Pelosi’s fantasy of becoming president … talk of succession not new … popping Pelosi’s bubble … the effect of liberal professors … jealous Beltway ‘journalists’ attack John Solomon … Warren debunked … and what gun violence epidemic?

Here are my observations and opinions from my selected news of the day.

PELOSI FANTISIZES ABOUT BEING PRESIDENT – As speaker, Nancy Pelosi is third in the succession line to be president, and you just know that she fantasizes over that possibility.

NANCY PELOSI – Hey, she’s got the flags. (

You may recall that Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig, in October 2017, put forth a far-fetched scenario of President Trump being impeached, followed by the resignation of Vice President Pence, giving the presidency to then speaker Paul Ryan, who would mysteriously name Hillary Clinton to be his vice president.

Now, amid all of the talk about impeachment, Robert Atkins and Adam P. Frankel, writing in The Washington Post, recounted the resignation of Vice President Agnew in the fall of 1973, and the possibility that President Nixon would resign before naming a successor.

That would pave the way for Democrat House Speaker Carl Albert to assume the presidency.  Of course, Gerald Ford was named vice president, but not before Ted Sorenson, an advisor to John F. Kennedy had written a secret 19-page memorandum on how to accomplish an event during which Albert would become  president.

“They do not point out, however, that Trump has much higher approval rating than Nancy Pelosi,” writes Matt Margolis of PJ Media. “Or is highly unlikely that Trump, even if impeached, would be removed from office, especially given the facts of the recent allegations.”

TIME TO POP NANCY’S BUBBLE – Nancy Pelosi regularly refers to the division in the country, yet “by forgoing a full House vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry, Mrs. Pelosi has amped-up the partisanship,” comments William McGurn in his Wall Street Journal column Tuesday. “Instead of moving ahead with full backing of the elected representatives of the American people, she has launched the Trump impeachment by personal ukase.”

I have been hearing that voters aren’t concerned with this latest Democrat effort to remove the president. “It has been greeted with a collective ho-hum,” says McGurn.

While everyone has noted that this is the first time there hasn’t been a vote before an impeachment can start, they are seemingly ignoring the fact that this is not an official inquiry.  And they fail to recognize that the Democrats have been leading perpetual impeachment proceedings for the past two years.

Pelosi has violated the tradition and the process that is used for impeachment.

While Pelosi visualizes herself in the White House, in Lawrence Person’s BattleSwarm blog, he reviews her mistakes along the way, and pointedly headlined his piece, “Why Nancy Pelosi Is Screwed.”

I FREQUENTLY VOICE CONCERN about the leftist brain-washing our young people are getting in our colleges and universities.  A recent survey by College Fix, however, reveals that 74 percent of Republican college students a very proud to be American.  Not bad.

However, just eight percent of Democrat college students are very proud to be American, proving that they’re drinking the liberal Kool Aid.

JOHN SOLOMON, a true journalist. (bizpacreview)

THE LONG KNIVES ARE OUT for The Hill’s John Solomon, according to Thomas Lifson at American Thinker.  Regular Fox News Channel viewers have heard Solomon’s in-depth reporting on goings-on in the Deep State, but now jealous “journalists” at other Beltway publications are out to get him because he’s not part of the resistance.

“John Solomon has distinguished himself with meticulous research and reporting, including the shoe-leather sort of work shunned by most journalists these days, and producing a series of scoops on the Deep State efforts to remove President Trump from office, or at least damage him while destroying his campaign officials and aides,” Lifson proudly writes.

DEMOCRAT ELIZABETH WARREN insists that all of the benefits (of Trump’s tax reform) have gone to the rich and large corporations. “America’s middle-class is under attack,” she spouts.  Are you as tired of hearing that bulls**t as I am?

The latest data from the Census Bureau tells a different story, according to Stephen Moore in his Wall Street Journal op-ed.  “Real median household income – the amount earned by those in the very middle – hit $65,084 (in 2019 dollars) for the 12 months ending in July.  That’s the highest level ever and a gain of $4,144, or 6.6 percent, since Mr. Trump took office.”

PROTECTING THE SECOND AMENDMENT – The FBI’s 2018 Uniform Crime Report reveals fewer gun-related homicides last year than in 2017, causing people to ask, ‘What gun violence epidemic’

Last year there were an estimated 14,123 murders in the U.S., down from the 15,129 reported in 2017.  In 2018, an estimated 10,256 killings involved firearms, down slightly from the 10,982 reported in 2017.

The FBI reports that just 297 homicides definitely involved rifles, while there were 3,130 murders committed with an unknown or unidentified firearm.  So, why the feverish push to ban so-called “assault weapons,” writes Dave Workman in The Lid.

Democrats want to ban modern semiautomatic sporting rifles, which they characterize as “weapons of war.”

When you consider that millions of honest citizens own such firearms, and have harmed nobody, you can understand why the president continues to say there’s no appetite in Congress to address this issue.

                  May God continue to bless the United States of America.