Criticism from medical professionals… and those who believe they are … and a public relations consultant, too … the president returns to the White House … and the polls still favor Biden

WHO’S THE SICK ONE? – “If Donald Trump were my patient, in unstable condition, plus contagious illness, & suddenly left the hospital to go for a car ride that endangers himself & others,” tweeted CNN medical analyst Leona Wen, “I’d call security to restrain him then perhaps perform a psychiatric evaluation to examine his decision-making capacity.”  She is sick.

The president decided to show his appreciation to well-wishers, who have been outside the hospital gate since he entered the hospital last week, by doing a drive-by in “the beast” on Sunday.  He was seen masked, waving and giving his thumbs-up as he passed the crowd-lined street.

She wasn’t the only one in the media voicing concern over the decision, suggesting that he was putting the Secret Service people in danger of contracting the virus.

“They might get sick.  They may die.  For political theater. This is insanity,” said James Phillips, an attending physician at Walter Reed.  Speaking of theatrics. The obvious Biden supporter is certainly not on the team attending to the president.


As you might expect, the media avoided commenting on the president’s appreciation and consideration of those on the street.  The president surely saw some of those who praised the president in television interviews.  The media simply doesn’t want anyone to think he is, in fact, a man of the people.

WHERE HAS HE BEEN?  I was curious to read what Bob Brody had to say in his Wall Street Journal op-ed, “Trump Can Champion Coronavirus Awareness,” and came away with a big ho hum.

“He can transform himself into a strong advocate for individual responsibility to combat the pandemic: urging Americans to follow all the standard recommended protocols, from frequent hand-washing to wearing a mask and social distancing,” Brody opened his op-ed.

It’s at times like this when I wish I had press secretary Kayleigh McEnaney’s big binder, so I could refer to the many times the president has encouraged just that.

Recently, when the president was encouraging students be allowed to return to school, he issued his recommendations, which not only included all of those precautions, but noted the need for students, teachers and staff to understand the symptoms of Covide-19, and the requirement to self-assess their health every morning. He asked that his 8-point recommendations be posted liberally around schools.

Still, Brody insists that “(The president) could film a public service announcement to air hourly on all stations.  He could finally say everything we really need him say.  (He) would have a chance to redeem himself somewhat.” Would CNN and MSNBC carry the PSA? Not likely.

It’s not surprising that Brody, a public relations consultant, wants to change the president, suggesting that he “could reveal himself to be vulnerable and humbled, empathetic … a new persona as a model citizen, possibly something resembling a hero.”

Of course, we know that Brody wrote his op-ed before Trump exhibited that when he did the drive-by to personally thank his supporters on the street passing the hospital.

Any true public relations professional would know that you cannot change someone’s personality or character in 30 days.  Yet, Brody foolishly claims “this new attitude and behavior could boost his standing in the polls and his reelection prospects in time to keep him in the White House.”

SO, THERE YOU HAVE IT, a medical analyst, an attending physician and a public relations consultant, all with something in common, offering criticism that the media leaped to cover because it was more anti-Trump fodder.

DON’T EXPECT WE’VE HEARD THE LAST from those journalists, who have become instant medical experts, even with the president back in the White House.

THE POLLSTERS want us to believe Joe Biden has a double-digit lead, and I think he’s the only one that believes it.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.