Can the Senate act without articles? … personal income up … CBO wrong as usual … Weld warns GOP senators … MSNBC guest in a putdown of Trump voters … CNN wrong on economy … Festivus for the rest of us … and Merry Christmas

Here are my observations and opinions from my selected news of the day.

WHILE WATCHING THE BACK AND FORTH with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell responding to the silence from Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office as she withholds the articles of impeachment, I ran across “They Can End It Now,” a piece written by Ren Jander, in The Post & Email.

“The United States Supreme Court – in a 9-0 holding – unequivocally ruled that no trial is required for the Senate to acquit, or convict, anyone impeached by the House of Representatives,” she writes, “Even liberal Justices Stevens and Souter concurred in the ironclad judgement.  The case is Nixon v. United States, 506 U.S. 224 (1993).”

“Once you comprehend the momentous importance of this case, you will understand why Harvard Law School professor (and Democrat impeachment witness), Noah Feldman, recently published an article erroneously claiming that President Trump hasn’t been impeached yet.

“He knows the Senate can acquit immediately without waiting for Speaker Pelosi to transfer articles of impeachment, or for House impeachment managers to be appointed.

“This means that if the Senate acquits Trump immediately – without a trial – the Supreme Court has no authority, whatsoever, to review the Senate’s acquittal, and there isn’t a damn thing the House can do about it.”

I found this quite interesting, but would prefer that Chief Justice John Roberts go public with the facts of the ruling.

WHILE THE DEMOCRATS and their friends in the media continue to play down the economy and use the tired statement that the tax cut was for the rich, I’d like to remind you of President Trump’s prediction that with the tax cut family incomes would increase by about $4,000 in three to five years, with blue-collar workers benefiting disproportionately.

He was wrong.  Real disposable personal income per household has increased $6,000 since the tax cut was passed.

CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE forecasts are often questioned – by both parties.  Here’s an example of why.  Before Trump took office in 2017, the CBO forecast the creation of only two million jobs by this point.  Since 2017, the Trump economy has created seven million jobs.

The good news again supports the theory of supply-side economics that states that the best way to help lower-income Americans is to create a system in which they have more disposable income by cutting tax rates and creating incentives for more capital investment in American businesses and workers.

Democrat candidates Biden, Warren, Sanders and Buttigieg simply don’t understand this, and want to increase your taxes instead.

DID YOU HEAR about Trump’s primary challenger Bill Weld’s appearance on MSNBC over the weekend?  “If the Republican senators march in lockstep behind Trump, irrespective of the evidence at the trial, those who are up next year will lose,” adding that they will “go down in droves.”

At last count, Bill, there are just 19 GOP senators up for reelection in 2020.  Nineteen is hardly a “drove.” You might want to think about another word that will describe your coming loss to Trump in the primary – THUD!

ON MSNBC’S JOY REID SHOW, she must have been delighted with the remarks by her Sunday guest, leftist writer Eric Boehlert, who said that interviewing white working-class voters is “dangerous” and “racist.”

“This obsession, and it goes back to the day after he (Trump) was inaugurated, this obsession with interviewing white Midwestern Trump voters and asking them what they think about Trump, it is a dangerous, it is a racist message, “Boehlert said, adding that “the opinions of white working-class voters are not news.”

Trump voters should see this as still another attack on their intelligence as supporters of the president.

DESPITE ALL THE OVERWHELMING GOOD NEWS about the economy – jobs, low unemployment, the uptick in wages, record stock market increases – Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell, appearing on CNN’s Reliable Sources with Brian Stelter, who accused Trump fans of “exaggerating the growth.”

“The economy today is not substantially different from the economy before Trump took office,” Rampell said.

Thank goodness CNN continues to lose viewers “in droves” you might say.

THE OTHER ‘KRAMER’ and Festivus pole.

A FESTIVUS FOR THE REST OF US – As a long-time fan of the Seinfeld show, I laughingly recall the episode in which Frank Costanza explains his idea of a new holiday – Festivus – to the character Kramer.  Relating a story about fighting with a stranger over a toy they both wanted to purchase, he said there had to be a better way to celebrate.

“Is there a tree?” Kramer asks.  “No,” says Costanza, explaining that “there’s a pole – requires no decoration. I find tinsel to be distracting.”    Then Costanza explains to Kramer that you gather the family around and tell them how disappointed you are with all the things they have done during the year.


Eight or ten years ago, just for laughs, I fabricated a Festivus pole.  No, we didn’t gather around and cite grievances.

AS KRAMERONTHERIGHT TAKES A CHRISTMAS RESPITE from researching and writing, I wouldn’t want you to think I don’t know the true meaning of Christmas.  Look for my observations and opinions in your e-mail soon.  Mrs. Kramer joins me in wishing you a Merry Christmas.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.