Comey still out to oust Trump … Thunberg snubbed by Nobel committee … Cramer supports Trump on China … Dems debate LGBQT … Elder on young conservative blacks … Dick’s loses revenue over gun decision … Arizona Republic journalists vote for union … and laugh-of-the-day

Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.

WHILE THE DOJ IG REPORT ON FISA ABUSE nears publication, one of its primary abusers, the disgraced former FBI Director James Comey, is still in the limelight.

In a lengthy interview with the New York Times, the arrogant Comey said he “has pledged to spend the next 13 months working to drive Mr. Trump from power.”

He has contract with the Washington Post to write opinion pieces, and he “earns” six-figure payments making speeches across the land on … wait for it … ethical leadership.  And, if you can imagine this, he said he is “open to appearing with presidential candidates at campaign functions, or even at nominating conventions if they will have him.”

I would like to believe that Comey’s story will be less appealing once the IG report is made public and U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation is completed, because I expect they will destroy his convoluted view of “ethics.”  Yet, you must know that he signed a multi-million-dollar book deal after he was fired that resulted in sales of close to a million books to a public that couldn’t care less about his disgraceful performance.

My concern surrounds the release of the widely-anticipated IG report as a “Friday, dump,” which is normally an indication that the intent of the releasing agency – the DOJ in this instance – leans toward diminishing the content.

The American public will not be satisfied with the simple statement that Comey, McCabe, Strzok and others were “less than candid.”  We want accountability.

BOO HOO, HOW COULD THEY? – The climate change activists are all in a funk because the Nobel Peace Committee snubbed their darling, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, in its 2019 Peace Prize consideration.

The committee selected Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s prime minister, to receive its annual peace prize for … are you ready for this? …  for his role in brokering a peace between his country and neighboring Eritrea.  More than 80,000 people lost their lives on the border over the past two years.

I’VE NEVER BEEN A FAN of CNBC’s Jim Cramer, but his comment Friday that President Trump has the upper hand in the China trade war because tariffs are hurting the Chinese economy way more than the U.S. economy was right on.

“Hate him or like him, he has them where wants them,” said Cramer, as he characterized Trump and his hardline approach to try to get China to change what the U.S. sees as decades of unfair trade practices.

Courtesy Margolis and Cox

ASSUMING YOU DIDN’T WATCH CNN’s four-and-a half-hour LGBTQ town hall Thursday night, Katie Herzog of The Stranger, did, and made note of few moments she shared with her readers.

Beto O’Rourke made the 11 o’clock news with his statement that religious institutions – colleges, churches and charities – should lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage.

In another clip we saw Apology Joe Biden draw back at the last moment when it appeared as if he was going to kiss CNN’s gay anchor Anderson Cooper.

When asked by a trans child on stage what she would do to make schools safer for trans kids, Elizabeth Warren, ever the panderer, said she would fire the current Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, and would allow “him” to vet her replacement.

WHEN LARRY ELDER SPEAKS, young blacks who are leaning conservative are listening. Speaking to some 400 black young people at Turning Point USA’s second annual Black Leadership Summit in Washington DC, Elder and Turning Point’s communications director Candace Owens, questioned blacks’ overwhelming allegiance to the Democrat Party, arguing that the party pushed the narrative of systemic, structural and institutional racism for power and votes.

“(Turning Point has) spawned a generation of hopeful young black men and women who believe in themselves,” said Elder. “These bright, energetic young people get it.”

A GOOD SUGGESTION – Appearing on Fox & Friends Saturday, Deroy Murdock associate editor of National Review Online, suggested that President Trump’s campaign team schedule appearances for him before black and Hispanic audiences.

Kramerontheright agrees.  Not to make empty promises as Democrat candidates do, but to give him a forum to speak about his accomplishments for all Americans.

DICK’S DECISION COST THEM DEARLY – The decision by Dick’s Sporting Goods to stop selling certain guns and hire lobbyists to push for gun bans have cost the company roughly $250 million.  In addition, it destroyed $5 million worth of rifle inventory because the company believed no one should be allowed to own them.

Meanwhile, companies with gun inventories are experiencing a significant uptick in sales over the past few months, as the Democrat candidates are pushing for more gun control, even confiscation, and amending the Second Amendment.

ARIZONA REPUBLIC journalists, with concerns of job security, workplace flexibility and pay and benefits, voted in favor of unionizing the newsroom.  Good luck with that.  As Arizona is a right-to-work state, which means that those who opposed the union can refuse to pay dues.

The shareholders of GateHouse Media, owned by New Media Investment Group shareholders are set to vote November 14, 2019 to acquire the Republic from Gannett.

LAUGH-OF-THE-DAY – Commenting on Newsweek’s reporting of the snubbing of Greta Thunberg by the Nobel Peace Prize committee, Jon Gabriel in Ricochet, wrote: “Shock quickly spread across social media, both from climate activists on the committee’s decision and by everyone else learning that Newsweek magazine still exists.”

May God continue to bless the United States of America.