Media PC dwellers spew racist accusation … Whoopi takes spotlight from Behar … media willing to ignore Chinese cover-up … Trump approval on economy remains up despite virus … and two letter writers on Trump

These are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.

POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is alive and well amidst the Chinese Wuhan Virus outbreak thanks to the bleeding-heart liberals of the media.

“Why do you keep calling it the Chinese virus?” asked an indignant Cecilia Vega of ABC of President Trump at his Thursday morning briefing by his virus task force. “Isn’t this racist?  The president responded, “because it come from China.”

She wasn’t alone.  NBC’s Kirsten Welker posed the same question, only to get the same response.

It was a repeat of the inane questioning by the media on Wednesday, nicely chronicled in a piece by John Daniel Davidson, “The Media Are Embarrassing Themselves Over Trump’s Use of ‘Chinese Virus,” in The Federalist.

Almost word for word, the two women felt the need to probe the president for the purpose of labeling him a racist.  “(Vegas) is still pushing the Chinese Communist Party’s messaging that calling this ‘The Chinese Virus’ is racist,” commented Turning Point’s Charlie Kirk.

Rachel Lin, tweeting @NoWayHome5 wrote: Cecilia’s never heard of the German measles? Spanish flu? Marburg virus? West Nile virus? Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever? Noro (Norwalk) virus?  p.s. the MEDIA was happy to call it the Wuhan virus until they thought up the ‘racist’ angle.”

ON ABC’S “The View,” apparently Whoopi Goldberg was tired of Joy Behar getting all of the attention for stupid remarks.  “We need to stop calling it, or labeling it like it’s China did it to us,” she tweeted, “Mother Nature really did it to us.”

“On the contrary,” responded Madeline Osburn of The Federalist, “it was not Mother Nature who silenced and threatened doctors, or ordered Chinese scientists to stop tests and destroy samples upon discovering the pathogen in December.”

THE MEDIA SHOULD BE LEGITIMATELY UPSET and outraged with how the Chinese covered up the disease since early December.  They cannot claim ignorance. The Wall Street Journal, The Times of London, Washington Post, AXIOS, the blog Legal Insurrection, and even the South China Morning Post have all published timelines indicating that if Chinese authorities had acted three weeks earlier than they did, the number of Coronavirus cases could have been reduced by 95 percent and its geographic spread limited.

WHAT WE HAVE is a media that is usually ready to claim a cover-up when it involves President Trump, but is willing to give China a pass for its cover-up because they have the fallback “racist” charge they can use against Trump.

Courtesy A.F. Branco

EVERYONE KNOWS that the Democrats are hopeful that President Trump’s handling of the Chinese virus will have a disastrous effect on his ability to win reelection.

“Multiple news organizations continue to peddle the convenient narrative that the public is turning against President Trump as the stock market plummets,” writes Jennifer Harper in the Washington Times.  However, a major pollster reports otherwise.

“Last week’s turmoil in the stock market and growing concerns about the long-term impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the U. S. economy have not shaken voters’ views on President Trump’s chief selling point as he faces reelection in the fall,” says Eli Yokey, a political analyst for Morning Consult.

A new Morning Consult/Politico poll, conducted March 13-16, found that half of voters approve of Trump’s handling of the economy, statistically similar to findings from polls conducted in the first two months of the year.  The figure exceeds his overall rating by seven percentage points and is driven by positive sentiment among nearly 9 in 10 Republicans and a plurality of Independents, according to Yokey.

ONE WRITER GETS IT, the other doesn’t.  In the Arizona Republic opinion page letters column, Roy Esparza of Phoenix gets it, responding to an earlier Trump hit piece, which he admittedly writes could have been written by “one of my two sisters or three brothers.  They all hate Trump with a passion and won’t give him credit where credit is due.”

“It has been said many times that he could cure cancer and his haters would bash him for putting a lot of doctors out of work,” wrote Esparza, adding “Listen up, America, he is our president and will probably continue to be our president for the next four and a half years.”

Barry Garron, of Mesa, on the other hand, doesn’t get it.  He dragged out the tired line “Trump lied and people died” that he probably used in the Bush era.

Proving that he is uninformed, Garron writes. “I won’t forget that Trump wasted precious weeks with pathetic lies and self-serving tweets, costing our great country hundreds of billions of dollars and countless lives.”

                             May God continue to bless the United States of America.