THE SUPREME COURT NOMINATION gives even more meaning to the belief that this coming election will be the most important in modern day political history. Just as it was revealed in the CBS News exit polling in 2016, when they found that most Americans – 70 percent – considered Supreme Court appointments an important, or the most important, factor in deciding their vote for president, that statistic is likely to be consistent with 2020 thinking.
DID JUSTICE GINSBURG MISJUDGE? – We have been asked to believe that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s fervent wish was that she not be replaced by President Trump. However, Tim Young @TimRunsHisMouth, reminded his readers that she could have casually retired at the ripe age of 80 under President Obama, who could have replaced her with an ultra-progressive in his or her 40s, but she chose not to do so.
“(BIDEN) IS MAKING THIS UP. There is no data to support this,” wrote the leftist Washington Post, commenting on Joe Biden’s claim that “If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive. All the people – I’m not make this up. Just look at the data. Look at the data.”
But the Post wasn’t the only one to jump on Biden’s foolish remark. “(The former vice president) vastly overstated what protections could have worked against the virus,” wrote the left-leaning Politico.

An unidentified social media writer said, “Yes, and he was responsible for their preexisting conditions, too.”
Another ridiculous statement by the Democrat nominee, who thinks he could have handled the virus outbreak better than President Trump, even though all of his suggestions appear to be actions that have already been taken or in the planning stage.
Should he win, and take office on January 21, 2021, the worst will be behind us, even though he talks about the need for everyone to be vaccinated. Biden is so out of touch that he doesn’t realize that perhaps half of the population will opt out of being vaccinated, just as nearly half of the population takes a pass on the regular flu vaccine.
Now that you’ve read that, you should know that …
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN MAGAZINE, a monthly publication that has been around since 1845, has never endorsed a presidential candidate in its 175-year history, but stated, “This year we are compelled to do so. We do not do this lightly,” as they endorsed Joe Biden for president.

Simply unbelievable. Biden? He just said that if President Trump had done his job, there wouldn’t have been any deaths from Covid-19. What are they thinking?
Biden told an audience at the Iowa State Fair, “We choose truth over facts.”
Yet, the magazine’s editors state “we urge you to vote for Joe Biden, who is offering fact-based plans to protect our health, our economy and the environment.”
“These and other proposals he has put forth can set the country back on course for a safer, more prosperous and more equitable future,” the editors opined without specifics. While they write about Biden’s plans, the ignore the fact that President Trump had already set most of those plans into motion, including a plan to broadly distribute the vaccine when it is developed using our military aircraft to provide logistical support.
Of course, the magazine editors also like Biden because he’s a green activist, who wants to spend $2 trillion (yes, trillion) on an emissions-free power sector by 2035, advocating for solar and wind power, while eliminating fossil fuels. They, too, have bought into Biden’s claims of two million energy jobs.
“It’s time to move Trump out and elect Biden, who has a record of following the data and being guided by science,” concluded the editors, but not before they falsely accused “Trump and his allies of (trying to) create obstacles that prevent people from casting ballots safely in November, either by mail or in person.”
The magazine has relinquished its position of prestige in the scientific community, with the endorsement of Biden.
In case you’re not familiar with the magazine, it touches on all forms of science. I used to be a subscriber when I was in the aerospace industry and enjoyed reading topics that were of interest to me. It has a meager circulation of 130,000, but the magazine claims there are 4.2 readers per copy. It is primarily sold on newsstands and has 57 percent readership by women. It’s editor-in-chief, Laura Helmuth, was formerly with the left-leaning Washington Post.
MEANWHILE – President Trump’s approval rating, according to Rasmussen Reports, hit 53 percent. Ironically, the last time it hit 53 percent was on the day Nancy Pelosi announced that the House would begin impeachment hearings. At this stage of this reelection campaign, former president Barack Obama had a 49 percent approval rating.
How often have we heard the talking heads at CNN and MSNBC say, ‘President Trump cannot win with an approval in the 40s.’
May God continue to bless the United States of America.