Are you tired of winning?… not me … our president has been acquited … and deserves to celebrate … the Dems aren’t finished … the desperate Dems … CNN’s Van Jones warns blacks … and CNN’s Acosta has foot in mouth again

Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.

IT’S PAYBACK TIME – Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington Thursday, President Trump, without mentioning names, calmly took on the politically calculating Nancy Pelosi, over her faux prayers for him, and Mitt Romney, for using his faith as justification for doing what he knows is wrong.  I’m not certain if Romney attended the popular annual event, however, Pelosi sat at the head table just a few feet at the president’s left.   It had to be very satisfying to the president.

(Courtesy Phil Hands/Wisconsin State Journal)

LATER IN THE MORNING, President Trump took a much-deserved “victory lap” in the White House East Room where he gathered those who helped him through the House impeachment and Senate trial, and thanked them individually, relating stories about each of them, without the use of a teleprompter, for just over one hour.  With the First Lady and the other members of the first family in attendance, he said it was because of what they suffered through, that he wanted to gather his friends to celebrate and show his appreciation.

Needless to say, Pelosi and Romney were skewered again, but with much more fervor than at the breakfast.  Adam Schiff and Jerrold Nadler also made his list of “evil,” “vicious,” and “dishonest” people who didn’t escape criticism.

I TOLD YOU SO – In my January 25, 2020 blog I told you about John Harwood moving from CNBC to CNN, saying he would be right at home there.  It didn’t take long for the anti-Trumper in him to come out at CNN.  After reviewing President Trump’s State of the Union Address, referring to it as “dark,” he said it revealed that the president was in “deep psychological distress … self-pitying, insecure, angry.”

You can’t make this stuff up.

NOT QUITE, I say to the headline, “Our Long National Nightmare Is Over,” on John Hinderaker’s piece in PowerLine, in which he wrote of the Democrat’s impeachment drive falling flat in the Senate.

He believes the Democrats knew they had zero chance of conviction, but hoped that it would reduce Trump’s chances of a second term, but adds that there is little indication that Trump has been hurt politically.

Citing the Iowa caucus problem and the fact that they don’t have a presidential candidate has them worrying, but I don’t see them letting up on Trump between now and November. Much if it depends on how they see their continuing effort against him affecting their polls.

TO SHOW YOU HOW DESPERATE they are, note that MSNBC anchor Chris Mathews, while reporting on establishment Democrats growing wary of Bernie Sanders, raised the possibility of nominating Adam Schiff at the Democratic convention, which he seems to think will be a contested affair.

“How about Adam Schiff?” Mathews asked, “Could they all agree let’s give it to Schiff?”

MEANWHILE, over at CNN, analyst Van Jones warned fellow Democrats that Trump’s criminal justice reform policies and prioritization of funding for black colleges could win over black voters.

“Warning to Democrats,” he said, “What Trump is saying to African-American can be effective,” adding that “you might not like it, but black colleges have been struggling for a long time, a bunch of them have gone under, he threw a lifeline to them in real life in his budget.”.

Referring to opinions blacks have of Trump, he said, “are all black people going to hate him forever?  That ain’t necessarily so.  I think what you’re going to see him do, you may not like my rhetoric, but look at my results and my record for black people.”

CNN’S JIM ACOSTA put his foot in his mouth again when he claimed that Rush Limbaugh had a “history of making derogatory comments about African-Americans,“ without citing examples.  He was disturbed by Limbaugh being honored with the Medal of Freedom at the State of the Union address.

Showing his utter ignorance of Limbaugh’s programming, Acosta was challenged by Limbaugh’s 30-year black producer and friend, James Golden, a.k.a. “Bo Snerdley,” who formally challenged CNN and Acosta to provide a list of the “history of disparaging things” he was accused of saying.

I won’t comment here on all of the questionable individuals receiving the Medal of Freedom from President Obama, except to note that Robert DeNiro, who has launched a number of profanity-laced tirades against Trump, was one of them.

                  May God continue to bless the United States of America.