Biden emerges to speak … to handlful of people … Biden seems unaware of Trump’s remarks … failure of Obama-Biden 2014 policing effort … are whites feeling oppressed? … and Jeff ‘THE’ Flake surfaces

Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.


DEMOCRAT JOE BIDEN, came out of his basement Wednesday to make a 15-minute speech in a Darby, Pennsylvania recreation center attended by a handful of pool journalists seated in chairs placed inside circles painted on the floor.  Of course, those who viewed the speech on television, only saw Biden standing before a single American flag flanked by his teleprompter.

Biden used the brief session to attack the president’s lack of leadership on law enforcement, the economy and the pandemic. Referencing the pandemic, Biden  accused him of leaving “the American people to face this threat on their own, with no guidance, resources or leadership from the federal government.” Where has he been?

Strangely, Biden chose to attack the president where he has achieved much success – the economy, warning that “the economic outlook could get worse,” suggesting, of all things, that “he’s lost interest.”  He simply doesn’t know Donald Trump.

As we all know, the president can voice his opinion and can author executive orders to position himself on issues of public concern, but it is Congress – Republicans and Democrats – that make the law that has the best chance of changing policing methods.

BIDEN OBVIOUSLY didn’t bother to learn what the president said yesterday when he signed an executive order setting the “highest professional standards” for law enforcement officers, while promoting “peace and dignity and equality for all Americans.”

“Law enforcement officers provide the essential protection that all Americans require to raise their families and lead productive lives,” he quoted from the order. “The relationship between our fellow citizens and law enforcement officers is an important element in their ability to provide protection.  By working directly with their communities, law enforcement officers can help foster a safe environment where we can all prosper.”

PONDER THIS – The Obama-Biden “21st Century Policing” task force, launched in 2014, was a failure.  By May of 2016, just 15 police departments out of 18,000 had signed on to the Obama-Biden police reforms initiative.

YOU JUST KNEW THIS WAS COMING – White Americans, feeling the oppression of the Black Lives Matter movement, have decided that they must consider the removal of those ugly remnants of better times, when blacks basked in the glory that whites had embraced upon them.

That statue of Lebron James in Cleveland, Ray Lewis in Baltimore have got to go. And the one of Ernie Banks at Chicago’s Wrigley Field, too.

Though we once appreciated the contribution of the black pilots known as the Tuskegee Airmen, perhaps that statue depicting one of those airmen at the Air Force Academy should be removed.

And what about that statue of Martin Luther King in Washington DC.  I guess his hope that one day people would not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character, is no longer attainable.  Funny … I thought we were doing quite well with that goal.

“If the left feels it’s important to remove the statues of historical figures like Gen. Robert E. Lee, and other confederate generals, and even rename our military bases bearing the names of officers with racist pasts, it’s time we consider removing those reminders of black success and adoration,” a spokesman told Tongue-in-Cheek News.

“White Americans are getting tired of the in-your-face insistence that only Black Lives Matter.  It’s time that professional sports figures, the NFL, NBA, and entertainment industry celebs realize that they are foolishly biting the hands that feed them and their egos.”

JEFF “THE” FLAKE, surfaced to criticize President Trump’s lack of leadership in regard to nationwide protests underway in response the killing of George Floyd. It’s too bad that his dislike of the president doesn’t allow him to hear what the president has had to say on the matter.

Harkening back to his old, tired attacks, Flake again insists that the president “seems to divide at every turn, instead of making an effort to unify people.”

May God continue to bless the United States of America.