Democrat candidates suckered in by New York Times

Here are my observations and opinions on how the Democrat presidential candidates took a leap of faith in New York Times reporting.

WHAT IS IT GOING TO TAKE for Democrats, Independents and never-Trumpers to get their head out of the sand and recognize that the Democrat Party has fielded a pack of 2020 presidential candidates that not only cannot defeat President Trump, but are an unmitigated embarrassment beyond belief?


They leapt at the opportunity to further damage Judge Brett Kavanaugh and attack the president, when the leftist New York Times published a supposed new charge against the judge.  The disgraced Times was forced to print a retraction after publishing uncorroborated information, but unfortunately for the Democrat candidates, their lack of judgment and character was again revealed.

If that wasn’t enough of an embarrassment for the candidates, the paper published their remarks after it corrected its article.

ELIZABETH WARREN: “Confirmation is not exoneration and the newest revelations are disturbing. Like the man who appointed him, Kavanaugh should be impeached.”

KAMALA HARRIS: “He (Kavanaugh) was put on the Court through a sham process and his place on the Court is an insult to the pursuit of truth and justice.  He must be impeached.”

After Harris’ embarrassing moment during her hearing questioning of Kavanaugh, I would have thought she would be more cautious, but it was another opportunity to spew hate for a man with an impeccable record on the bench.

BERNIE SANDERS: “The revelations today confirm what we already knew.  During his hearing, Kavanaugh faced credible accusations and likely lied to Congress.  I support any appropriate mechanism to hold him accountable.”  That would be impeachment, Bernie.

BETO O’ROURKE: “We know he lied under oath.  He should be impeached.”

After making the foolish statement that our nation was founded on slavery and his unachievable promise that he would confiscate AR-15 and AK-47 rifles, his future as a nominee is laughable.

CORY BOOKER: “Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation should have never happened in the first place.  It was the result of a broken process designed by Senate Republicans to brush aside deeply troubling and credible allegations. I stand with survivors and countless other Americans calling for impeachment proceedings to begin.”

Mark Booker down as extremely naïve.  He still believes Christine Blasey Ford.

AMY KLOBUCHAR, who is strongly opposed to Kavanaugh, based on his views of executive power and the allegations of misconduct against him, stopped short of seeking his impeachment. Klobuchar said you can’t “look at impeachment hearings without getting documents … and the attorney general is shielding documents.”

APOLOGY JOE BIDEN: Calling the revelations “profoundly troubling,” he stopped short of calling for Kavanaugh’s impeachment, but called for an investigation into  “whether the Trump administration and Senate Republicans pressured the FBI to ignore evidence.”   Really, Joe?

JULIAN CASTRO: “It’s more clear that Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath.  He should be impeached.”

PETE BUTTIGIEG: “Kavanaugh should resign and if he doesn’t, then House should impeach him.”

Don’t look for any of the above to apologize for their eagerness to indict Kavanaugh and President Trump.

As I have said here in past posts, Democrats are the ones sowing hate and division in our nation, with the aid of malicious “journalism” by papers like the New York Times and Washington Post, and networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN.

                   May God continue to bless the United States of America.