SPECIAL: Why President Trump will be reelected

I assume that you have already made up your mind on President Trump long ago; you’ve already voted to reelect him or plan to do so on or before next Tuesday. 

I’m obviously not writing this piece to persuade you.  I decided that I wanted to review why I believe President Trump will win reelection.

PRESIDENT TRUMP, ready for four more years.

When we elected him in 2016, we had our fill of Barack Hussein Obama, and the mere thought of Hillary Clinton in the White House was a revolting thought, not because she was a woman, but because she was wrong for America.

She was severely tainted. There was the Clinton Foundation and the pay for access optics it represented.  There was her failure in Benghazi.  And the e-mail scandal.  She sealed her fate when she referred to us as “deplorables” who were “irredeemable.”

Donald Trump came along with ideas that made sense.  I don’t think many of us believed that he could pull it all off.  While he told the blacks, “what have you got to lose,” he was directing it to all Americans, and it worked.

He was an outsider and a business man who viewed Washington the way we did and promised to drain the swamp.  Sure, his language may not be politically correct, but you always know where he stands.

Even before he was elected, the swamp dwellers signed up for resistance training, and soon the Deep State was formed to prevent him from carrying out his goals.  They even tried to have him removed from office. And they had the leftist media to help them. Biden’s candidacy, as weak as it is, is the left’s last hope to defeat the president.

Every attempt to stop him and discourage his supporters failed over his first term, but he took them on and continued to keep his promises and then some, and his base remained strong.

He cut the corporate tax rate and cut the crippling, job killing regulations that stood in the way of industries, and in the process, we became energy independent. Taxes for middle income individuals were cut and wages went up for the average worker.

We all knew that he was a shoo-in to be reelected with the economy booming and unemployment at new lows, but a reluctant President Trump ordered a shut down when the threat of the Chinese virus hit us.

Unlike then Vice President Biden, who had to be taken to the wood shed when he panicked travelers during H1N1, President Trump attempted to keep Americans calm, and was heavily criticized for it.

With an eye on business

When the Chinese stiffed our farmers on purchases, President Trump used Chinese tariff funds to help keep farmers afloat, a move that would have been unheard of in previous administrations.

During the initial stages of the virus outbreak, he used his business acumen to encourage private companies to get involved to produce ventilators, masks and other medical supplies.  And he initiated Operation Warp Speed to accelerate the research and development of a vaccine.

At the same time, he was instrumental in replacing NAFTA with the USMCA pact with Canada and Mexico.

An international leader

The president removed the handcuffs from our military to decimate ISIS, and gave  them the green light to take out terrorist leaders like al Baghdadi and Soleimani  We no longer have a nation building policy in faraway countries and we are reducing our troop footprint there.  He is rebuilding our military to fulfill his peace through strength policy.

We have strengthened the resolve of NATO countries with the president’s encouragement to them to pay their fair share.

Ignoring the decades of no progress by administrations of both parties in securing peace in the Middle East, the Trump administration has Arab countries vying to become part of the pact with Israel.

Promise kept on judges

With the help of our Republican Senate, President Trump has kept his promise to appoint judges who will not legislate from the bench, highlighted by three appointments to the Supreme Court.

He’s asking for your vote

Within days of his hospital discharge and with the approval of his doctors, President Trump was back on the stump to ask for your vote, and he is meeting with thousands of Americans in four-a-day rallies, hitting several states each day.

Fifty-six percent of likely voters believe they are better off than they were four years ago, and while he has done more in 47 months than Biden in 47 years, the president is optimistically saying “the best is yet to come.”  Meanwhile, Biden paints a picture of a “Dark Winter.”

And, as I write this, word that our GDP rose by a record 33.1 percent in the third quarter, voters’ confidence should be buoyed.

My prediction

Historical political evidence has shown that an incumbent president’s reelection possibilities are nearly assured with a strong economy and a country at peace.

Despite what the pollsters are spinning about the electorate, I’m seeing enthusiastic crowds gather to see and hear President Trump, while Joe Biden appears before meager crowds.  Not lost on American voters is the belief, even among Biden supporters, that Biden would not finish his four-year term.

I believe the president has earned the respect of blacks and Hispanics, who will respond with their votes for him.  And the myth of the women vote will be debunked.

While pollsters are calling the race “close,” I truly believe that President Trump will be reelected in a resounding victory.

Pollster Frank Luntz said recently, “If Trump wins, the polling industry is finished.”

And, God forbid, if Biden wins, Kramerontheright will cease being a blog.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.