia court threw out the case “with prejudice” in favor of the defendant Dr. Tim Ball, meaning that Mann cannot not refile it.

SPEAKING OF CLIMATE CHANGENate Silver, editor in chief of FiveThirtyEight, tweeted “People will try to spin it differently but (Gov. Jay) Inslee’s  lackluster performance (as a presidential candidate) is an obviously bearish indicator for the prioritization of climate change in Democrat politics, according to Robinson Meyer of the Atlantic, writing in the Wall Street Journal’s Notable& Quotable column.

Meyer sees it as a political problem for climate advocates, claiming that if Democrats want climate action, “it remains only one in a list of demands.”

BY THE WAY, Crazy Bernie’s $16 trillion dollar (yes, trillion) green plan would include $2.1 trillion to help companies and families trade in their fossil fuel-dependent vehicles for electric vehicles, $407 billion to replace all school buses and transit buses with electric buses, and $216 billion for truckers to replace all diesel tractor trailer trucks.

FREE TUITION AND STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS are common promises being offered by the top Democrat presidential candidates, all at taxpayer expense, of course, but perhaps you haven’t heard that they support affirmative action, too.

Elizabeth Warren wants all public colleges to complete an annual audit to identify any “shortfalls” in enrollment and graduation rates for lower-income and students of color,” according to Rachelle Peterson in The Federalist.  “Biden,” she writes, “would reinstate the Obama-era guidance on affirmative action, which declared racial preferences a compelling state interest.”

AND FINALLY, another great truth: “When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work, because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.” – Author Unknown

                    May God continue to bless the United States of America.