‘All Lives Matter’ wins in survey … those oppressive statues … one in Phoenix had a relevant quote on its base … John Oliver’s 2017 mocking of Trump’s prediction … and Kaepernick is no Tillman

Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.

AN INTERESTING SURVEY conducted by Rasmussen asked respondents (1,000 likely voters) “which statement is closest to your own?”

“Black Lives Matter” was picked by just 30 percent, including 35 percent of voters under age 40, and 63 percent of liberals.

“All Lives Matter” was picked by 59 percent of all voters, 58 percent by swing voters and 56 percent of “moderate” voters.

Among Blacks, a 47 percent plurality picked “All Lives Matter” over the 44 percent who picked “Black Lives Matter.”

“Black Lives Matter” was more favored by wealthier people – 53 percent of people who earn over $200,000, while it was picked by just 34 percent of those earning less than $30,000.

MORE ON THOSE STATUES that the oppressed in our nation need to tear down and deface.

SADNESS IN PHOENIX (thomashawthorne/the republic)

IN PHOENIX a 29-year-old man faces charges on suspicion of felony criminal damage and abuse of a monument in memorial to Arizona Confederate troops at the state Capitol.  He doused the statue with blood-red paint, saying that he did it to protest racism and to inspire protestors.

It’s unfortunate that he, and the other ne’er-do-wells across the nation who see this as non-violent protesting, don’t take to heart the words engraved at the base of the Phoenix statue: “A NATION THAT FORGETS ITS PAST HAS NO FUTURE.”

“Removing statues, decapitating them, or covering them with profanity will not help any minority community nor make people less bigoted,” writes Auguste  Meyrat in The Federalist. “It will only make them more ignorant of history.”

(Courtesy of Steve Breen)

THEN THERE’S THIS from the leftist British comedian, John Oliver, host of the HBO television show Last Week Tonight.  A clip, from 2017, surfaced on Twitter of Oliver mocking President Trump for predicting that the trend of removing statues would lead to the toppling of Washington and Jefferson.

Oliver scoffed at Trump’s “slippery slope” prediction, but now we see it happening.

WHEN … WHEN are we going to stand up against this desecration of historical monuments?

SOMETHING TO PONDER – While the left regularly criticizes President Trump for his lack of leadership skills, they are now the ones behind the removal of statues of our founding fathers and Civil War generals, sculpted in memory of their leadership skills.

AFTER HEARING BRETT FAVRE’S outrageous remark that Colin Kaepernick will be remembered as a “hero” like Pat Tillman, I was reminded of Sen. Lloyd Bentsen’s famous debate quip directed at Sen. Dan Quayle, “Senator, I knew Jack Kennedy, and you’re no Jack Kennedy.”

REAL HERO PAT TILLMAN (renegadefigures.com)

“It’s not easy for a guy his age – black or white, Hispanic, whatever – to stop something that you’ve always dreamed of doing, and put it on hold, maybe forever, for something that you believe in,” said Favre. “I can only think of – right off the top of my head – Pat Tillman’s another guy who did something similar, and we regard him as a hero.  So, I’d assume that hero status will be stamped with Kaepernick as well.”

Brett … Colin Kaepernick is no Pat Tillman.

Tillman, a member of the Arizona Cardinals walked away from what would surely have been an illustrious career in the NFL, to join the Army after 9/11.  He later died in 2004 in an unfortunate friendly fire incident.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.