The Biden virtual campaign … Schlichter wants Trump to kick aspiration … turning the humor on Biden … Dems attack Hispanic who praises Trump … and how Trump’s cutting regulations has helped you

Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.

‘NOT COMING TO A TOWN NEAR YOU: Joe Biden’s Invisible Presidential Campaign,’ headlined a humorous piece by Stephen Kruiser in PJ Media, in which he says one thing is almost certain – you won’t be seeing much of Biden on the campaign trail.

WHO IS THAT MASKED MAN? (ap/matt slocum)

“For all we know,” Kruiser writes, “Dr. Jill has him duct-taped to a recliner and only lets hm go when its time for another one of his now trademark disastrous virtual campaign events.”

“(Biden) has benefitted greatly from the Coronapocalypse to avoid the campaign trail,” he writes. “He can’t spend three minutes on camera reading a teleprompter without barking nonsense.

“In contrast … it’s obvious that President Trump is itchy to hit the campaign trail again,” writes Kruiser. “President Trump needs to goad Biden to get out and campaign in public.”

WITH A CLEVER PLAY ON WORDS – “Time for Trump to Start Kicking Aspiration” – Kurt Schlichter, in his piece for Townhall, pointed out that “the aspirational nature of Trumpism gets short-shrift, but it’s critical.”

Recalling Trump’s 2016 campaign, Kruiser writes, “He was aspirational, looking to the future and telling the indisputable truth that if we only harkened to our history and the legacy of the Founders, American would, in fact, be great again.”

I agree that we need more of those aspirations for America, but I disagree with Kruiser that it’s “what’s missing from his campaign right now.”  His speech at Mount Rushmore and his recent speech from the Rose Garden reflected his aspirations.

“One weapon he has yet to unleash is the Reaganesque optimism that we, the normal, patriotic Americans who he can rely on, yearn for,” says Kruiser, but that, too, was a big part of his Mount Rushmore speech.

“Look around,” he writes. “Things are a mess, and the Democrats are doing everything they can to make them messier. (They’re) ferociously fighting to keep hope dying by denying our kids school and millions of us a livelihood, all to eke out a win in November.  And they have backed up the lawless hordes vandalizing our history and assaulting regular Americans, again to try to demoralize and intimidate us.”

Before concluding with his 21-point wish list for Trump’s next 100 days, Kruiser declares it’s “time to get aspirational!  Don’t harp on past success, except to point the way forward and show that promises made are promises kept.  Give us something to work toward, and those things are prosperity and safety.”

You will find those 21 points online at Townhall.  Well worth your time.

TURNING THE HUMOR ON BIDEN – “(Biden’s) vision of America is a racist hellscape of racist racists racisting racistly, while at the same time being severely under-taxed and over-free, says Schlichter.

“The only aspiration that ancient dope can offer is maybe he’ll ask the mob to, pretty please, not be so burny and attacky and let all you kulaks temporarily go about your lives relatively peacefully, that is, if you obey and don’t get uppity and also turn in all those guns you bought when you saw the Democrat mayors and governors aren’t going to protect you.”

BOB UNANUE is fast becoming a recognized name, as is Goya, the food company he heads as CEO.  He is now being smeared by the left and his company boycotted  because Unanue had the audacity of appearing with, and praising President Trump.

Unanue was among business and community leaders who visited the White House on Thursday on the occasion of the president’s signing an executive order creating the White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative.

Not only did Unanue donate a million cans of chickpeas and another million pounds of food to food banks across the country in recognition of the signing, he praised Trump as a former real estate developer, saying:

We’re all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump who is a builder.  And so, we have an incredible builder.  And we pray.  We pray for our leadership, our president, and we pray for our country, that we will continue to prosper and to grow.”

In an opinion piece written by Julio Ricardo Varela at NBC News, he noted that “as a long-time supporter of Republican candidates, Unanue has had no problem shunning his grandfather’s Puerto Rican migrant roots by playing up his family’s Spanish and European ones – as though the quest for white acceptance is something noble to achieve in these times.”

Further evidence that those on the left will attack their own in such a racist attack on someone of Latino heritage.

In another disgraceful attack, Julian Castro, who made a pathetic attempt to gain the Democrat nomination for president, tweeted @JulianCastro how “GoyaFoods has been a staple of so many Latino households for generations,” before criticizing Unanue for praising the president, who Castro says “villainizes and maliciously attacks Latinos for political gain” without citing any examples of such.

“Americans should think twice before buying their products,” says Castro.

In 2011, Unanue’s Goya was recognized by President Obama “for its continued success and commitment to the Hispanic community.”

In 2012, he graciously accepted an invitation from First Lady Michelle Obama at Florida event where she was promoting her healthy eating initiative, “Let’s Move!”

“If you’re called by a president of the United States, you’re not going to say, ‘No, I’m sorry, I’m busy, No, thank you.  I didn’t say it to the Obama’s and I didn’t say that to President Trump,” Unanue said in an interview with Fox News Channel.

Do those on the left actually believe that this attack on one of their own will result in fewer Hispanic votes for Trump?  And, do they think for a moment that Hispanics will stop buying their staple Goya foods, because the company’s CEO was recognized by a Republican president?

DEREGULATION – The then campaigning Donald Trump promised to cut regulations and red tape if elected.  Early in his presidency, he promised to cut two regulations for every new regulation issued.

More than 16,000 pages of job-killing regulations were added to the Federal Register in the eight years of the Obama administration.  The Trump administration has removed nearly 25,000 pages in just over three years.

Business owners are well aware of the heavy cost to them, but unfortunately, the average American has no conception of what this has meant to their lives.

“The prior administration piled up more than 600 major new regulations,” said President Trump, “a cruel and punishing regulatory burden that cost the average American an additional $2,300 per year. It hit low-income Americans the hardest, and inflicted a steep economic toll on African-American communities.”

“The Trump administration’s historic regulatory relief is providing the average American household an extra $3,100 every single year,” Tyler O’Neil notes in PJ Media.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.